Ad Hoc Committee on Prior Learning Assessment
Meeting #1: Tuesday April 26, 2016
In Attendance:Sandy Bargainnier, Denise DiRienzo, Angela Galvin, Craig Green, Christy Huynh, Greg Ketcham, Lisa McGhee-Laracuente, Angela Livingston, Mary Beth Longo, Ryan Lynn, Mike Murphy, Benjamin Ogwo, Ben Parker,Jill Pippin, Mary Toale, Sarah Wehrle, Dan Wood
Absent: Rick Back, Jean Chambers, Tom Ingram, CorieKohlbach, Rob Lee, RameenMohammadi, Shelly St. John
1.Welcome and Introductions (Jill Pippin & Mary Toale):After around-the-table introductions, Jill thanked all assembled for their willingness to serve on the committee and outlined the task ahead. We are embarking on a campus wide evaluation of prior learning assessment, and as such it’s important that our work be conveyed to the campus community for review and input. Angela Galvin, Office Manager for Extended Learning, will take formal notes at each meeting for dissemination through a still-to-be-determined method.
2.PLA Efforts to Date (Jill Pippin): In the fall of 2015, discussions took place between Jill Pippin and the Provost about prior learning assessment andthe need for an expanded, formalized role for PLA on campus. Areview of existing campus PLA effortswas recommended, along with several brainstorming sessions to identifyways in which PLA could be more adult friendly, assist with completion rates, and meet institutional and SUNY objectives.The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) is an organization that’s at the forefront of PLA competency based education, so Jill attended their annual conference to assess best practices. She learned that SUNY Oswego already does a lot of things to support PLA, but people don’t know about it. She presented her findings at both Dean’s Council and President’s Council, and obtained support to invite Dr. Nan Travers, an internationallyrecognized expert on PLA from Empire State College, to present on the subject. Dr. Travers visited campus on January 20th(during Winter Breakout) and offered two presentations outlining what PLA is, how to do it effectively, and its benefits for the campus. Committee members wereencouraged to review these recordings if they were unable to attend:
Crafting Prior Learning Assessment Policy at SUNY Oswego (academic perspective):
Prior Learning Assessment and SUNY Oswego:
The request to form anAd Hoc Committee was presented to and endorsed byFaculty Assembly. We have an identified need, and the college has the will to create a formal PLA policy. PLA fits nicely within the Chancellor’s Open SUNY construct. In addition, aSUNYMicrocredentialingTask Force is currently cataloging activities throughout the state that relate to microcredentialing which also dovetails with PLA and competency based assessment.
3. Review / Edit Draft Charge (Mary Toale): Committee members were asked to review the draft charge. Greg asked that the last sentence be revised to read: “The Ad Hoc Committee will engage in an open comment period with the campus community to refine its recommendations and will regularly communicate progress to the campus community.” Lisa asked for a definition of adult learners. Jill stated that the traditional definition, based on IPEDS data, is those aged 25 and over. Here on campus we typically consider “non-traditional” students as those aged 24 and above, however, anyone who doesn’t take a traditional path from high school to college could be considered non-traditional such as a 19 year old active duty military service member.Jill suggested putting together a Google folder with various resources for the committee to review in order toclarify efforts. Denise moved to approve the charge with revisions; Sandy seconded. Motion carried.
4. Communication Plan (Mary Toale):Mary distributed a tentative communication plan for review. The goal is to providetransparency andensurethat FA / FAEB, along with the campus at large, are kept apprised of committee activities including our purpose, our timeline, and our recommendations.A discussion ensued regarding the best avenue for distributing minutes, announcements, etc. FA wants the informationopen and available without people having to work to find it.Can we link to the FA web page or the Provost’s site? Would a shared folder on Google drive be more appropriate? Jill will investigate potential options and report back.
5. Review / Edit Draft Timeline (Mary Toale):A tentative timeline was distributed and approved. Due to end-of-semester time constraints, Jill will email a progress update to FAEB. Over the summer committee members were asked to evaluate existing policies and investigate best practices in preparation for our next meeting in early September.The goal is to finish deliberations and finalize recommendations by the end of the fall 2017 term.
6. Group Exercise (Jill Pippin): Jill distributed a PLA information sheet as well as a group exercise where members were asked to list existing PLA opportunities at SUNY Oswego. The purpose of the exercise was to begin cataloging what we already do. She pointed out that credit doesn’t necessarily have tobe awarded for activity to be considered PLA. The group identified PLA activities as follows:
- transfer and study abroad credits (which can be considered a“traditional” form of PLA);
- evaluated non college programs such as military credit (JST and ACE), international / WES credits,foreign language waiver for high school language experience (there may be college/school limitations with some of these due to accreditation or other issues);
- nationally recognized exams such as CLEP, AP / IB, DSST, UExcel, TOEFL;
- challengeor placement tests such as ALEKS math, CSC 101, music theory (though none of these earn credit they just place students in the appropriate course);
- foreign language assessments not currently covered by CLEP (currently this is only offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the department or instructor);
- VTP Department portfolio and occupational competency exams;
- prerequisite deviations (students register w/instructor’s permission) and GenEd requirements waived based on SUNY transfer credits;
- Music Department interviews / auditions;
- Art department portfolio reviews.
7. Finalized List of Existing PLA Methods at SUNY Oswego (MaryToale):Committee members were asked to give additional thought to existing PLA on campus and email Jill by September 2ndwith additions or revisions to the list outlined in item #6. A finalized list will be compiled – including descriptors for each type and the related institutional policy – for posting / editing / review prior to the next meeting. Non-traditional student Angela Livingston shared her on campus experience as an adult student, particularly her initial frustration in trying to determinewhat PLA the campus would accept, how to earn the credits, etc. She feels the existing process is very stressful and may turn potential students away. Jill thanked Angela for her insight and pointed out that, unfortunately, her experience is not unique. We can do better, and this committee’s workwill be the first step on the road to creating a comprehensive, easy to understand policy.
Meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM.The next meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2016 at 11:00 AM (143 Marano Campus Center).