Meeting was attended by: Julian Crowe (JC) Practice Manager, Michelle Garratt(MG) Office Manager, Sharon Donnelly (SD) Chairperson, Janet Baker (JB), Helen Boto (HB), Conrad Cooper(CC), Gwendoline Cooper (GC), Norma Davis (ND), Richard Denham (RD), Janet Harper (JH), Roger Martin (RM), Dennis McKetty (DM), Elizabeth Mitchell (EM), Eileen Plowe (EP), Michael Pratt (MP), Lynn O’Shea (LO)
1. Apologies were received from: Brian Gravestock (now a Virtual Member), Lyn Mura, Veronica Howes, John Fryatt, George Westcott
2. Minutes of the last meeting on 14th January, 2015 were approved.
3. Action Plan from last Meeting and Improvements Summary
The overall Action Plan for 2014/15 had been circulated to members and showed 45 improvements had been actioned (copy attached).
The Action Plan from the last meeting (copy attached) had been accomplished, with the exception of one item regarding a grant from The Swivel Club towards a chairlift, which was still pending as the Chairperson had so far received no response to her emails.
4. Taking our PPG Forward. Immediate Actions Necessary
Mr. George Westcott had resigned his position as Secretary of the PPG and SD took the opportunity of thanking him, in his absence, for his contribution and efforts over the past year. He would continue to help regarding Health and Safety audits.
The situation now meant that the position of Secretary was vacant and SD proposed that for the interim period JH should step in and asked for a show of hands to accept her proposal. This acceptance was given by members SD also highlighted that it was normal for officers to be appointed to positions at Annual General Meetings rather than at other times during the year and therefore asked for the meeting’s agreement that this could be the case in future. The meeting agreed that this was a more sensible time to appoint officers. SD said that at the AGM on 21st April, 2015, she would be proposing that JH took over the role of Secretary on a permanent basis. She added that it had also become apparent that to obtain grants etc. it was necessary for the PPG to set up a bank account and this in turn would necessitate the appointment of a Treasurer. Bearing in mind the help she had received already from HB regarding obtaining grants available and also her background in the banking world, she would also be proposing that HB should assume the role of Treasurer at the forthcoming AGM.
If anybody wished to put forward other names for these positions SD requested that she be informed so that it could be dealt with at the AGM in April.
5. Practice Report
JC reported that there had been seven complaints in the last quarter, some of which had been somewhat obscure. In answer to a question from JB, JC replied that no matter how obscure the complaint was, they were all fully investigated and the complainants replied to. If the complainant was not satisfied with the explanation given then they were at liberty to take matters further and go to the Ombudsman. He pointed out that even though there had been a slight surge in complaints during the month of February, they were substantially down on the previous year. He would, in future, and if at all possible, be trying to involve the Chairperson in the complaints procedure as an impartial opinion.
DNAs had dropped in the month of February to 98, which was an improvement. It was hoped that measures taken to text patients to remind them of appointments and the ability to cancel appointments by a number of methods had also helped in reducing the number. The Practice Manager had also instigated a system whereby if a patient had not cancelled their appointment and had missed three in the preceding six months, then a letter had been sent informing them that they were in danger of being removed from the Practice List if the situation did not improve.
The Friends and Family Test had been completed by 200 people over the period from December 2014 until 17th March 2015 and this had shown a 75% positive, 4% passive and 8% negative feedback.
During the month of February 2015, there had been 46 F&FT responses which had shown 74% positive, 9% negative and none passive
During the months of February and March an extended one hour, after hours telephone consultation service with doctors had been introduced between Monday and Thursday evenings (6.30 p.m. until 7.30 p.m.). This had proved very popular and would be continued from April onwards. The extended opening times would alter as from 1st April, 2015, from each Wednesday to alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30 p.m. until 7.30 p.m. This was a loss of half an hour of appointment time on the relevant evening, but this was more than compensated for by the after hours telephone service being offered each evening between Monday and Thursday.
JC reported that he had recently had a meeting with NHS England representatives in which a number of points had been addressed. The first being that because Northamptonshire County Council had withdrawn their funding for NHS Health Checks, it had been decided to cease conducting these checks. However, he was pleased to report that these checks would now continue as the Federation, which was a grouping of GP Practices in Northamptonshire, had negotiated a contract with the Clinical Commissioning Group.
Also, at the meeting NHS England representatives had stated that receptionists were able to direct patients to see a Nurse Practitioner if there were no GP appointments available. The Nurse Practitioner could then either prescribe or refer the patient on to a GP if thought necessary. The aim of this was, of course, to deal with more patients and relieve the pressure on GPs, and if it proved successful then the Practice might look at the possibility of recruiting another Nurse Practitioner.
JC had also proposed a change of Practice boundaries. This was necessary because the boundaries had been in place for many years and the situation was now that the Cottons had eight care homes within their boundaries, which was far more than would normally be covered by one Practice. This took a great deal of the Nurse Practitioners’ time as they visited these homes each day. As a result two care homes, 39 Denford Road and Five Gables would be removed from our list and shared between the two Thrapston Practices and also, in time, the areas of Ringstead, Denford and the Addingtons would be removed from the Cottons Practice area. Existing patients who lived in these villages would not, however, be affected as it would only be new patients who would be excluded.
JC also reported that he had requested an improvement grant for a stair lift, but as yet had not had a reply.
