Sr. SAP Consultant
Over 14+ years of experience with various phases of systems development life cycle process including business development, project estimation, requirements determination, business blueprint, systems design, development, testing, go-live and post implementation support.
Around 12+ years of strong professional experience in customization and implementation of SAP R/3 as an ABAP/4 Technical Consultant. Core expertise in ABAP 4.6C and SAP Enterprise Release ABAP 4.7., ECC 5.0, ECC6 6.0, WEBDYNPRO, ADOBE Interactive form. BRF, BRF PLUS, Workflows, Involved in Design, Development, Testing and Performance tuning in all TRM, OPEN TEXT, VIM, AP, SRM, MM, SD, FI, CO, SD, PP, PM, WM, BI, GRC, and MDM modules.
- Around 3 years of strong hands on lead technical experience in AP, FI, VIM, OPEN TEXT, SABRIX Configure, implementation, Upgrade and support in Oil and Gas industries.
- More than 3 years Hands-on experience in design, development and configuration of BRF, BRF PLUS applications and PC-CD process including Registration(BP/CA/CO), TRM, billing and Invoicing, IRC, Payments, P&I, Revenue distribution.
- More than 4 years of strong experience in end-to-end Implementation of SRM & SUS (5.0/7.0) for Classic and Extended classic Scenarios (Business scenario for SC, PO, SOCO, RFX, RFX response, Contract, ECC PReq & CPPR, Service Hierarchy, PO, GR, INV,POR,CRM Middleware, BRF, WORKFLOW and E Sourcing).
- Hands-on work experience in MDM data modeling, MDM admin activities, MDM catalog, UI Manager, Data Manager, Import manager, Import server, Syndicate manager, Syndicate server MDM Workflows, Matching strategy, Matching Rule, Search UI, OCI, External Catalog (supplier catalog), and External OCI design.
- Experienced in Conversion, Mapping & Migration of Legacy data using LSMW Tool (Legacy System Migration Workbench). Developed BDC programs (Batch Data Communication) and Dynpro programs for transferring data from legacy system to SAP R/3 system & used BAPI upload extensively.
- Experienced with ALE/EDI Configuration, includes partner profile setup, Port definition, message control, condition record, process code and segment definition. Involved in design, development and testing of ABAP function modules to support incoming and outgoing IDOC processing.
- Expert in ALE/EDI Inbound and Outbound interface Functionality and Technical Enhancements, which includes Architectural knowledge to develop interfaces for different business process.
- Strong Experience in ABAP WORKFLOW, BRF and BUS Objects, XI/PI proxy programming, IR, ID designing, XML Schema and Adopters.
Education & Certifications:
- Master of Computer Application, Bharathiyar University, TN, India -1999
- Bachelor of Science [Computer Science], Bharathidasan University, TN, India – 1996
- CCP certified in Level 0 : Banking and Financial Services in the year 2009
Trainings attended:
- In-house training for L0- Banking and financial services.
- In-house training in Cognizant technologies for Functional point analysis
- In-house training in Cognizant technologies for client interaction techniques
- SAP BRF PLUS training from direct SAP USA BRF Plus Author
Professional Experience:
Marathon Petroleum Corporation – Findlay OHOct 2014 to till date
- Lead Tech Architect for handling SAP AP//VIM /SABRIX/ FI//SRM implementation and upgrade project as On-site Lead Coordinator.
Technical Activities:
Worked on a Techno Function role forABAP, Vendor Invoice management (VIM), AP and SABRIX implementation,upgrade and troubleshooting post go live activities.
Worked on end to end VIM upgrade from 4.0 to 7.0, testing, trouble shooting, Enhancements and post go live support.
- Worked on VIM 7.0 DP Document type configuration (Basic, Indexing screen Process, Duplicate check), Process type, BDC transaction for both PO and NPO Invoices.
- Created Custom VIM indexing screen (BASIC, LINE ITEM ) from standard /OPT/SAPLVIM_IDX_UI (1100, 1200) to handle custom field to map (ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2 …) andsame has been configured under document type configuration
- Worked on Module pool programming to enhance OPEN TEXT indexing screen to validate PO and NON PO Based applications to meet the custom requirement.
- Worked on SABRIX Tax specific enhancements posting from BAPI/ Open Text/FB60/MIRO.
