Balkan Judo Association
Meeting in Igalo Cıty / Montenegro
To: Albanian Judo Federation, Bulgarian Judo Federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina Judo Federation, Hellenic Judo Federation, Montenegro Judo Federation, Macedonia Judo Federation, Romanian Judo Federation, Serbia Judo Federation, Turkish Judo Federation, Kosovo Judo Federation.
From: Balkan Judo Association - Executive Committee.
Dear friends,
On the day 03.09.2016 at 1 p.m. in „Sports Centre Igalo”, Igalo town – Republic of Montenegro was held the Balkan Judo Association meeting.
The meeting was attended by representatives from 9 member countries as follows:
1) Montenegro Judo Federation – delegate Mr.Becanovic Dragomir
2) Tukish Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Deniz Silli
3) Hellenic Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Erdal Fachici
4) Macedonian Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Zeglul Rexhepi
5) Romanian Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Zgorcea Eduard
6) Albanian Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Xhelil Cibaku
7) Bulgarian Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Nikolov Krasimir
8) Bosnia and Herzegovina Judo Federation - absent
9) Serbian Judo Federation – delegate Mr. Andrija Djurisic
At the meeting are present 8 (eight) member federations and 1 (one) absence (Bosnia and Herzegovina Judo Federation).
The session is legal and can continue the work.
The agenda of the meeting had two points (on the agenda).
1) Request from Kosovo Judo Federation to become a member of Balkan Judo Association
2) Voting balkanic judo calendar for 2017 (which countries members will organize balkan judo championships in 2017).
The meeting was open by Mr. Becanovic Dragomir President of Balkan Judo Association.
Mr. President Becanovic welcomed the participants and thanked them for their participation.
Mr. Becanovic subject to the approval and debate to all participants the two points on the agenda.
All participants unanimously adopted the two points on the agenda.
It discusses the first point of the agenda.
All participants received a copy of the request from Kosovo Judo Federation.
One by one each participant member take the floor and talk about the request from Kosovo Judo Federation.
All speakers approve the application of Kosovo Judo Federation less Mr. Andrija Djurisic from Judo Federation of Serbia.
Mr. Andrija Djurisic from Judo Federation of Serbia says that Kosovo is Serbia's territory and does not agree with the request.
Put to the vote the request of Kosovo Judo Federation to become a member of the Association of Balkan Judo.
The result of the vote is seven (7) votes for 1 (one) against (Judo Federation of Serbia.
Congratulation ! Kosovo Judo Federation is the new member of Balkan Judo Association.
For the second point of the agenda Mr. President Becanovic reminded delegates that it had been convened since the last Balkanic Congress in Skopje - Republic of Macedonia.
Asks the delegates (the balkan members) who will organize the Balkan Judo Championships in 2017.
Mr. Erdal Fachici, delegate from Hellenic Judo Federation, proposes that the Balkan Judo Championships for Childrens 2017 to be in republic of Greece.
No other proposal for Balkan Judo Championship for Childrens 2017.
The proposal was voted.
Unanimously (8 votes for) the proposal is adopted.
Mr. Deniz Silli, delegate from Tukish Judo Federation, proposes that the Balkan Judo Championships for Cadets 2017 to be in republic of Turkey.
No other proposal for Balkan Judo Championship for Cadets 2017.
The proposal was voted.
Unanimously (8 votes for) the proposal is adopted.
Mr. Nikolov Krasimir, delegate from Bulgarian Judo Federation, proposes that the Balkan Judo Championships for Juniors 2017 to be in republic of Bulgaria.
No other proposal for Balkan Judo Championship for Juniors 2017.
The proposal was voted.
Unanimously (8 votes for) the proposal is adopted.
For Balkan Judo Championship for Seniors 2017 no proposal in this meeting.
The delegates of the balkan meeting appoints Mr. Deniz Silli – General Secretary to organize electronic voting for the designation the member country which will make Balkan Judo Championships for Seniors in 2017.
- In 2017 each participant in Balkan Judo Championships (official, coach, referee, athlete, doctor, etc.) will pay 35 Euro / day full accommodation.
- Balkan Judo Championships will start Friday with accreditation, draw, weigh-in, meeting with referees and will continue Saturday and Sunday with repechage and final block.
- It is proposed that in the future to organize Balkan Judo Championship for Teams for Cadets and for Juniors.
- It is proposed referees seminars for improving arbitration in balkans.
At the end of the meeting Mr. Becanovic Dragomir - President of Balkan Judo Association thank to all delegates for their participation.