Darby Creek PTO Meeting Minutes

Name of Organization: Darby Creek PTO______

Meeting Location: Darby Creek Elementary Media Center

Date and Time: April 14, 2014 7:05-9:06 pm______

Number Present: Exec Members __5___ Teachers __3___ Parents __17__ Guests __0__ Total 25__

Attendance: Carrie Drovdlic, Veronica Ridenour, Cindy Teske, Michelle Woodham, Lisa Osborne, Melanie Ault, Amanda Beach, Seema Sharma, Megan Troyer, Peggy Gu, Carmen Malone, Laura Dever, Brad Ridenour, Kimber Whanger, Michael Crace, Brandy Alford, Kim Creso, Sam Brill, Kara Russo, Maggie Vazquiz, Anne Pforsich, Marie Nixon, Deb Frazier, Carolyn Carr, Jennifer Rohrer.

Guests: None

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Carrie Drovdlic.

Carrie Drovdlic started the meeting with a brief overview of the book titled “Robert’s Rules” which is the parliamentary process by which meetings are conducted, decisions are made, and so on. This book is referenced in the Darby Creek PTO Bylaws as a tool that should be used/referenced in case the Bylaws do not provide enough detail to topics at hand. Highlights of the overview included how to make a motion, role of the president in facilitating the discussion, motion to limit or extend the amount of time spent on debate, and the right of PTO members to appeal the presiding officer’s rulings.

Treasurer’s Report:

·  Lisa presented the treasurer’s report through 3/31/14. The current PTO balance is $37,108.

·  Lisa reviewed recommendations regarding appropriate use and maintenance of PTO funds. PTOs should, per these recommendations, maintain a balance at minimum of $5,000 (based on 10% + of yearly budget) plus an additional $2,000 to cover beginning of school year expenses prior to Walk-a-thon.

·  Questions were asked regarding the 5th Grade funds and money available for the 5th Grade end of the year party. Lisa clarified that there is currently $164 left over from the planners. $1322 was available from which 3 iPads and 3 cases were purchased by the 5th Grade teachers for a total of $953.85. The current balance available for the 5th Grade party is $368.70.

·  Concerns were raised that the 3 iPads purchased for the 5th grade did not benefit the 5th grade class since the purchase was made in March. Veronica Ridenour clarified that the technology was available to the students throughout the entire school year but the iPads used were the teachers’ personal items.

·  Discussion regarding whether the budget should include time limits for teachers to spend funds budgeted for their specific grades. Mrs. Teske reported that she will advocate for teachers to utilize these funds earlier in the school year if possible. This topic will need to be brought forth in September when the PTO votes on the upcoming school year budget.

·  Questions were raised regarding what happens to unused funds by grades at the end of the school year. Lisa clarified that unused 2nd and 4th grade funds loop with those grades into 3rd and 5th grades, respectively. Unused funds from Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades are rolled back into general funds.

·  Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report was made by Brad Ridenour and seconded by Amanda Beach. Megan Troyer reported an error on the date of the report. Corrected date should state treasurer’s report through 03/31/2014. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report with date change to 03/31/2014 was made by Kara Russo and seconded by Brandy Alford. Report approved with above mentioned change.

Secretary’s Report: March 10, 2014 minutes were passed out for review. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Kara Russo, seconded by Carmen Malone. Report approved.

Principal’s Report:

·  5th grade musical was a great success. 5th graders did an excellent job.

·  Blood Drive yielded 33 units of red blood cells, saving 99 lives. Discussion regarding timing of the blood drive for future – parents recommended scheduling at least 2 weeks prior to spring break but keeping it in or around March. Also, donating parents must sign up and have a scheduled appointment. The Red Cross was unable to take walk-in donors.

·  Kindergarten screening was a success. Eighty children were screened for entering Darby Creek next year.

·  April 24th will be a late start. Teachers will have a meeting and education from a recent professional development seminar.

·  OAA Reading is scheduled for May 6th, OAA Math for May 7th, and OAA Science for May 9th. OAA assessments are for children in 3rd through 5th grades.

·  Field Day is scheduled for May 23rd. Mr. D would like to have 100 parent volunteers that day. Look for on-line sign up via sign-up-genius in the next week or two.

·  Last day of school is May 30th and Darby Creek has been able to schedule Arnett Howard. Parents and siblings are welcome to join the kids with this dancing activity in the lawn at 1:45, as well as the 5th Grade clap out at 3:00 pm.

Teacher’s Report – 1st Grade Teachers

·  Teachers thanked PTO for the iPad technology and discussed how it is used in the classroom with several examples and demonstrations.

·  Highlights of 1st grade report include:

o  Use of tweets, blogging, and voice thread, by students to communicate and connect with each other, as well as students overseas.

o  Slice of Life – a writing challenge with daily posts by those who chose to participate throughout the month of March.

o  Anne Dyckman

ISPTO Report: Debbie Coram was unable to attend today’s meeting, Brad Ridenour had not attended previous ISPTO meeting. Report will be shared next month.

Old Business

·  Spirit Wear Sale – Michael Crace reported on income from spirit wear sale. Usually this sale takes place in the fall with income averaging $2100. This year, the sale took place in the spring and no fliers were sent home due to the new no-flier policy and income earned this year was $700. Concerns were raised about the no-flier policy affecting PTO funds.