- Worked on mapping /OPT/VIM_ZCONST to maintain Org ID mapping with Document type, maintain work flow template and User exit to handle
- Worked on VIM ANALYTICS report to include custom fields and extracting corresponding values from VIM_1HEAD table.
- Worked on VIM Enhancement on posting BAPI OPT/VIM_52_BAPI_DOCLINES_PO and /OPT/DNONPO_INVOICE_BAPI_POST for both PO and NPO applications
- Worked on VIM FAA approval table to sync with custom FAA application to handle legacy applications.
- Worked on develop VIM Business rules for both PO and NPO applications like(Price Discrepancy, GR Discrepancy, Accounting Coding Mismatch, Misc Fee Tolerance Check, 1099K check, Rekey process, Determining tax code for SABRIX)
- Worked on VIM PO FRIEGHT item Price/Quantity LIV workflow enhancement
- Worked on VIM MRBR enhancementforFreight item Price/Quantity block enhancements.
- Worked on WORKFLOW enhancements in Workflow Template, BOR Objects , Class Method to meet customer approval process for both PO and NON PO PRE APPROVED Invoices
- Worked on AP incoming and outgoing interface to created account payable documents for payment process using ABAP PROXY, PI and Data services.
- Lead ABAP developer and PI integrator to integrator Concur system Employee Expenses back to SAP to post invoice documents through Inbound ABAP Proxy for Vendor payment using Document post BAPI BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POS and FEH process to handle error handling and reprocessing
Massachusetts Department of Revenue (IS-PS-CA - TRM) Mar 2013 to tillSep 2014
Lead Tech Architect for implementing SAP TRM application for Corporate tax returns, registration and Payment process using ABAP, BRF+, Webdynpro.
Technical Activities:
- Complete solution providerfor BRF PLUS design development troubleshootingtransport management and ABAP programming for various Tax and Revenue systems related objects, forms, interfaces, workflow management and mass activities.
- Developed complete BRF+ objects functions, rules, rules sets, actions, expressions to provide rules and validations for various tax forms (Controlled substances, Ferry embarkations, Deeds, Smoking Bar Permits, IFTA registration)to file Returns and Registrations.
- Developed global BRF Plus application to include common functionalities Refund calculations, Payment retrieval, ICR data retrieval, Assessment details retrieval which helps other BRF PLUS application can call these functions by importing/exporting parameter to avoid redundant and maintain consistencies.
- Handled complete integration for BRF PLUS with WebDynpro, ABAP classes and interfaces to handle Form and File based tax forms.
- Enhanced workflow inbox webdynpro configuration to handle workflow events like workflow execution, forwarding techniques and re workflow assignment activities.
- Enhanced Standard FQ EVENTS for BRF PLUS pre populating form data for WebDynpro applications, ICR reversal for Straight to Zero process, custom field validation and assignment for Billing and Invoicing.
- Enhanced standard webdynpro component to validate period key and postmark date for various tax return tax types
- Developed Function modules, BAPI programming for Reversal documents and reposting adjustment documents for amended scenarios.
- Developed ABAP programming for Registration, Address validation and update, existing check validations for Business partners/Contract Account/Contract objects for both Mass and form based updates.
- Enhanced standard event to determine posting control reversal/delta for tax amended scenarios.
- Handled complete troubleshooting for Batch programming failures for various Registration and Return Mass activities.
- Complete Responsible to work with SAP BRF Plus subject author for System issues/ Process enhancements/OSS message handling/ SP upgrades/Client requirement business confirmations.
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Modernization Mar 2012 to till Feb 2013
Lead ABAP , BRF PLUS Consultant
Lead Tech Architect for implementing SAP TRM application for Corporate tax returns, registration and Payment process using ABAP, BRF+, Webdynpro.