For the second time the Practice had used the text messaging facility to request patients to update their records, this time in connection with smoking and they had received 150 responses to date, which was very encouraging.
Regarding the Electronic Prescription Service, this had been discussed by the GPs, but it had been decided that at the present time no further steps towards this service would be taken.
There was still confusion amongst patients regarding the Booking in Screen displaying the words ‘On Time’. Alterations had been made to the screen to show how many patients were in front of the person checking in and the screen also displayed waiting times. Once again it was pointed out that ‘On Time’ referred to the patient checking in on time and did not refer to the doctor’s appointments running on time.
JC reported that it was most encouraging that 48% of patients had now updated their records and registered their mobile phone numbers. This made texting reminders for appointments and clinics much more effective.
A new contract had been entered into with Initial in order to upgrade the toilet facilities and the company would be supplying new soap holders and toilet roll dispensers.
Lastly, he reported that Heather, a receptionist at the Cottons for the past 18 years, would be retiring this month. Her replacement would be a lady named Rita Bosworth. SD added that she had sent a voucher and Thank You card on behalf of the PPG, to which Heather had in turn sent her thanks.
6. PPG Member Reports
SD reported that the Good News Board in the Surgery had been a very good idea and was good for morale.
The PPG had received £438 in grants from East Northamptonshire Council, and this money had been used to buy two more easy chairs for elderly or disabled patients (4 in total) and also a leaflet stand.
Discussion took place regarding the NHS choices website, which it was felt was somewhat unhelpful and undermining as participants could post very negative comments and yet remain anonymous. JC pointed out that some comments on this website were five years old and reflected badly on the Practice even though changes had been made, and this did not reflect the current situation. He asked SD if, through NAPP, it might be possible to try and get the website updated to perhaps comments made over the last year.
SD referred to the assistance HB had given over the past year to obtain grants towards improving the facilities in the Surgery for patients. It had been HB’s knowledge that had also highlighted the possibility of applying for these grants. For this reason she reiterated that at the AGM in April she would like HB to be considered for the post of Treasurer. Together they had attended an event in Thrapston aimed at availability of grants. However, it did appear that the funding available was aimed at specific projects.
SD said that she would be sending out to members an updated Terms of Reference for the PPG. The original Terms had stated that ten people were necessary for a quorum, but it was felt that this might be difficult to achieve in holiday periods etc. and it had been amended to six persons. There were other slight changes which would need to be considered by the group.
LM had emailed a suggestion that our PPG should perhaps apply for the NAPP Corkill Award as we had achieved a considerable amount in the past year. This was a financial award of £500 to be spent by the winning PPG as they wished for the benefit of patients. SD said she had begun to put together a case to be considered by the Award body and she would email this to members and would be most grateful for any feedback and help they could offer. SD asked that members should give some thought to the possibility of appointing a Vice Chairperson, bearing in mind her own medical condition, and that this should be considered at the AGM, together with anybody who felt they could fill this post.
SD referred to Brian Northall who was Chairperson of the Steering Group at Kettering Hospital and who had invited her and another person to go on a tour of the hospital in order to appreciate the hospital perspective in the care pattern. Date to be confirmed by Brian Northall.
This year’s Survey was in the process of being compiled and again the Chairperson’s thoughts would be sent out for comment. It would be appreciated if members could give some thought to Survey questions that could be included this year and email any ideas to the Chairperson. The deadline for compiling the Survey would be set around the AGM time, with the intention of having discussions in June, gaining agreement in July ready for flu clinics in October.
A member of the PPG had previously raised concerns regarding the length of time it took to get an X-ray appointment (approx 10 days) and then the length of time before the results were received back by the doctor (approx. 15 days). In all a total of something like 25 days, which seemed a very long wait for worried patients. JC said that the doctors were also concerned with this length of time and had been registering their dissatisfaction. Some results came back electronically, some by the postal system, depending on the Hospital, but delays were also due to the number of checks the X-ray had to undergo before being released back to the doctor. It was noted, however, that if an urgent concern was highlighted by an X-ray the doctor would be informed very quickly and the wait of 25 days would be bypassed. SD had obtained a review on waiting times for X-rays from across the country and she circulated this for general information. Our area appeared to be not the best, but also not the worst in the country.
7. PPG 2014/2015 Report Agreement
This report had been circulated to members prior to the meeting and SD requested a show of hands to approve that it was acceptable. A show of hands indicated that the PPG accepted the report as accurate.
8. DES 2014/2015 Report Agreement
This is an official document which has to be submitted in a set format to the NHS by the end of March and it is required to be displayed on the Practice Website by 25th March, 2015. SD again had circulated the document before the meeting and the members gave their approval by a show of hands.
9. PPG Members Suggestions and Comments
EM commented on Personal Health Budgets and the Empower Group, with whom she was personally involved, and offered to give the meeting information on this subject at a future date, if they so required.
10. Any Other Business
EM raised the subject of how difficult it was to manoeuvre a mobility scooter in the reception area of the Surgery and that the designated area set out for wheelchairs and mobility scooters was really not the most suitable spot. Discussion took place on positioning a parking area and whether or not an outside area which was covered could be a possibility. Such a structure would have to be funded and it was thought it might be possible that a large company might sponsor such a shelter. EM undertook to contact possible companies and pursue the possibility.