New Hartford Public School
Consolidation Task Force
Ann Antolini School
Monday, May 13, 2013 at 5:30 pm
Draft Minutes
Members: Denton Butler, Bonnie Gilbert (5:35), Roxanne Helt, Alesia Kennerson, Dianne Litchfield, Kate Rieger, Maria Moore (5:38), Katie Fisk Natale, Ted Stoutenberg,
Guests: Philip O’Reilly, Michael Luzietti, Amanda Shaw, Cliff Gibson, Maria Watkins, Kurt Moffet,
The acting chair, Katie Fisk Natale, called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM.
Mrs. Kennerson made a motion to amend the agenda to move, to the beginning of the meeting, the transportation presentation by Cliff Gibson (DATTCO Chief Operating Officer). Ted Stoutenberg, seconded. Unanimous
Mr. Cliff Gibson spoke about transportation needs if Bakerville Consolidated School were closed and New Hartford Elementary were to cover grades pre-K through grade 1 and Antolini School grades 2-5. Current enrollment was used for this projection. (See attached letter to Superintendent). His analysis indicated the following:
· No change in the number of buses from current number (11 buses);
· A small reduction in ride times compared to now;
· $11, 000 increase in fuel costs—increased due to proposed shuttling of students/buses from Antolini to New Hartford and vice versa. If steps were taken to reduce the number of buses making the trip (combine students into a few buses), the increase could be reduced to $350.00, but ride times would increase;
· These figures reflect the implementation of all-day kindergarten, but do not reflect the anticipated reduction in bus cuts due to the elimination of the mid-day runs compared to currently (estimated $10,000 savings as of the 2013-14 school year); and
· There are other options to consider if you want to reduce buses.
Approval of Minutes from April 4, 2013:
Include Denton Butler in attendance in minutes of April 4. Correct several typographical errors. Include why Mr. Tuxbury voted to close Bakerville Consolidated School. Mr. Stoutenberg made the motion to approve the minutes as amended. Mrs. Rieger seconded. Unanimous.
Administrative Response to Questions Regarding Impact of Increased Student Enrollment/Grades on Antolini School (grade 2-6):
Mrs. Shaw distributed her map of Antolini School with the proposed grades 2-6 configuration. There were discussions of room sizes and maximum capacity of the school (including the cafeteria and the multi-purpose room).
· Using current projections of enrollment, there will be 397 students in grades 2-6.
· There are 20 regular education classrooms, with possibly one additional space which could be made available if an additional classroom were needed.
· Maximum seating in the cafeteria is 272; maximum standing room 370; the multi-purpose room can hold 179 students. These numbers are dictated by fire code.
· There would be 3 lunch waves with a maximum attendance of 150 students.
· An additional cafeteria employee will be needed to accommodate the additional students.
There was some concern expressed relative to the capacity of the multi-purpose room.
Full school assemblies which currently occur about 5-6 times per year for concerts and beginning/end of school year activities would have to be split into two sections.
Problem Opportunity Analysis (POA) and Responses
Dr. Fisk Natale passed out the draft POA--If a school is closed, which should it be? What would be the configurations? (See distributed report.)
There was a discussion about the longevity of modular classrooms.
Mrs. Rieger noted potential downsides of closing Bakerville School--
1. Community reaction to a possible closure since many townspeople attended Bakerville Consolidated.
2. Change of working conditions for the building principal at Antolini.
3. Younger children placed in Antolini could result in increased bullying.
Mr. Butler noted that in many school consolidation efforts there are often building project costs due to needed changes. He suggested that a facilities assessment/benefit analysis be done on all the district’s schools.
Due to time constraints at this meeting, Mr. Butler suggested that we distribute other POAs for members to review in preparation for the next meeting. Members were reminded that they are drafts until reviewed and discussed.
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, June 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Mrs. Kennerson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m. Mrs. Rieger seconded the motion. Unanimous
New Hartford School Consolidation Study Committee (May 13 Draft)
Problem/Opportunity Analysis—If a school is closed, which should it be? Bakerville or New Hartford Elementary? If so, should the grade configurations in two schools be grades K-1 in one school; 2-6 at Ann Antolini? Or K-6 in each of two schools?
School enrollment continues to drop, and recent enrollment projections indicate even steeper declines in the K-6 school age population over the next decade. Maintaining three school buildings with a shrinking enrollment is becoming less cost efficient, as “fixed costs” (building maintenance, utilities, etc.) as well as certain staffing costs will rise as a percentage of the school budget, whereas town tax revenues are not projected to increase proportionately. Closing of one school is being considered as a way to reduce town education costs over time and increase and potentially enhance the efficiency in the delivery of education to the community.
Current situation:
Kindergarten – grade 2 students are assigned to either Bakerville or New Hartford Elementary based on a geographic line drawn to distribute children as equally as possible between the two schools. Both buildings have undergone renovations in that last decade, based on previous projections of enrollment growth. In the interim, declines in student enrollment have resulted in elimination of classrooms and teachers.
Key assumptions:
· Current enrollment projections of continuing enrollment declines are accurate.
