The Board of Aldermen of the City of Springhill, Louisiana met in regular session in the Council Chambers at Springhill City Hall on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. with Mayor Carroll Breaux presiding.

PRESENT:D. Nicole Frazier,Dennis Smith,Ross Fleming, Adam Harris, and Ronnie Dees, Aldermen.


Carroll Breaux,Mayoropened the meeting with prayer.

Adam Harris, Alderman, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Ronnie Dees, to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting held on November 9, 2015.




Mayor Breaux asked that the agenda be amended to include the following two items of city business:

  1. Adopt a LGAP Grant Resolution.
  2. Declare the municipal property located at 129 South Main, Springhill, Louisiana (the former Citizens Nation Bank Building) as surplus property no longer needed for public use.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Adam Harris, to amend the agenda for these two items of city business.


Mayor Breaux recommended to the Council that a public auction be held at the next Council Meeting on January 11, 2016 to auction off the municipal property located at 129 South Main, Springhill, Louisiana (the former Citizens National Bank Building) and authorize the Mayor to proceed with the advertisement of the surplus property no longer needed for public use.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris, to accept the Mayor’s recommendation.


Mayor Breaux made a recommendation to appoint Pamela Frazier to the City of Springhill Planning and Zoning Commission Board.

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to accept the Mayor’s recommendation.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ross Fleming, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Springhill Alumni Association for the Heritage Park Proposal.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to introduce an Ordinance entitled “Ordinance by the City of Springhill, Louisiana, to Assess a Collection Fee on Debts Referred to Collection Agency.”

MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ross Fleming, to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with LAMATS for debt collection services.


A list of beer license renewals for 2016 was presented for the Council’s approval. All on the list with the exception of Pizza Pro had paid.

The Mayor moved on to the next agenda item while Mike Dunaway, Public Works Director, went over to City Hall to locate the list of beer license renewals that needed to be approved.

Chief Will Lynd asked that the next item the hiring of a jailer be tabled at this time as he was not ready to make a recommendation and he needed more time to make his decision.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to table this item till the next Council Meeting.


Chief Lynd requested permission to purchase a piece of surveillance equipment totaling $1,900.00. The Chief went on to tell the Mayor and Council that the Webster Police Jury was donating $900.00 towards this request and the balance the City would owe would be $1,000.00

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to approve the Police Chief’s request that the equipment be purchased out of the Police Budget at a cost of $1,000.00 to the City.


At this time Mayor Breaux passed around the list of the beer license renewals for 2016 and asked City Clerk, Shelli Malone, what the one on the list that was not highlighted meant. Mrs. Malone stated that the one not highlighted on the list had not been paid so that it could not be approved at the meeting at this time. Mayor Breaux stated that we would re-visit this item a little later.

MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Adam Harris, to pay the bills for November 2015 totaling $75,976.65.


MOTION was made by D. Nicole Frazier, seconded by Ross Fleming, to adopt a Resolution for the LGAP Application in the amount of $35,000.00. Mayor Breaux gave a brief explanation of the scope of this work.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Adam Harris, to declare the municipal property located at 129 South Main (the former Citizens National Bank Building) as surplus property and no longer needed for public use.

Discussion followed with Alderman Dees asking the question if the City should reserve at least twenty feet of the property that the Springhill Fire Department currently occupies which runs adjacent to the former Bank Building so that it gives the City some room to have access to their building. More discussion followed with Alderman Dees amending the original motion of Alderman Fleming to declare the municipal property located at 129 South Main (the former Citizens National Bank Building) as surplus property no longer need for public use but reserve twenty feet of the property that runs between the former bank building and the building owned by the City which currently is occupied by the Springhill Fire Department. More discussion followed with Alderman Harris stating that he didn’t think the City had enough information at this time to make a sound decision regarding this matter.

MOTION was made by Adam Harris to table the matter. No one seconded this motion so the motion died for a lack of a second. More discussion followed with Public Works Director Mike Dunaway leaving the meeting to go and measure the distance between the two buildings so that a more informed decision could be made.

Mayor Breaux moved on to the next agenda item the 2016 Beer License Renewals.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to approve the list of the 2016 Beer License Renewals with the exception of the one business who had not paid at this time. Adam Harris asked the question as to what the consequences were for the one business that was not paid at this time. The answer to his question was that it would have to wait to be approved at the next Council Meeting on Monday, January 11, 2016.


Public Works Director Mike Dunaway returned to the meeting with the distance measurement between the buildings and more discussion followed concerning the City reserving twenty feet of the City Property located at 129 South Main to be auctioned off.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Ross Fleming, to declare the municipal property located at 129 South Main (the former Citizens National Bank Building) as surplus property no longer needed for public use and to reserve an additional twenty feet of the property for the City Building next door which is currently occupied by the Springhill Fire Department, and to auction it off at the next Council Meeting to be held on Monday, January 11, 2016.


At this time Mayor Breaux asked if the Council would like to re-visit Agenda Item F for the 2016 Beer License Renewals.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by D. Nicole Frazier, to amend the agenda to include the beer license for Pizza Pro which delivered their money for the license during the Council Meeting to be approved.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dennis Smith, to accept the renewal of the 2016 beer license for Pizza Pro.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Shelli Malone, City Clerk Carroll Breaux, Mayor