Head Start/State Preschool
Date: ______
Dear Parent/Guardian,
A Child in our program has been found to have one of the following ailments:
RINGWORM / Ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin marked by the formation of ring-shaped patches covered with blisters or scales. The disease is due to a fungus and causes itching, pain and scaling. It is infectious until 24 hours after treatment has been started. If you suspect your child has ringworm, please check with your physician for treatment.STREP THROAT / Watch your child for these signs:
- Headache
- Fever (sometimes)
- Stomach Ache
- Red and painful throat
- Swollen and tender neck glands
(Erythema Infectiosum) / Some of you may have questions about Fifth Disease occurring in the schools this Spring. It is a mild moderately contagious disease, seen mostly in children. It causes a marked redness (erythema) of the face as if the child has been slapped. The reddening of the face fades and returns. The rash will last from 2 to 34 days. No treatment or isolation is indicated. The incubation period is 10-14 days.
HEAD LICE / Please take these precautions:
- Check your child’s hair for eggs (also called “Nits”)
- If you suspect your child has Head Lice, please call your Doctor for information and the recommended treatment.
- Tell us if your child is diagnosed as having Head Lice. Do not return child to the program until all Head Lice\Nits are removed.
PINK EYE / Please take these precautions:
- Watch your child and your family for signs of Pink Eye (redness and discharge from eye)
- Call your doctor for more information if needed.
- Do not send your child to the program until the DAY AFTER you start giving the medication.
- Please call and tell us if your child is being treated for Pink Eye.
CHICKEN POX / Please take these precautions:
- Watch your child for the next 10 days to 3 weeks to see if the Chicken Pox rash develops.
- Do Not send your child to the program with a suspicious rash; call your Doctor.
- If your child develops Chicken Pox they can return to the Program when the blisters are dried up and crusted over.
IMPETIGO / This is a highly contagious condition. A child Can Not come to the Program unless the sores are completely dry or the child has been receiving oral medication for 24 hours. Oral treatment should continue for 10 days.
C:\Documents and Settings\jratzlaff\My Documents\HEALTH\Parent Disease Notification.doc 11/7/2018