Design, Develop, Customize and Configure end to end Business process design(BPD) of various attributes for taxpayer entity(BP), Contract Account(CA) and Contract Object(CO) for Taxpayer Management.(atriums: BP roles, BP type, Address usage types, ID types, Number rage and grouping, Legal Entity form, Screen grouping, CA category, Inbound correspondence, CO types, Revenue Types etc... )
- Design, Develop, Customize and Configure end to end Business process design(BPD) of various attributes for taxpayer entity(BP), Contract Account(CA) and Contract Object(CO) for Taxpayer Management.(atriums: BP roles, BP type, Address usage types, ID types, Number rage and grouping, Legal Entity form, Screen grouping, CA category, Inbound correspondence, CO types, Revenue Types etc... )
- Develop, Customize and Configure end to end Tax Form attributes for various Corp tax type to file Tax returns (Configuration includes Form definition, Form fields, Form View (A_, B_, C_, D_ and E_), Form Types, Form Bundle types, ICR and Revenue type, Rendering WebDynpro application, BRF+ Application/Function, Workflow task assignment for Desk/field audit, Re open and Amendment process and Main and Sub transaction for liability posting).
- Designed, developed WebDynpro form layout for Central Registration Form using Form bundle configuration and Developed BRF+ rule engine to create and validate BP/CA/CO/BP relationship/CO-CO relationship.
- Design, develop BRF+ rule engine to define global function to reuse generic rules for various process of creating and validation BP/CA/CO/Billing Document posting/Suspension and Workflow reason, Filing frequency, Inbound correspondence creation using standard BRF+ and TRM specific actions.
- Design developed BRF+ rule engine to define Tax form Field validation (A_, B_, C_, D_, and E_ Form fields) to calculate Tax liability for posting billing documents, Negative posting, and late payment posting using FMCA BRF+ actions, Expressions, Decision table, Function module, and BD table.
- Worked on Split form to avoid the limitation of allowing only 999 fields in a form, by defining multiple forms to achieve complete return in a form type and form bundle.
- Design developed Table form configuration and BRF+ validation to define the logic to generate dynamic table fields form schedules.
- Design, Develop BRF+ application to validate taxpayer entity (BP, CA, and CO) to generate auto registration and Tax Payer Gen Info update.
- Customize BP screen to include various tax payer entity specific fields to define POE/OE status, Entity create and close reasons, KOZ status update and incorporation attribute using BPT and EEWB to facilitate various inbound and outbound interfaces to defined entity specific reference data.
- Design Taxpayer management and Return specific operational, production and determination reports for analyze, validate and view the KPI attributes of taxpayer’s entity and returns.
- Design, customize the Organization structure to define the Org units, Divisions, position and tax officer assignment to define the roles and responsibility to process tax forms, Audits, Work item validations and approval of return suspensions.
- Worked on EMIGALL tool to capture and load the Tax form for data to file a return and entity creation (Registration).
- Worked on BDT, EEWB to enhance and include Business partner custom field to satisfy taxpayer additional information.
MERCK PHARMAMay 2011 to Mar 2012
Lead Tech Consultant to handle procure to pay process for Brazil roll out projects and implement MOBILITY functionality for approval process using /ABAP/Webdynpro/BRF/SRM/MM/MDM
Technical Activities:
- Working as a technical architect/offshore coordinator to handle SRM mobility approval process and BRF workflow for approval/completion for one and n step approval and Brazil specific implementation to provide complete technical solutions to achieve business requirements.
- Develop SRM mobility interface to connect/sending/receiving message DCN/SUP for mobile app for SC/PO off line approval process.
- Develop XI proxy inbound interface programming to create Planned(PR) and production(PO) orders based on the incoming data from legacy system into SAP-ECC.
- Develop GTS Import and Export ALE-IDOC interface enhancement to have IDOC extension, Custom segments to include Brazil rollout specific functionality to achieve customer needs.
- Develop workflow Exits/Enhancement for standard BRF sub workflow template WS40000016 and WS40000017 to send push notification to Mobile App SUP for approval, completion, reminder and error handling mechanism for SRM-Mobility system.
- Develop Brazil KR1250 file based Proxy interface to convert AMEX credit transaction to standard SAP file format and processing it for EM buffer to create General ledger for the every transaction.
- Develop RFC for offline approval workflow completion process to approve, reject and Error handling for any incoming DCN/SUP incoming approval notification from Mobile Apps.
- Configure Process level schema for SC, PO and develop BRF process business rules (Events, Expression) for Completion and Approval for one and N-Step workflow approval using workflow templates WS40000014, WS40000016 and WS40000017 (Task 400007952, 400007953, 400007952)
- Implement SRM BADIs (Item check, Document change, XML output, Tax determination, Smart form change, offline approval) for Brazil specific rollout implementation for control Brazil specific standard fields at SRM SC/PO level.
