North Dakota Professional Learning Communities Summit


April 25, 2017

7:30 am – 8:00 am

Pier 7


8:00 am – 12:00 pm& 12:45 pm – 4:00 pm – Keynote Chris Jakicic

Pier 7

Chris Jakicic –

3:30 pm

Pier 7

Getting Ready for Day 2 – Jim Stenehjem

Assess where you are on the PLC journey and plan your day.

April 26, 2017

8:00 am – 8:30 am

Pier 7

Jim Stenehjem – Planning for the Day

8:30 am – 9:30 am – Concurrent Session 1

Pier 7

Making PLCs work in small schools – Derek Gackle, Torrey Danielson, and Jenna Welnel–EastFairview Public Schools

We would like to share our journey in the PLC process. This journey includes a false start, lack of clarity, prolonged absence, refocus, and recommitment. As a small K-8 school with 81 students and 10 teachers, we have endured many struggles but we found some successes that work for us. We hope that our story provides you with some takeaways that can be useful in your school.

Cutty Sark

From Good to Great: One Districts Story to Continuous Improvement – Cheryl Hoggarth, Nikki Laufenberg, & Rachel Richtmeier – Northern Cass Public School

During the 2014-2015 school year, the Northern Cass School District began thedevelopment of a comprehensivesystem for continuous improvement. This included developing adata system which would triangulate academic data for individual students and allow teachers to identify students in need of academic intervention. After identifying key data points at each grade level, the Northern Cass Data Wall was built. The first year was spent focusing on grades K-6. After year one, the Data Wall wasextended togrades 7-12. The Data Wall not only triangulates school-wide assessment scores but takes into account other indicators such as student birthdate, family financial concern, number of schools attended, and overall attendance. The Data Wall has transformed discussions at Northern Cass. This session will discuss the process for creating a data wall, share rubrics for creating a standardized system, and provide concrete ideas on how to use the Data Wall to impact teacher effectiveness and student achievement.

Santa Maria

“SIPping in PLCs leads to greater student achievement – Molly Olson – MREC

Explore the Standards in Practice (SIP) method as a Professional Learning community protocol. Engage in the six step process to evaluate a student assignment, analyze the demands of the task, identify the learning targets, create a rubric, score student work and identify improvements and insights.


Creating a Culture for Collaboration– Andrew Jordan – New Salem/Almont Public Schools

Climate and culture play a vital role in collaboration. Get some tools and strategies that you can use in your school to set the stage for successful collaboration.

9:45 am – 10:45 am – Concurrent Session 2

Pier 7

Creating Virtual PLCs using Skype – Jeremy Holkup & Pam Hall – EduTech & West Fargo

During this session you will learn the ins and outs of Skype for Business and get to participate in a live skype with a school that is actively using it with PLCs. Join us and learn how to move your PLCs to a virtual environment.

Cutty Sark

LCR…. Learning, Collaboration, Results – Brenda Jechort & Glenna Mueller – Theodore Jamerson Elementary School

Participants will explore creating a collaborative culture that focuses on student success… Ideas will be shared using Google forms and success folders to instill a growth mindset within the school setting.Santa Maria

Using PLC’s to Advance a Districtwide Initiative: A District’s Journey to Prepare Every Student to be Choice Ready – Craig Lachowitzer, Sue McPherson, Jodi Zieske, Carla Wolsky, & Cory Steiner – Northern Cass Public Schools

Participants will be engaged in ‘speed dating’ sessions throughout the presentation. They will learn how Northern Cass has implemented AVID PK-12. There will be model for both the elementary and secondary level.

  1. AVIDtutorialsare a great way to incorporate writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reflection (WICOR) into the classroom. It provides students the opportunity to experience rigor by thinking critically through collaborative, inquiry-based discussions. This is documented through three-column note-taking and written reflection.
  2. We have customized our planners based on grade level needs after attending the AVID Summer Institute. Through PLC’s, we have the opportunity to review and discuss how the planners have met the needs of our students and discuss any changes that need to be made. Our planners include daily class learning targets as well as a self-reflection on behaviors and learning.
  3. We have developed binders for students in grades 3-5 to help them to be organized and responsible students. The binders include everything they would need for their day including: filled pencil pouch, planner, and folders for each subject. Through our PLC's, we have the opportunity to discuss any changes that need to be made or what we have noticed is working well.
  4. We have utilized the PLC approach to successfully implement and use the AVID Text Annotation approach. Topics covered include what text annotation is, ideas on how it can be utilized, how your PLC's can make it work for you, and why this approach is great for students and teachers."


