Meeting Minutes
Hiawatha Farms Board of Directors Meeting
Date: 06 May 2010 / Time: 7:00-8:30 PM / Location: 1050 Hiawatha Farms RoadFormal Agenda
(if any) / 1. Previously Published per By Laws /
Attendees: / 1. Tom Richardson, President
2. Randy Ball, Vice President/Secretary
3. Sarra Golden, Treasurer
4. Jeff Golden / 5. Brian Corkery
6. Philip Walz
7. Rita Wilson
8. Bill Snyder
Absent: / 1. N/A
2. / 4.
Called to order at 7:00 PM, quorum present.Minutes from the previous meeting were adopted without change.
Officer Reports:
President: Per the bylaws, HOA liability as well as errors and omissions insurance has been secured and will be paid in full.
Treasurer: Pursuant to discussions with the HOA attorney, lien notices will be sent by the attorney to HOA members who are delinquent in their HOA dues.
Vice President/Secretary: N/A
Committee Reports:
Road Maintenance Committee: a notice with photos will be sent to all HOA members documenting the deterioration of HF Road due to failure to control weeds along the roadside and easement. Members will be asked to apply grass and weed killer by a set date, or pay the HOA to perform the maintenance, or possibly face assessment for the work.
See Action Items.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC): Brian Corkery’s request for a driveway addition and water pump housing was granted.
Finance Committee: Once costs for the road and culvert are developed, and dues are collected, the Committee will present a proposed budget for Board discussion.
Bylaws Committee: With no response from the owner of the lot 37, the subject of the third amendment to the HOA covenants and restriction, the Board authorized the filing of a Notice of Invalidation of the amendment which would allow steers on the property. See Action Items.
Old Business:
The solar lighting for the entrance signs has arrived and we are waiting for delivery of necessary poles for installation. The lighting will be equipped with security fasteners that, we hope, will deter theft of the lighting.
A draft letter to bank/owners/maintenance company/realtor with regard to 974 HFR’s failure to maintain the property
was sent and assurances from the maintenance company were received and the lawn, as of the date of the meeting,
appeared to be maintained. The Board will monitor the maintenance to prevent neglect.
The Board hereby conveys its sincere appreciation to Brian Corkery and Kyle and Jaqueline Steinmetz for their hard work cleaning and painting the entrance fence. The Board also hereby conveys it sincere thanks to Hannah Blanks for maintaining our HOA website.
The Board discussed the legal status and practical effect of the pavilion area which is not owned by HOA, is not insured by the HOA, and which HOA members have been attempting to maintain. Randy Ball will investigate the status further to determine the intention of the owner (developer Watha Ard and/or his estate). See Action Items.
Discussion of drafting job descriptions of committee members was deferred to the June meeting.
The Board discussed establishing a mowing calendar for the entrance area and the pavilion. Randy Ball agreed to coordinate the schedule. See Action Items.
Brian Corkery presented the Board with a detailed proposal on installing a gate at the front entrance, including pros and cons of the installation and maintenance of such a gate. The Board deferred discussion of establishing a gated-community and acknowledged that other expenses will likely be a priority.
New Business:
As engineer for the culvert repair, Matt Parker was in attendance. He presented his partially completed report on the culvert area and nearby roadside that are eroded and in need of repair. Parker’s report should be completed within a few weeks and he will also investigate construction costs for repairs based on his recommendations. The culvert work, which may entail both flow control and erosion control, including installation of headwalls on the culvert to prevent erosion and widening the north side of the culvert which is currently causing a bottleneck in heavy rains, can be done in phases to spread the cost over time. Mowing of the culvert areas is absolutely necessary to prevent water flow problems and lessen erosion. When a full report is presented to the Board it will decide on a course of action for repairs.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
1. Lien notices will be sent by HOA attorney to HOA members delinquent on their dues.2.
Action Items
Items / Assigned To: / Date Due:1. File a Notice of Invalidation of the amendment which would allow steers on Lot #37. / Sarra Golden / Asap
2. Investigate the ownership status of the pavilion to determine the intention of the owner (developer Watha Ard and/or his estate). Note: Randy’s initial investigation revealed the pavilion and lot are involved in a protracted legal probate dispute. Board will continue to investigate. / Randy Ball / June Mtg
3. Establish a mowing calendar for the entrance area and the pavilion / Randy Ball / Asap