MEETING OF Thursday, February 4, 2016
9:00 A.M. – 10:00A.M.
150 N. Third Street, Burbank, CA 91502
Members Present:Michael Cusumano, Cusumano Real Estate Group, ChairJ.C. Holt, Burbank YMCA, Vice-Chair
Michael Wilford, Treasurer
Frank Gangi, Gangi Development
James O’Neill, Crown Realty & Development
Patrick Prescott, Interim Community Development Director
Dominick Scarola, North End Pizzeria
Members Absent: Ted Slaught, The Village Walk Secretary
Justin Hess, Assistant City Manager
Barbara Holliday, Flappers Comedy Club
Department Key Staff:Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Community Development Dept.
Marissa Minor, Community Development Dept.
Susie Avetisyan, Community Development Dept.
The Board meeting was called to order at 9:05a.m., Thursday, February 4, 2016.
Staff announced that the next Joint Meeting of the PBID and TBID would be held in late March or early April. It was also announced that the Hilton Garden Inn would be opening in August of this year.
There were no members of the public present that wished to speak at this time.
The minutes for the meeting of January 7, 2015 were presented for approval. Frank Gangi made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Dominick Scarola; motion carried 6-0.
The treasurer’s report for January 31, 2016 was presented for approval by Mike Wilford. Mr. Wilford noted that the Board’s current assets stand at $668,000. Frank Gangi made a motion to approve the report as presented, seconded by JC Holt; motion carried 6-0.
- Burbank Comedy Festival ACTION ITEM
Joshua Snyder from Flappers Comedy Club presented a wrap-up of the Burbank Comedy Festival which took place August 14th - 20th, 2015. With sponsorship investments from the PBID and the Burbank Hospitality Association, the festival was able to increase their marketing and event promotions by $20,000. This helped to increase festival attendance by 25 percent. The Board tabled the vote of the Flapper’s Comedy Club Sponsorship until the next PBID meeting in order to make a decision regarding sponsorship funding once a review of the 2016 detailed budget expenses had taken place.
- Burbank Beer Festival Wrap-Up
Staff presented a financial report to the Board detailing the income and expenses incurred by the California Beer Festival (CBF) at the 2015 Burbank Beer Festival. The Downtown Burbank Partnership provided the CBF with $30,000 in seed money that was returned to the Partnershipafter the event was completed. Downtown Burbank also received $4,082.20 in income, or 20% of the events total income per the Boards contract with CBF.
- Robin Faulk Marketing Consultant ACTION ITEM
Staff presented a consultant contract for Robin Faulk Marketing to the Board for review and approval. Staff noted that in 2016 Mr. Faulk will continue to assist with marketing and event promotions while increasing support of website development and social media marketing. After review of the proposal, Michael Wilford made a motion for approval of Mr. Faulk’s contract, seconded by Dominick Scarola; motion carried 7-0.
- 2016 Budget ACTION ITEM
Staff reviewed the 2016 budget with the Board, noting that funding from 2015 would be carried over to the 2016 Capital Improvements and Maintenance budget. The Board requested a detailed view of the proposed 2016 earmarked expenses for both Capital Improvements and Promotions/Events. The Board tabled the approval of the annual budget until the next PBID meeting once a review of the 2016 detailed budget expense had taken place.
- 2016 Calendar of Events
Staff reviewed the 2016 Calendar of events with the Board including the upcoming Downtown Burbank Arts Festival, set to take place April 16th and 17th.
- Board Member Position Renewals ACTION ITEM
The Board discussed renewal of three members whose terms had expired: Michael Cusumano, Frank Gangi, and Dominick Scarola. Michael Wilford made a motion for renewal of the aforementioned Board Members for another three year term, seconded by JC Holt; motion carried 7-0. Next, the recently vacated Board position was discussed. Several members of the community were recommended to fill the vacancy. Staff will be sending out information and applications to all Downtown Burbank merchants and property owners this month.
- On-going Operational Issues ACTION ITEM
Staff asked the Board to consider transferring $20,000 from the City’s holding account to cover monthly bills and expenses. Michael Wilfordmade a motion for approval, seconded by Frank Gangi; motion carried 7-0.
- New Items
Representatives from the Burbank Community YMCA and The Burbank International Film Festival will make presentations to the Board at the March Board meeting.
- Next scheduled meeting:March 3, 2016