vocabulary (20 points)

AMatch the words to their meanings.(5 x 2 = 10 points)

1.area....a.special things that you need to do a job or an activity

2.competition....b.costs a lot of money

3.equipment....c.a part of a town, a country or the world

4.protect....d.keep someone or something safe

5.expensive....e.game, sport or test people try to win

BComplete the dialogue with the words below.(10 x 1 = 10 points)

aim high interested spend time first hate everybody

proud nervous all year round activities

Mom:Are you OK, Kate?

Kate:No, I’m not, Mom. I 1...... studying for tests. When I take a test, I get very 2...... Sometimes I forget the answers.

Mom:3...... gets nervous.

Kate:No, they don’t. Some of the kids in my class are 4......
in math, science and history. I’m not. You know that I only like the
5...... out of the classroom. I want to 6...... listening to music, dancing and playing basketball.

Mom:But Kate – your marks are good 7...... We don’t need you to come 8...... in class. We want you to 9 ...... and do your best – that’s all. We are 10...... of you, as you are.

grammar (30 points)

ACircle the correct words.(5 x 1 = 5 points)

1.My friends and I eat / eats lunch at school.

2.Our team doesn’t play / don’t play basketball outdoors.

3.Dina study / studies hard all year round.

4.We doesn’t come / don’t come home late.

5.Guy do / does judo and karate at the sports club.

BComplete the sentences with the Present Simple form(10 x 1 = 10 points)

of the verbs in brackets.

1.Sara ...... often ...... (not take) the bus to school.

2...... your Dad ...... (like) to watch sports on TV?

3.Every summer my sister ...... (go) to Eilat for a week.

4.Where ...... Tom ...... (buy)his clothes?

5.Kevin ...... (not wear) shoes in the house.

6...... they ...... (get) homework on Fridays?

7.My parents ...... (not travel) in the summer.

8.Our teacher usually ...... (ride) a motorbike.

9.When ...... your friends usually ...... (meet) for coffee?

10...... you always ...... (get up) so early?

CWrite the words in the correct order to make questions.(5 x 2 = 10 points)

1.are / waiting for / you / what / ?


2.Mike / at the moment / sleeping / is / ?


3.are / the girls / exercising / where / ?


4.dinner / making / Sam / right now / is / ?


5.that noise / is / who / making / ?


DMatch the questions in C to the answers below.(5 x 1 = 5 points)

....a.In the gym.


....c.The phone to ring.

....d.Yes. We can eat soon.

....e.No. He’s taking a shower.

Reading (40 points)

ARead the article.

What is bossaball?
Bossaball is a popular new game in Europe. You can play bossaball indoors, outdoors, on the beach or in a gym. People can enjoy it all year round. It’s a game for everybody – children, teens and adults.
How do you play?
Bossaball is a mix of volleyball1, football and gymnastics2. To play bossaball, the players need special equipment – a trampoline, a net and a ball. Each team has three to five players. The players jump high and then they hit or kick the ball over the net to the other side. If one team misses the ball, the other team gets a point. The game ends when the winning team has 25 points.
What makes bossaball exciting?
It is a fast and energetic game. Players can jump very high – up to ten meters – on the trampoline. Music is also an important part of the sport. The referee3 often plays South American dance music during the game.
Is it a competition sport?
Yes, there are bossaball competitions.The best teams come from Spain and Brazil. Today there are bossaball clubs in Europe, South America and Singapore.
If you like jumping on a trampoline, then this is the sport for you.

1 volleyball كرة طائرة/כדור עף

2gymnastics جمباز / התעמלותקרקע

3referee حكم/שופט

BAnswer the questions.

1.Circle the correct answer.(4 points)

Bossaball is a … .

a.sports club


c.team sport

d.sport for adults

2.What do people need to play the sport?(4 points)


3.Write T(true) or F(false) for each of the following sentences.(4 x 4 = 16 points)

Copy the words from the article that helped you answer.

....a.People play bossaball only in the summer.


....b.Players use their hands and their feet when they play.


....c.Bossaball is not a quiet game.


....d.There are bossaball clubs only in Spain and Brazil.


4.What are the rules for playing bossaball? Give TWO.(2 x 6 = 12 points)



5.Complete the sentences.(2 x 2 = 4 points)

a.Bossaball is for ......

b.The best teams play in bossaball......

WRITING (10 points)

Write about how you usually spend your weekends.

AAnswer the questions.

1.What do you usually do on the weekend?......

2.Where do you usually go?......

3.Who do you spend your time with?......

4.When do you get up and go to sleep?......

5.How do you feel on the weekend?......

BWrite five sentences about how you spend your weekends.