Focus on Results: Digging Deeper with Data – Jessica Brown & Kelly Kopp – L.E. Berger Elementary, West Fargo

In this session, we will take a closer look at ways in which to analyze and organize data to best fit the needs of various PLC teams. Upon completion of this session you will walk away with tools and ideas for analyzing and organizing data within PLC’s, as well as ways to dig deeper into the data while tracking the process.

11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Concurrent Session 3

Pier 7

Global Ed Software from Solution Tree: A great tool to supporting a PLC – Jim Stenehjem – ND LEAD Center –

This session will be facilitated by Jim Stenehjem and will be an introduction to the Solution Tree, Global Ed Software. The presenter will be a solution tree representative over zoom, will participants will get exposed to all of the features of this powerful program. It includes:1) access hundreds of videos and resources from top authors for sustained, job-embedded professional development on PLCs,2) on-demand, personalized webinar-coaching from certified experts, 3) online tools to unpack standards, build common assessments, review team data and manage interventions.

Cutty Sark

Igniting a Passion for Collaboration– Deb Follman, Michelle Clouse, & Sara Thompson – Sweetwater Elementary School, Devils Lake

Transforming the culture of a traditional school into a professional learning community is a challenge for a school community. Schools know they “have” to improve, the question is “how.” The best place to start is by orchestrating the collective power of the staff into professional learning teams. This session will delve into the three big ideas of a PLC— collaborative inquiry, commitment to high levels of learning for all students, and utilization of data systematically to improve teaching and learning. By working cooperatively and productively, student performance not only improves, but schools become more energized and fulfilling places to work.

Santa Maria



Focus on the 4 DuFour, Making PLCs Meaningful – Shirley Swanson – Westside Elementary School, West Fargo

How the role of the Instructional Coach can support the PLC and maximize the PLC process.

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Concurrent Session 4

Pier 7

Creating Teacher Teams using Dylan Wiliam’s DVDs to facilitate the process – Jim Stenehjem, – ND LEAD Center – will demonstrate a DVD series where Dylan Wiliam provides a professional development program that includes facilitator materials, PowerPoints, and handouts, designed for nine sessions a year over two years. Participants will see how a session of the materials is designed to work, and learn how these teacher teams can transform student learning.

Cutty Sark

How to use online tools (OneNote, Front Row Education, & Mastery Connect) to level students for I.E time and classroom instruction – Wade Meschke, Breanna Irvine, & Kimberly Clarke – Roosevelt Elementary School – Mandan

Participants will look at how to use Front Row Education and Mastery Connect to determine the level of need for each student. Participants will need to bring a laptop and class roaster to register for the free, online program Front Row Education. We will focus on math instruction.

Santa Maria

Differentiated Professional Learning in the PLC – Tabby Rabenberg & Tara Olson – Horizon Middle School, Bismarck

This session will focus on highly effective and differentiated professional learning that is teacher PLC driven. We will address the following:

1. Creating a professional learning plan.

2. Tying professional learning to goals.

3. Connecting professional learning to the evaluation process


Enhancing Your School’s Collaborative Culture – Erin Lacina – Northeast Education Services Cooperative, Devils Lake

In this session, participants will explore opportunities to enhance a school’s collaborative culture through the implementation of instructional rounds, Swivl technology and sharing of student work. Erin Lacina, Project Director for the Northeast Education Services Cooperative, will share how these strategies are being implemented regionally and within individual schools in the northeast area of North Dakota to reflect upon teaching and learning. Join this session to actively rehearse instructional rounds and to see the Swivl first-hand! Open your mind to new ways of looking at instructional practice and the critical PLC questions!

2:15 pm – 3:30 pm

Closing/Planning Session: Next Steps and PLC Self-Assessment – Jim Stenehjem, ND LEAD Center

Use a rubric to assess your present status as a PLC and help guide your next steps. Take some time as a team to plan your next step. Review resources to assist with your PLC journey. Finally, celebrate the PLC process.

QR Code to ND LEAD Center site for PLC Summit Handouts

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Learning Forward North Dakota

Learning Forward