iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd.
2003 Consortia Proposal for Electronic Journals Published by Turpion Ltd. (Http://
Effective: 19th August 2002
- Applicable Country
Australia and New Zealand
- Subject Coverage
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
- Product Package
- Access to 8 electronic journals listed in Appendix 1 for the current volume and to full text electronic archive going back to 1997/8. Total of 46 years of backfiles in 2003.
- A grace online access in 2002 will be provided to the libraries upon iGroup’s invoice approved and accepted by the Consortia or subscribing members for payment in January 2003 and the access details provided to the Publisher.
- Subscription Model
(a)The annual subscription fee for each member is calculated according to the following formula:
US$10,648 less M% discount, where
US$10,648 is the standard list price for the 8 electronic titles
M = discount applicable as follows:
5 to 10 members, M = 50%
11 to 15 members, M = 60%
16 to 20 members, M = 70%
21 or more members, M = 80%
The base price of $10,648 is fixed during the term of the agreement.
(b)If a new member wishes to join an on-going consortia during the term of the year, the fee will be calculated as follows:
US$10,648 less M% discount, where M is the discount applied to the first consortia formed during that year.
(c)Should a consortia member wishes to renew their print titles or subscribe to new print titles, the following discount formula applies:
1-3 titles - 30% discount to PRINT subscription;
4-6 titles - 40% discount to PRINT subscription;
7-8 titles - 50% discount to PRINT subscription.
- Terms and Conditions
- Pricing is in US Dollars and does not include GST.
- This Consortia Proposal requires a minimum of 5 members to be effective.
- The Consortia shall commence from the first 2003 volume issues, for each of the licensed materials as set out in Appendix 1. This shall then terminate unless the parties agree in writing to renew or extend the agreement on the same terms or as may be agreed in writing at the time
- Each consortia member should accept the terms and conditions of the standard license agreement ( and supply iGroup with the following details:
Institution and library full name;
Postal address with a post code;
Contact Name and Position;
Contact’s e-mail address;
Fax number with an area code;
Approved IP addresses/ranges: (e.g. 165.15.*.*, 202.45.13.*,, etc.)
- In the event the number of journals published by Turpion Ltd increases, the Consortia may optionally have access to these extra journals by an additional payment (pro rata) as accepted by the parties.
- Termination Policy
- On termination of the consorita agreement, the Publisher shall provide continuing access to that part of the licensed material which was duly paid by the participating libraries, either from the Publisher’s server, or by supplying archival CD-ROMs to the libraries. In other words, the subscription fee includes both permanent access rights to the volumes subscribed, and temporary access rights to articles of the backfile as long as a current agreement is maintained.
- Usage Reports
- Subscribing libraries may generate usage reports via the Web.
- iGroup Contact Details
Audrey Braun () – NSW, WA, ACT, NT and NZ (North)
Vicki O’Neill () – VIC, QLD, SA, TAS and NZ (South)
Appendix 1
Articles, the related headers and abstracts contained in the following journals published in 2003.
Journal Name / ISSN Print / ISSn Online / Online Coveragea. Sbornik: Mathematics / 1064-5616 / 1468-4802 / 1997-2003
b. Izvestiya: Mathematics / 1064-5632 / 1468-4810 / 1997-2003
c. Russian Mathematical Surveys / 0036-0279 / 1468-4829 / 1998-2003
d. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics / 1560-3547 / 1468-4845 / 1998-2003
e. Physics-Uspekhi / 1063-7869 / 1468-4780 / 1997-2003
f. Quantum Electronics
/ 1063-7818 / 1468-4799 / 1997-2003g. Russian Chemical Reviews
/ 0036-021X / 1468-4837 / 1997-2003h. Mendeleev Communications
/ 0959-9436 / 1364-551X / 1997-2003iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd.Page 1/1