MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2016 @ 7:00 PM

Present: Al Viall Phil Nicholas Dana Henjum

Randy Bettinger Joe Glaze Bill Schulz

Absent: Perry Olson

Viall called meeting to order @ 7:00 pm

Approve/Amend Meeting Agenda

Motion to approve by Viall, seconded by Schulz. All in favor, motion carried.

Approve the September 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve by Viall, seconded by Henjum. All in favor, motion carried.

1). Floor Items
No floor items

2). Truck Update

Glaze said that on December 8th, the truck will be brought in for box installation.

3). Road & Bridge fund left – move to equipment fund

The fund is still in the black because Glaze does a lot of the repairs himself, rather than contracting it out. Bettinger feels it would be good to move half of the funds to the road improvement fund and the other half to the equipment fund.

Motion to split the funds as recommended by Schulz at the end of the year, seconded by Nicholas. All in favor, motion carried.

4). Grader Warranty Update

A 2 year warranty was purchased for $2800.00. This covers anything related to the power train.

5). Meeting Adjourned

Motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm by Viall, seconded by Henjum. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Glaze

Maintenance Supervisor