Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Mrs. Walker’s Due Date:
September 28th / *Choose 10 activities to complete
Must pick 2 from each category / Answer each question on the front side of a piece of paper with each activity numbered / Must pick 2 from each category / IF you chose the sketch or comic strip do not forget to color it.
3Define extended metaphor and give examples from one of the short stories that you read.(comprehension) / 4 Keep a chart listing all of the short stories that we have read and be able to list the point of view and the setting for each. (Knowledge) / 5 Think about Zaroff’s civilized tastes and his favorite game. Do Zaroffs people -- whose refined manners mask their true nature—exist in real life? Explain(comprehension) / 6Choose a novel and summarize the tone and theme. (Evaluation)
*** Everyone must do this one*** Have your novel approved by teacher by Wednesday, September 13th . / 7Compose a biography on Langston Hughes(Synthesis)
10 Make and label a Plot Diagram of “Most Dangerous Game” (Analysis) / 11Compare the character traits revealed by Mrs. Jones in the dialogue in the story with the traits revealed by the mother in “Mother to Son,” Langston Hughes’s dramatic monologue. Both women talk about difficulties in their own lives. What important message is each character trying to convey to her listener. (Evaluation) / 12This is your first Homecoming week at FSHS, elaborate what it means to have school spirit. Providing examples of Focus Spirit Honor Success (Synthesis) / 13 Compare and contrast the characters of Rainsford and Zaroff. Fill out a Venn diagram listing the characteristics of each man in his circle. In the middle area, list the characteristics the two men share. (Comprehension) / 14Define the following literary terms and give an example from a short story that you have read.
Point of view, setting, irony, direct characterization, Protagonist, Antagonist, and foreshadowing(Knowledge)
17Illustrate the scene when the young man tried to steal from Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. (Application) / 18Do a character analysis of General Zaroff in “The Most Dangerous game”(Application) / 19 What did Langston Hughes mean by “I have felt that much of our poetry has been aimed at the heads of the highbrows, rather than at the hearts of the people”? (Analysis) / 20Do you agree with Shakespeare’s choices for representing each stage of life? What stage are you in right now? Which is the best stage in life? (evaluation) / 21How does the setting of Mrs. Jones’s (Thank You, M’am) home—her furnished room, the gas plate, the ten-cent cake, the noisy tenement—contributes to your sense of the kind of person she is? What details can your imagination add to her surroundings?(Application)
24 Draw a sketch that shows the difference between a fanatic and a fan? Give examples (Knowledge) / 25 Make and label a Plot Diagram of for the novel you are reading on your own. (Analysis) / 26The action in the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” is set off by an external conflict, Mary’s relationship problem with her husband. Explain the internal conflict that Mary also faces. How is her internal conflict resolved? (synthesis) / 27Keep a chart listing all of the short stories that we have read and be able to list the point of view and the setting for each. (Analysis) / 28 Calendars are due today!!!! Please put them in the basket.
(100 possible points)

Name______Class Period______

Mrs. Walker’sSeptember Calendar

Instructions for Calendar Assignment

Mrs. Walker’sEnglish Class

  1. Due date is September 28th –No Exceptions, No Extensions – you may turn it in early!!!
  1. If the original calendar is misplaced or lost, you may print another one off the Internet. No extra copies from me!!!
  1. Eight activities must be completed. Extra activities may be completed for EXTRA CREDIT. Make sure you put all your work in your own words. . . Plagiarism is a big no-no and could result in a loss of points!!!
  1. All assignments must be either typed OR neatly handwritten. Each entry must be clearly numbered (use the date that is located in the upper left corner). No entries written on the back of a sheet will be graded.
  1. All entries should be stapled in order (with the calendar as the first page) and ready for Mrs. Walters to collect on September 30th. On that day you will receive your September calendar.
  1. All illustrations must be hand-drawn and colored for full credit.
  1. Each required assignment will be worth 10 points for a total of 100 points. Each additional activity will be worth 2 points.
  1. Each entry will be graded on accuracy, depth of content and full completion of activity.