· Closure of one school will result in savings to the town and help ensure the continuing quality of education to students and families.
· Educational benefits will result from placing all students in a specific grade in the same school building if that decision is made.
· There will be savings over time by consolidating schools if enrollment continues to decline.
Resources required:
· Consultant to provide New Hartford school enrollment projections.
· New Hartford administrator staff time to plan a feasible school consolidation plan and its implication on the education programs offered to students.
· Costs to accommodate changes in room configurations based on changes to usage.
· Costs (including possibly outside contractor to assist school staff) in making any necessary school renovations as well as moving equipment, furniture, school materials from one school to another in the event of consolidation.
Proposed approach:
· Convene the school consolidation committee to consider implications of choosing one school over another.
· Conduct walk-throughs to evaluate building conditions, possible classroom/room use configurations, and other factors relating to building conditions and use for students.
· Consider the educational impacts of closing a school and re-configuring grades at each school.
· Estimate savings associated with the closure of one school, using different scenarios.
· Estimate costs associated with closure of either Bakerville or New Hartford Elementary, including any costs associated with closure of a school within the state’s timeframe for recovering state reimbursement grant costs.
· Present recommendations based on data collected.
· Solicit public input into recommendations.
· Present recommendations to town committees.
Possible Project Outcomes:
· Decision not to close a school
· Decision to close either New Hartford Elementary or Bakerville School.
· Decision to re-configure grades—option A: grades K-2 at one school; grades 3-6 at Ann Antolini; option b: grades K-6 at Ann Antolini and either New Hartford Elementary or Bakerville
Upside potential:
Taxpayer savings over time: A school closure will—over time—potentially result in tax-payer savings, as well as the opportunity to open up the use of one closed school building to other public uses (e.g., senior center, or day care center). Most of those savings will occur due to reductions in classrooms needed and associated teacher staff.
Consolidation of grade levels in one school: If a school closure results in two schools configured to serve town-wide students in specific grade-levels per school (i.e, one school K-grade 1; Antolini grades 2-6), this will facilitate collaboration among teachers leading to better coordination of curriculum and instructional strategies at the early elementary grade levels as well as increased efficiency in use of specialized staff (special education director, music and art). These benefits are projected to translate into better educational outcomes for students.
Advantages of closing Bakerville vs. New Hartford: New Hartford Elementary has adequate room for full-day kindergarten, art and music instruction, as well as a superior gym with a wooden floor. Library/media space is larger than in Bakerville. There are good drainage fields. Storage and parking are adequate. In contrast, Bakerville has drainage issues, no room for full-day kindergarten, a gym that is small, with tiled floors (vs. wood) and which doubles use as a cafeteria. Bakerville has modular classrooms with a limited life span (already 10 years into their use), as well as no water or bathrooms. There is no sprinkler system in the school (vs. New Hartford Elementary and Ann Antolini), and the building is a wood structure which requires more maintenance than a brick structure.
Cost-savings to the town: these are projected to be realized from closure of one school (see “possible savings” below)
Transportation savings could potentially be realized if two K-6 schools established and bus routes consolidated.
Downside potential:
Costs to town and district: There will be costs associated with the town maintaining a closed school (even with pubic uses). There will also likely be costs necessary for renovations of the schools related to staff and classroom re-configurations associated with school consolidation.
Limitations on future capacity of schools to accommodate enrollment increases: The capacity for future expansion of schools to accommodate future enrollment increases will be limited.
Disadvantages of configuring grade levels to be K-6 housed in two schools (vs. K-1 in one school; grades 2-6 at Ann Antolini): The positive benefits of teachers collaborating on a day-to-basis based on grade-levels would be eliminated, which could impact the positive student achievement gains realized over the last several years. Costs to bring together teachers from different schools at seven different grade levels for professional development/collaboration will increase. Students who have been together in grades from 3-6 at Antolini would be split into different schools, creating difficulties for students and parents during a 3-year transition period. In addition, facilities would not be comparable between the two schools. There would be a need for duplicating libraries in two schools (at a cost of $25,000 - $30,000), required renovations at Ann Antolini to accommodate smaller children (i.e., bathrooms), lack of facilities for music and theater instruction at New Hartford, necessary to provide equitable programming in two schools for older children, and making changes to special education programming—all at additional cost for the district.
Disadvantages to closing Bakerville and retaining New Hartford Elementary if enrollment increases: There are structural impediments to adding a 2nd floor addition to New Hartford Elementary as a 2nd floor addition; the school is located on a flood plain with the septic system adjacent to the well.
Disadvantages to closing New Hartford Elementary and retaining Bakerville if enrollment increases: the modular classrooms are close to the end of their lifespan and would eventually have to be replaced at a cost to the town. As noted earlier, the wooden structure will require more maintenance does not currently have a sprinkler system.
Possible Costs/Savings/Revenue sources:
Estimates to be provided by other members of the consolidation committee.
Close Bakerville School based on facility analysis, and with grades preK-1 at New Hartford Elementary and grades 2-6 at Antolini. Any future grade level adjustments would be made according to the number of students enrolled each year.