Janice M. Blanchard, MSPH
7397 South Fillmore Circle
Centennial, CO 80122
(720) 934-7985
1998MSPH (Masters of Science in Public Health) in Aging, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
1988B.A. in Sociology and Certificate in Women’s Studies University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2014 – PresentCofounder and President, Mosaic Communities, LLC, Auburn, MA
Visionary leadership and Chief Social Architect for a new development company specializing in creating the physical and social architecture for aging in community residential neighborhoods.
2013 - PresentFounder and President, Aging Better, Together, LLC., Centennial, CO
National author, speaker, consultant and developer of educational and training materials for aging in community and creative engagement in later life. Educational materials include a 4-part Aging in Community Workshop Series that is being nationally taught through independent educational trainers through such educational venues as Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, as well as webinar and live presentations developed for such national organizations as the American Society on Aging and the National Center for Creative Aging.
2005 – 2013Co-founder and President, Aging in Community Network, an Initiative of The Center for Growing and Becoming, Ithaca, NY
Cofounder with William H. Thomas, MD (founder of Eden Alternative and Green House Project),a national initiative to promote a paradigm shift from aging in place to aging in community. Highlights of accomplishments include fund-raising with Neighborhood Resource Center of Colorado approximately $100,000 in grants and in-kind contributions and creating new partnerships that extended to University of Colorado and Asset-Based Community Development Institute to research and implement Aging in Community social software in 4 Denver metro communities. In addition, wrote several nationally-recognized seminal academic articles on Aging in Community and served as a national speaker and presenter for professional, academic and general public audiences.
2005 – PresentExecutive Board Member (Secretary) and Chair, President’s Council, National Center for Creative Aging, Washington, DC.
Participated as an early Board member at a pivotal time in NCCA’s organizational development that resulted in an increased capacity for NCCA to emerge as a leader in the field of creativity and aging. Through three strong initiatives in life long-learning, civic engagement and health/wellness. Coordinated and presented on these topics at state and national conferences, symposium and workshops, both with aging professionals and older adults, as a featured presenter.
2006 – 2008 Director, Denver Office on Aging, Denver, CO
In 2006, the Denver Office on Aging was re-instated within the Agency for Human Rights and Community Development through the lobbying efforts of the Denver Commission on Aging and allied senior advocacy groups. Through a competitive hiring process, Blanchard was hired as its first Director.
Duties as Director included recruitment and staffing the Commission on Aging; managing the Office on Aging, and serving as a board member to the Denver Regional Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging. Blanchard co-chaired with City Councilman Doug Linkhardt the Denver Taskforce on Aging, which created the recommendations and implementation strategy for Mayor Hickenlooper’s Aging Matters Initiative, a blueprintto create age-friendly communities by focusing on housing, transportation, health and wellness, workforce opportunities, lifelong learning, public engagement and volunteering. The Mission of the Age Matters Initiative is to create and implement a strategic plan which will demonstrate how a major metropolitan city can efficiently, effectively and comprehensively build on the strengths and address the needs of an aging population.
2004-2006 Chair, Denver Commission on Aging (DCOA)
As Chair of the DCOA, worked with the Commission, the Agency for Human Rights and other key stakeholders to lobby the Mayor and City Council for recognition of the needs and strengths of older adults in Denver County, which led to the first Mayor’s Summit on Aging.
2001 – PresentConsultant, Senior Writer (2001–Present) and Editor (2001-2004) Society of Certified Senior Advisors, Denver, CO
Consultant and representative of SCSA, a nationally (NCCA) accredited certification program for professionals serving seniors and international educational membership association, as a presenter at national meetings and conferences (e.g., American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging). As a senior writer, have contributed to publications such as the SCSA textbook, CSA Journaland Senior Spirit Newsletter. Chief Editor for the Journal for 4 years.
Highlights of accomplishments include: increasing publication from 40 to 52 pages and division of Journal into 4 distinct sections with sectional editors (health; social; financial; and arts, humanities & spirituality); decreasing editorial costs by an average of $600 per issue while increasing caliber of writing; implementing a new paradigm in peer review (practitioner- focused); assembling a diverse and nationally recognized 24-member editorial board.
2000 – 2001 Coordinator for County Council on Aging, Adams County Aging Network, Thornton, CO
Managed and increased the monthly meetings, fundraising activities and database. Created and maintained all public relations, marketing tools and funding sources. Successfully coordinated an annual fundraising event, exceeding attendance and fundraising goals.
