This Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) governs membership in the New America Schools Network. By signing this Agreement, each participating school agrees to abide by the tenants of Network Membership and as follows:
WHEREAS, the New America Schools Network (“Network”) is a private nonprofit corporation that was established to create a network of public charter schools with the mission to empower new immigrants, English Language Learners and academically underserved students with the educational tools and support they need to maximize their potential, succeed and live the American dream;
WHEREAS, the Network includes participating members that are public charter schoolswhich share a common mission with the Network and recognize the benefits of belonging to an organization that will support their educational mission, encourage growth of other Network schools and other Network projects and programs that will in turn expand opportunities to Network schools’ governing bodies, administrators, teachers and students (hereafter “Members”);
WHEREAS, a “New Member” of the Network means a member with an approved charter contractwith a recognized authorizer of a state; is an individual,group, or entity that has submitted a charter application or that is an individual, group, or entity that the Network recognizes as intending to submit a charter application for a charter school using the New America School model,and that has not received either state, federal, local or other funding eligible for payment of Membership Dues as defined below; and
WHEREAS, the Network will provide ongoing development andexpansion of the Network’s mission and vision for its Members through its national-level activities.
NOW THEREFORE, in recognition of the benefits of belonging to an organization that supports their mutual interests, the undersigned Member agrees as follows:
- Member will pay an annual membership fee (“Membership Dues”) as determined by the Board of Directors of the Network, due upon signing of this Agreement bythe Member’s authorized representative and, on July 1 of each year thereafter;
- A New Member shall not be required to pay Membership Dues until on or after July 1 of the year in it which it begins to receive state, federal, local or other funds eligible to pay Membership Dues.
- Membership Dues shall be prorated for Members joining on or after July 1, 2014;
- Membership will provide for participation in Network national meetings for the Member’s Charter School Director
- Admission to Network activities shall be upon invitation and without cost to the Member’sschool head administrator, however, the Member will be responsible for costs associated with the school administrator’s attendance; and
- Such other activities as approved by the Network’s Board of Directors.
______Date: ______
Effective Date of Membership: ______