·  No-flier policy – for Hilliard City Schools went into effect in March. Estimated costs associated with paper and printing total approximately $1 million annually for Hilliard City Schools. Discussion ensued regarding other options for communication regarding PTO activities. Clarification from Mrs. Teske that the PTO cannot budget for flyers with the new no-flier policy. Recommendations/suggestions included:

o  eBlast – change layout so newer information is at the top and repeating information is toward the bottom. Continue bold and colorful headers for new topics. Mrs. Teske will update weekly e-blast with these recommendations.

Parent directory – use parent directory to ask parents if interested in receiving e-mails regarding PTO activities.

o  PTO e-mail – develop a list serve for PTO to send updates and/or reminders regarding PTO activities to families. Use an “opt-out” program for individuals not interested in this list serve.

Room parent leadership – require or encourage room parents to attend or send one representative from each class to PTO meetings and have that person communicate pertinent information back to parents.

These and other opportunities will be investigated further. More news to follow.

Upcoming Events

·  4/18 No School

·  4/24 Late Start #5

·  4/28 Beef O’Brady’s Spirit Night 5-9 pm

·  5/6 Reading OAA Assessment, Grades 3-5

·  5/7 Math OAA Assessment, Grades 3-5

·  5/8 Mr. D’s Wendy’s Burger Bash 5-8 pm

·  5/9 Science OAA Assessment, 5th Grade

·  5/12 PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm in the Media Center

·  5/18 DCR Art Show at 1:00-3:00 pm

·  5/23 Field Day

·  5/26 No School – Memorial Day

·  5/28 5th Grade end of the year recognition, time tbd

·  5/29 5th Grade talent show at 1:45 pm

·  5/30 Last Day of School – 5th Grade CLAP OUT at 3:00

New Business

Announcing of nominees for Treasurer Vice President - Amanda Beach and Brandy Alford announced nominees for VP and Treasurer positions. Kara Russo has accepted the nomination for Vice President. Melanie Ault has accepted the nomination for Treasurer. Both positions are for a two-year term. Carrie Drovdlic informed the PTO members that this meeting was the last opportunity to submit additional nominations for these positions. No additional nominations were presented, and so nominations were officially closed. Voting will begin in approximately 2 weeks. PTO members may vote in the school office up to the May PTO meeting.

PTO thanked Allison Fidel for making the nomination forms.

Open positions for Chair/Coordinator - Carrie Drovdlic announced open positions and presented a brief overview of each, including activities and responsibilities associated. Please let Carrie or Mrs. Teske know of interested individuals for these positions.

o  Art Committee

o  Sandwich Board Sign

o  School Supply

o  Spirit Wear


o  Box tops

o  Walk-a-thon prizes

o  Walk-a-thon sponsors

5th Grade room parent request for additional PTO funds – Carrie Drovdlic presented a brief overview to the PTO members present: A request was submitted on 3/31/14 by Samantha Brill, on behalf of the 5th grade room parents, for $430.00 in additional PTO funds to cover the cost of t-shirts for 5th grade students. These funds would be in addition to the funds available in the 5th grade enrichment line item. The executive committee convened on 3/31/14 to review this request. The executive committee reviewed the Darby Creek PTO Bylaws, current 2013/2014 approved PTO budget, and past PTO meeting minutes pertaining to this topic to guide with decision making. Findings were as follows:

·  Darby Creek PTO Bylaws – Use of PTO funds to cover cost of t-shirts is not consistent with the Purpose, Section 2 of the Bylaws. Refer to Darby Creek PTO Bylaws; Article II, Purpose; Section 2. Copies of the PTO Bylaws were handed out and reviewed at the meeting.

·  Current 2013/2014 PTO Budget – Current funds available to 5th grade teachers, as of 3/31/2014, include remaining enrichment funds (which will be approximately $100) and $164 through the student planner purchase (total ~ $264.00).

·  PTO meeting minutes – Discussion related to this issue was documented in the meeting minutes from 9/12/2011 in which a decision was made stating “5th grade T-shirts will not come out of the field trip money; parents’ responsibility”. This was decided by general vote.

Based on the determination that the request was not consistent with the PTO bylaws, the executive committee did not approve the request for $430.00 of PTO funds to finance the remaining cost of t-shirts for 5th grade students. A note was sent to Samantha Brill on April 1, 2014, to inform her of this determination. Ms. Brill requested to put this item on the April PTO general meeting agenda.

An update on available funds since the executive committee meeting on 3/31/14, Lisa Osborne reported that there’s $368.00 currently available in 5th Grade funds which may be used by 5th grade room parents for the end of year party. Based on these funds, 5th grade room parents reduced request from $430.00 to $132.00. Carmen Malone made a motion to approve $430.00 of additional PTO funds for 5th Grade t-shirts. Motion was not seconded. Kara Russo made a motion to approve $132.00 of additional PTO funds for 5th Grade t-shirts, seconded by Carmen Malone. This motion was ruled out of order due to the Executive Committee’s previous decision that request is not consistent with PTO Bylaws. Motion to appeal this ruling was made by Carmen Malone, seconded by Laura Dever. Debate and discussion ensued about whether the request is consistent or not-consistent with the PTO Bylaws. Carrie Drovdlic advised PTO members that the vote to appeal must be approved by two thirds majority of the PTO members to pass. If appeal passes, voting for approval of the requested funds will follow. Anonymous voting followed among the 22 remaining members in the room (first grade teachers were no longer in attendance). Results – 10 votes to accept appeal and 12 votes to reject appeal. Motion to vote on appeal did not pass by two thirds needed to move forward, indicating the decision of the executive committee stands.

Next meeting will be May 12th 7pm in the Media Center.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Veronica Ridenour, seconded by Amanda Beach.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:06 PM.

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