UCAPP 1st Year Internship Evaluation Results--Farmington
Fall 2010
During the fall semester of the 2010-2011 school year, UCAPP developed a standards-based instrument to gather data by requesting supervisors to complete an evaluation on each candidate employing an online application system (i.e., Checkbox). Results for the entire program have been aggregated across 32 students participating in 27 internship sites. The purpose of this report is to display the overall results for 12 individuals within the Farmington cohort. The quantitative results have been analyzed by presenting frequency distributions. The qualitative responses are reproduced per verbatim except students’ and/or location were omitted.
Internship Sites for the Fall 2010Cheshire
East Granby
West Hartford (2)
1st major goal established for this internship (10 responses):
Develop the capacity effectively evaluate staff using multiple forms of evaluation, not just observations
Exposure to effective supervision practices
Supervision of staff - classroom observations
Analyze a plan for teacher evaluation through the lens of developmental supervision
Writing academic practice curriculum
Gaining an overview of school function
Provided disaggregated data for staff to use to form school goals
Parental communication -- athletic handbook (new document)
Support Supervision Courses - conduct evaluation
Develop and articulate a vision for learning which is responsive and reflective of the school and community needs.
2nd major goal established for this internship (9 responses):
Develop strategies for conducting supervisory conversations with struggling teachers regarding strategies to improve their teaching and student learningCollection of data regarding our students in the CHOICE Program
Interview process - interviewing potential Principals
Demonstrate the knowledge and application of developmental supervision and its role in supporting a successful school climate
Observe Principal's role in observation cycle
Gaining an understanding of supervision/participating in the observation cycle
Work with mentor and Superintendent to develop student survey and report results to Board
New legislature - is all necessary information communicated in the Student/Parent Handbook (revisions)
Demonstrate the knowledge and application of developmental supervision and its role in supporting a successful school learning culture
Develop the capacity to supervise teachers in subject areas outside of my own.
Attend Data Team meetings / Grade Level meetings
Parental engagement
Develop programming and format for a Parent Event to familiarize parents with new district Progress Report
CAPT data - analyzed; culled out information pertinent for department discussions
Understand the importance of leadership and the application of a theory of action in establishing and sustaining an effective learning environment
3rdmajor goal (as applicable) established for this internship (6 Responses):
Please answer the degree to which the candidate met the standard in this internship at the building and district level. (10 responses):
The following scale was used:
1 = not at all prepared; 4 = extremely well-prepared; N/A = Not Applicable
Building Level / District Level1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community.
Develop a vision / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 2
(20%) / 4
(40%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Articulate a vision / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 5
(50%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Implement a vision / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 4
(40%) / 0
(0.0%) / 4
(40%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Steward a vision / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 1
(12.5%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Promote community involvement in the vision / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff.
Promote positive school culture / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 4
(40%) / 3
(30%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 6
Provide effective instructional programs / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 3
(30%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 8
Apply best practice to student learning / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 5
(50%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 6
comprehensive professional growth plans / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 8
Building Level / District Level
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Manage the organization / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Manage operations / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 4
(40%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Manage resources / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 2
(20%) / 1
(10%) / 4
(40%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 7
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Collaborate with families and other community members / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 2
(20%) / 5
Respond to community interests and needs / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 1
(10%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 2
(20%) / 1
(10%) / 6
Mobilize community resources / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 6
(60%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 8
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner.
Acts with integrity / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 7
(70%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 6
Acts fairly / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 7
(70%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 6
Acts ethically / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 7
(70%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 6
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Understand the larger context / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 4
(40%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 5
Respond to the larger context / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 6
(60%) / 0
(0.0%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 5
Influence the larger context / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 4
(40%) / 0
(0.0%) / 5
(50%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 6
Building Level / District Level
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / N/A
The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit.
Substantial, sustained, standards-based work / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 4
(40%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 5
Planned and guided
cooperatively / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 4
(40%) / 3
(30%) / 1
(10%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 5
Met requirements for graduate credit / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 3
(30%) / 3
(30%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10%) / 1
(10%) / 3
(30%) / 5
Please rate the candidate in the following areas (32 responses):
The following scale was used:
1 = Ineffective; 2 = Below Average; 3 = Adequate; 4 = Above Average; 5 = Outstanding; N/A = Not Applicable
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/AInteraction with colleagues / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 4
(40%) / 5
(50%) / 0
Interaction with students / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 3
(30%) / 4
(40%) / 2
Interaction with parents / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 2
(20%) / 2
(20%) / 5
Interactions with subordinates / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 2
(20%) / 2
(20%) / 5
Oral communication skills / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 3
(30%) / 5
(50%) / 0
Written communication skills / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 2
(20%) / 6
(60%) / 2
(20%) / 0
Attention to personal growth / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 2
(20%) / 7
(70%) / 0
Ability to contribute independently / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 4
(40%) / 5
(50%) / 0
Leadership of groups / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 0
(0.0%) / 4
(40%) / 1
(10.0%) / 5
Dependability / 0
(0.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 1
(10.0%) / 7
(70%) / 0
Why? (8 responses):
We are only in the first year. This question does not apply.I feel that the student and I can share, but his time at the student has been very limited and it has made it difficult to assess his performance in many capacities.
The student and I have shared a great deal of background information about our respective schools. I've presented a number of real scenarios for her to respond to in order to give her practical experience. She is very easy to talk to and is task committed.
Communication is honest and open. I look forward to the student’s work in this district next semester.
Candidate and I speak candidly, frankly, and consistently.
Because both of us were willing to ask questions and review our practice in ways that sustained the professional growth of both of us.
We have established a very open relationship primarily due to the extreme willingness to hear open and honest feedback.
Internship is not completed.
Based on our conversations, we have a mutually respectful and honest relationship. I feel confident sharing my experiences (and perspectives with the student) and I am confident she feels the same way. Working in the same district, we discuss strengths and weaknesses, but always in a positive, productive way. We have a similar work ethic, and share a similar vision.
We are able to speak directly and freely with mutual respect.
Why? (8 responses):
So far, based on my experience with my intern, I would hire her for a position. She has all of the right beliefs in students and regarding how much teaching matters in the successful classroom and school.I feel that I need to work with the student more before I made that determination.
The candidate is bright; articulate; she has excellent interpersonal skills which are key for an administrative position. She has many positive qualities you can't teach - you either have it or you don't. She has it!
This is the beginning of the student’s program and there has not been enough opportunity to thoroughly evaluate her skills.
This student has proven herself to be very insightful and her projected growth over the next few years would make her ready to take over an administrative position.
Dedicated, reflective, committed, passionate, willing to make honest mistakes and learn from them!
This student is an exceptional candidate and I would offer her an administrative position in my school immediately if a vacancy occurs.
Program is not complete.
What do you feel arethe strengths of this internship? (9 responses):