MYP Level I Unit 2 Summative Assessment 1- Your ideal Spanish classroom
Unit Title: Welcome to Language B ClassArea of interaction: EnvironmentsUnit Question- How do schools impact people and their societies?
Objective: To design an ideal classroom in a Spanish-speaking country.
Summative –Written draft due: 01/02/13 Final Project due: 01/07/2013
You have been hired to build an ideal classroom in a Spanish-speaking country. You will need to complete the steps below, but before you do, make sure you do some research on classrooms in Spanish speaking countries and be ready to discuss your findings in class. Please pay attention on what the Spanish Speaking-Classroom are different or similar fromyour Spanish Class in USA. You will share in class (You can show pictures or videos) to compare your classroom with a classroom in Spanish Speaking Countries.
1. Design: Design an ideal classroom and label at least 20 classroom supplies.
2. Draft: Using your ideal classroom design, write a paragraph describing what items there are and where they are located. Remember to pay attention to gender and number agreement.
3. Revise: Read through your paragraph and check for correct spelling and grammar. It would be a good idea for you to grade your own paragraph using the IB criteria listed below before you turn it in, as this may help you identify ways to improve your paragraph. Share your work with a partner. Your partner should check the following and provide you with some feedback:
- Are your paragraph and layout easy to understand?
- Is there other information you could add?
- Are there any errors?
- How creative is your design? Is it colorful?
Once you partner has given you feedback, make any necessary changes to your classroom design and your paragraph.
4. Present: Make a final copy of your design and paragraph and be ready to present it to the class.
Criterion D- Writing
Achievement level / Level descriptor0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 / The student:
- makes a limited attempt to write basic phrases to express ideas and feelings in a limited range of everyday situations
- has difficulty organizing basic information, and basic cohesive devices are not used
- has difficulty using basic vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; many errors
3-4 / The student:
- writes some basic phrases to express ideas and feelings in a limited range of everyday situations
- organizes some basic information and uses a limited range of basic cohesive devices
- uses a limited range of basic vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; some errors and inappropriate word choice
5-6 / The student:
- writes a variety of basic phrases to express ideas and feelings in a limited range of everyday situations
- usually organizes basic information and uses a limited range of basic cohesive devices
- makes good use of a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions, generally accurately
7-8 / The student:
- writes a wide variety of basic phrases effectively to express ideas and feelings in a limited range of everyday situations
- organizes basic information and uses a range of basic cohesive devices
- makes excellent use of a basic range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions, generally accurately