
To get everyone back together and fired up for the new school year. First-timers are certainly welcome, but promotion should target kids from last year, and the friends they naturally invite, as well as their younger brothers and sisters. This gives any new staff the chance to meet the key kids and still gives everyone the next two weeks to invite new students to the Informational Meeting and Kickoff.


These core students are some of the best to get involved in wearing CL gear. Think about having Campus Life in HD t-shirts available to help promo Campus Life over the next couple weeks.

Thanks for coming out to Campus Life in HD tonight. This year is all about seeing all of life more clearly – seeing it in High Definition. (Possibly introduce CL in HD t-shirts) Tonight we are going to have some fun, talk about what’s coming up next, and who we want to share Campus Life in HD with this year.

noodle smackdown


[ ] 3 Pool Noodles

[ ] Large trash can or three chairs (back to back)


  • Everyone sits in a circle
  • Place noodles in the center of the circle, in a trash can or in the middle space formed by the back-to-back chairs
  • First person grabs a noodle, Smacks someone in the circle, and runs and returns the noodle.
  • The Smacked person runs to grab the noodle and tries to smack the first person before the first person can get back to the smacked person’s empty seat.
  • Add second and third noodle

Trash can in the middle


[ ] Large trash can


  • Have everyone form one large circle around trash can (facing trash can)
  • Then have everyone grab hands
  • When the director says “go” everyone works hard to pull others toward the trash can.
  • The goal is to work together to stay away from the trash can and pull others into the trash can.
  • If someone comes in contact with the trash can they are “out.” (sometimes this can be more than one person)
  • If people let go of each other’s hands, the two people where the break occurred are “out.”
  • After each time people are “out”, reset the circle and start again. You will be able to eliminate down to the last 3-5 people – then declare them winners.
  • Larger clubs consider having two or more circles.


This year’s theme is “Campus Life in HD” and we’ll be looking at life with more clarity. Check out this video about CL in High Def…
Promo Video – Campus Life in HD
Transition statement
As you can see Campus Life is a great place to get clarity about all of life. It is also the place to take you on a bunch of wild adventures this year. But one of the biggest values of Campus Life is that life is supposed to be shared.

If you were at Campus Life last year your name is up on the wall. Come on up and get your name and tape it to your shirt-- if your name isn’t on a card, write your name on a blank one, then come back and sit down.

1. You guys are here because you love Campus Life or someone who loves it dragged you along tonight. What are just a few of the many reasons students love Campus Life? (List)

2. With all these positive endorsements...Why do some students visit and not come back? (Probably at least 30%) What can we do about that?

If we want to share the experience of Campus Life with more students, the first step is to actually INVITE MORE. So to help with that, we have on the wall names of students who have been to CL in the past, but are not here tonight. Go take the name of one person from the wall who you will make every effort to get to next week’s meeting (repeat until all names are gone).

The blank cards left represent the hundreds of students at your school that have never been to Campus Life...

3. Why do some students choose NOT to come in the first place and experience this (refer to list from question 1)? (Although some students may have misconceptions about Campus Life and there may be image problems, for most students they simply have not been genuinely invited.)

Out of the #______students at your school there are definitely a lot more than (number in attendance) that would totally enjoy Campus Life, just like you do. So let’s give them an opportunity. Now, think of the person you most want to be here at Campus Life… come get a blank card and write their name on it and add it the stack of who you’re going to personally INVITE for next week.

We definitely want to share Campus Life with more students from _(school)_ in hopes that they will be a part of seeing all of life more clearly as we venture into Campus Life in HD this year. We want as many students to experience all the life changing experiences that are apart of Campus Life. Step one is to INVITE- you have a stack of names in your hand to help you do that. Don’t feel limited, it’s not like you can only invite those on your list.

Actually, let’s pause right now. Everybody get your phones out right now and let’s all text the people we have taken tonight. Just simply text them right now and say “I want you to come to Campus Life with me next week!”

Another way we can pursue sharing this experience with our friend is to take the card we have with their name on it and hand it to them sometime in the next week. As you can see this card has the Campus Life theme for the year and information about next week’s club on it. It can serve as a flyer so they know when and where club is next week.

Step two is to BRING – if you can drive or you have a parent that is willing to drive, my challenge is for you to come next week with your vehicle filled with students that are not already in this room. It is much easier for a student to arrive at their first Campus Life meeting with someone they know.

Step three is to make everyone who comes next week feel WELCOME. Don’t leave them standing awkwardly by themselves while you run off with your best friends. The few minutes before and after club are key times for new students to connect. Most students say the reason they keep coming to Campus Life is that it is fun and they can be themselves. Let’s help more students experience that this year.

Staff alone can’t possibly get to every student in your school. You may think inviting a few of your friends is insignificant. But you may be the only one to invite them. Maybe you can’t bring the whole student body, but you can start with one.

Before you go, here’s one final challenge: The class from tonight that brings the most freshmen next week will get free pizza/ice cream with the staff. So, put your heads together before you split and make sure you invite, bring and make welcome as many freshmen as possible too!

Most of you are involved in Campus Life because a friend asked you to come to a meeting. Now it’s your turn to be a friend to someone else. See you AND your friend next!

Campus Life 2010-11 Curriculum :Campus Life in HD