California Scholarship Federation, Inc.

CSF Semester Membership Application

for Granite Bay High School, Chapter No. 1203

for courses taken Fall ’15

Name ______

(Last) (First)

Current 2nd period Teacher ______Current grade: 10 11 12

To QUALIFY for CSF membership this semester, follow these guidelines: (Course Lists I, II and III on next page.)

  1. You must earn a minimum of 10 points from last term’s grades (qtr.1 & sem.1)
  • At least 4 points must be from LIST I. (You could feasibly get all 10 points in “LIST I”)
  • The first 7 points must be from LISTS I or II. The remaining points may come from any LIST.
  1. You must use no more than 5 courses to qualify.

NOTE: Because we have only 4 classes per block/term, (you may use any class twice but only up to 5 classes can be listed).

i.e.: English 11 “grade of A one quarter” (3 pts) and English 11 “grade of A another quarter” (3 pts).

  1. No CSF points are given for Physical Education courses, courses taken in lieu of physical education, subjects repeated to improve a grade, courses involving clerking and office/teaching assisting, and courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
  1. CSF points are granted as follows:
  • a grade of A = 3 CSF points
  • a grade of B = 1 CSF point . A grade of “B” in an AP or Honors course earns 2 CSF points and you may use

a “weighted grade of a B” only twice, after that they are granted 1 CSF point.

  • a grade of C = 0 points
  • a grade of D or F in any course during the 2 term period referenced in this application, even in one you cannot use to qualify, disqualifies you from membership at this time.
  1. Students who take college courses as part of their normal class load (summer school does not count) shall be granted CSF points the same as above.

LIST I Courses / Grade / Points / LIST II Courses / Grade / Points / LIST III Courses / Grade / Points


(Must be at least 4 points, but you could (If List I is less than 7 points then

feasibly get all 10 points in “LIST I”) List I and II must total 7 points)

TOTAL POINTS FROM ALL LISTS ______+ ______+ ______= ______

List I List II List III Total

(List I and II must = 7 points ) (At least 10 points with only 5 classes)

To APPLY for CSF membership, do ALL of the following

  • Using the “COURSE LISTS” below, fill in the grid on the previous page
  • Staple proof of last semester’s grades (October and December) to this application form with grades highlighted:
  • You may use any ONE of the following types of proof: Copies of grades reports mailed home, a transcript, an aeries printout with your name on it.
  • Include $10 (checks written to C.S.F.)

See Mr. Rath in room 818 for help with applications and/or for answers to any questions you may have.

Return completed applications and dues to room 818.

DEADLINE for submitting applications:

Tuesday, January 26th

By 3:00 pm


Algebra 1 & 2
Biology (college prep, AP,IB)
Calculus, AP
Chemistry (CP, Hon, AP, IB)
English 10-12
English 11, Honors, IB
English Language, AP,
English Literature, AP
English 1A
European History, AP
Finite Math
Fish & Wildlife*
Forensic Science**
French 1-4, AP, IB
Govt/Economics (CP, AP)
IB English HL
IB HistofAmer HL
IB InfoTech SL
IB Math Studies or Math SL
Integrated Math 1-3
Japanese 1-4
Physics (CP, Hon, IB)*
Pre-Calculus (CP, Hon)
Spanish 1-4, AP, IB
Statistics A.P.
U.S. History (CP, AP, IB)
World Studies
Zoology* /


American Sign Lang.
Art History, AP
Business Law
History 17B
Integrated Math 1A/1B
Integrated Math 2A/2B
Integrated Science 1-2
Introduction to Accounting
Italian for Culture
Journalism, Advanced
Military History
Principles of Tech 1&2
Spanish for Culture
Speech & Debate
Sport Science
20th Cent. American Lit. /


Art (CP, Adv)
Art Studio, AP
Band (Jazz, Wind, Brass)
Business Concepts
Career Planning
Ceramics 1-3
Choir (Chamber)
Color Guard
Comm. Org. & Ldrshp
Computer App. 1&2
Computer Repair
Construction tech 1-3
Culinary Techniques
Drafting 1-4
Eat for Fitness
Electronics 1-2
English Magazine
Financial Recordkeeping
Literature lab 9-11
Media 1-2
Multimedia 1-2
Music Appreciation
Musical Theater
Peer Helping
Percussion Ensemble
Photography (& Adv)
ROP or Internship
Senior Survival
Student Government
Tech Lab
Technology 1-2
Virtual Enterprise
Yearbook 1-4
Web Page Design 1-2
Wood 1-2.

*Note: Biology is a prerequisite for these courses

**Note: Chemistry and physiology are prerequisites