Automatic Reserve Sharing (ARS)StandardDrafting Team Nomination Form

Please return this form to y October 5th, 2007. For questions, please contacteither: Bob at 330-247-3044 or Anthony at 330-247-3054.

Please note this drafting team will probably meet initially in October, 2007 to review theAutomatic Reserve Sharing SAR posted on the ReliabilityFirst website. The detailed meeting schedule has not been determined yet. It is expected the team will meet several times in 2007 and possibly 2008 including face-to-face meetings, as well as, meetings through various remote meeting technologies. All candidates should be prepared to participate actively at these meetings.

Proposed Standard: Automatic Reserve Sharing
Office Telephone:
Mobile Telephone:
Please briefly describe your experience and qualifications to serve on theAutomatic Reserve SharingStandard Drafting Team. Previous experience working on or applying standards and/or SARs is very beneficial, but not a requirement.
NERC Reliability Region(s) your company resides in (check all that apply): / My company can be categorized by one or more of the following. (check all that apply):
Not Applicable / 1 - Transmission Owners
2 - RTOs, ISOs, Regional Reliability Councils
3 - Small Load-serving Entities(Region of 10,000 GWh or less)
4 - Medium Load-serving Entities(Region between 10,000 GWh and 50,000 GWh)
5 - LargeLoad-serving Entities(Region of 50,000 GWh or greater)
6 - Transmission-dependent Utilities
7 - Electric Generators
8 - Electricity Brokers, Aggregators, and Marketers
9 - Large Electricity End Users
10 - Small Electricity End Users
11 - Federal, State, and Provincial Regulatory or other Government Entities
Which of the following Function(s) do you have expertise or responsibilities:
Reliability Authority
Balancing Authority
Interchange Authority
Planning Authority
Transmission Operator
Generator Operator
Transmission Planner / Transmission Service Provider Transmission Owner
Load Serving Entity
Distribution Provider
Purchasing-selling Entity
Generator Owner
Resource Planner
Market Operator

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