Virginia State Government / GSTi Mar 2010 to May2011
SAP ABAP SRM MDM Technical Consultant
- Developed xml Schema based ADOBE form (DPSM32), which upload and read data from WSDL file which maps Custom field’s data in to layout design. Also the custom values mapped to standard structure using webDynpro application for report.
- Developed xml Schema based ADOBE form (DPSM30), which upload and read data from WSDL file which maps Custom fields data in to layout design. Also the custom values mapped to standard structure using webDynpro application for report.
- RM RFx ADOBE Output Layout – Developed a new Adobe form/Interface SRM EBP and linking with standard RFX layout (bbp_bid_invi) to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the client rules. Also Logo has been dynamically assigned to the layout based of the Org.Str attribute assigned for the requester.
- Developed enhancement /SAPSRM/IF_BADI_SOA_MAPPING~MAP_BACKEND_TO_X in SRM to map SRM PO customfields with custom fields in ECC PO (Like RFx no, Auction no, header text) through XI interfaceGDE_PurOrdERPReq_V1PurOrd.
- Enhanced Standard WebDynpro Pre and Post Exit (CPPR) and built logic to check and validate Price and Pur.Org of the Preq Line item data which has been transferred to SRM Sourcing
- Enhanced User Exit MM06E005 (Customer fields in purchasing document) and implemented Screen exitSAPMM06E-0111 and SAPMM06E-0101 to include custom PO header and item fields and written functionmodule exit ZXM06U41 and ZXM06U40 to read and write custom data. Also included custom fields ininclude table structure CI_EKKODB and CI_EKPODB
RABO Bank (Netherland)- Cognizant Technology SolutionsFeb 2008 to Mar 2010
SAP ABAP SRM MDM Technical Consultant
- PO Output Layout – Developed a new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard purchase order layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the RABO Bank rules.
- PO Output Layout – Developed new SMARTFORM in SRM EBBP and assigned into to standard RFX layout to proposed, conforming to the standard correspondence as set by the RABO Bank rules.
- Developed various BADI (Document change BADI, Cuff badi, Account determination, PO create, Catalog transfer) to enhance various P2P processes based on the requirement.
- Billing Report. Report displays Billing and its corresponding Sales Order, Accounting
- Modified an interactive Vendor Analysis Report, which lists the materials. Material Number and Storage Location were displayed. Unit of Measure, Description and Group Totals were included.
- Support production issues for SRM MDM catalog Repository to maintain service and material contract. Download SRM MDM catalog from SAP Service market and enhanced for Contract Service CLASSIFICATION Data with custom look up tables and custom fields in CATALOG ITEM Table. Also configure Net weaver components for MDM UI manager and UI search to enable SRM MDM catalog.
- Handling Exception MDM files by Mapping Import Manager Open map for source and destination field, Key field definition, matching records and matching Workflow to import
- contract data manually also to execute exception file generated from Import server.
- Configure workflow for material contract which is import through import manager has been sent
- for ADMIN approval for matching records based on the Rule and matching strategy and Assignment defined in Data manager.
- Configure UI manager(OCI mapping , Shopping option, Item display criteria, Shopping list, search, Custom search, Custom item list, Custom item display, Custom cart preview) for SRM and SUS users.
JP Morgan Chase Cognizant Technology SolutionsJun 2006 to Jan 2010
SAP ABAP Consultant
- Configuration included creation of logical systems, assigning clients to the logical system, creating RFC destination, creating the customer distribution model, configuring partner profiles for message type DEBMAS, IDOC type DEBMAS06(IDOC EXTENSION) ; configuring RFC ports and distributing the model. Also developed OUTBOUD USER EXIT EXIT_SAPLVV01_001 to update values to custom field extended in the IDOC.
- Developed eCATT to validate FI posting document data which the business enhances to include local currency for existing data using FB01 transaction. Validation has been done against the data using eCATT testing tool which are going to update in to the process.
- Introduced Multi currency (Transaction and Local) to Monthly TB Report, Daily TB report and Trial Balances with Averages. Added logic to print the trail balance detailed data in ALV report.
- FBB1 Upload using BDC technologies:
Outbound: Creation of the GLAS SSR balances and transactions reconciliation outbound from the SAP General Ledger. Creation of SSR extraction from SAP General Ledger and FTP of the extract to the server