1999 –2001Monthly Columnist, Seniors Marketplace News and Fruitful Living Digest, Denver, COResearched and wrote two monthly columns on older women’s health issues, one designed for senior consumers and the other for professionals working with seniors.
1999 – 2000 Ombudsman, Weld County Area Agency on Aging, Greeley, CO
Advocated on behalf of residents in long-term care facililities in Weld County, investigating and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents and performed other duties of Ombudsman as outlined in the Older Americans Act.
1999 –2000 Research Consultant, University of Minnesota, Health Services Research & Policy, Denver, CO Conducted in-depth interviews with residents of Nursing Homes, their family members, physicians, nursing staff and Nursing Home administration in State of Colorado for a HCFA sponsored evaluation study of the EverCare Demonstration Project.
1995 – 1997 Evaluation Director, Older Women’s Wellness Center (OWWC), Campbelltown, NSW, AUParticipated on the management team of a holistic health care program for older women in Sydney and Campbelltown, Australia. Designed and coordinated an 18-month participatory evaluation of the OWWC and was the primary author of the evaluation report resulting in additional funding for continuation of the pilot project.
1995 – 1997 Visiting Faculty Member, University of Western Sydney, Kingswood, NSW, AU
Responsibilities included curriculum planning, teaching and grading for approximately sixty-five international students per semester. In addition, participated in several university research projects, including a position as a senior research officer investigating Affirmative Action implementation in 60 companies across Australia. Responsibilities included: conducting interviews, developing coding instruments, coding data and preliminary reports. Results published in academic journals and a report to the Australian Labor Department.
1995 – 1996Research Consultant, Benevolent Society of New South Wales, Bullaburra, NSW, AU
Reviewed women’s health services in the State of New South Wales and made recommendations for improvement. Consultations resulted in several innovations to program design and evaluation methods for midlife to older women’s health services.
1993 -1995Geriatric Care Manager, Self-Employed, Tampa, FL
Coordinated and provided services enabling clients to live at home, including case mang’t; patient advocacy in acute & LTC settings; social & family support; personal & nursing care; stress reduction techniques; nutritional counseling; and physical & occupational therapy.
1994 – 1995 Research Officer, Univ. of South FL, Florida Policy Exchange Center on Aging, Tampa, FL
Conducted research and co-authored comprehensive literature review onLong-term care for Florida’s Department of Elder Affairs. Designed, conducted and analyzed statewide focus groups on case manager’s perspectives on the long term care systems in Florida as part of the Pasco/Pinellas Long-Term Care Demonstration Project
1993 – 1994 Grad. Asst., Univ. of South FL, College of Medicine, Suncoast Gerontology Center, Tampa, FL
Conducted archival research and telephone interviews to determine community resources for Alzheimer’s disease with government agencies, nursing homes and hospitals in 67 counties in Florida. Results published in a consumer-friendly resource directory for patients and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
Blanchard, J.M. and Anthony, B. (2013).Aging in Community. Chapel Hill, NC: Second Journey Publications.
Blanchard, J.M. (1994). Florida Statewide Directory of Community Resources for Alzheimer’s Disease. Suncoast Gerontology Center, University of Florida: Tampa, FL.
Blanchard, J.M. (2013). “Housing and Long-Term Social Supports.” Working with Seniors: Health, Financial and Social Issues. (Textbook for Society of Certified Senior Advisors™.) Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (2013).“Reweaving the Social Fabric of Our Communities.” Blanchard, J.M., ed., Aging in Community. Chapel Hill, NC: Second Journey.
Stambolian, J. and Blanchard, J.M. (2013).“Back to the Garden: Woodstock Nation Values Re-Emerge.” Blanchard, J.M., ed., Aging in Community. Chapel Hill, NC: Second Journey.
Blanchard, J.M. (2007). (ghostwritten chapter for Mary Furlong)“Gimme Shelter—and a Whole Lot More.” Turning Silver into Gold: How to Profit in the New Boomer Marketplace. FT Press: Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Blanchard, J.M. (2006). “Ethical Considerations of Home Monitoring Technologies.” Eds. Helal, A. and Mann, W.C. Promoting Independence for Older Persons with Disabilities: Selected Papers from the 2006 International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence: Volume 18 Assistive Technology Research Series. IOS Press: Amsterdam, Holland.
Blanchard, J.M. (2005). “The Family and Social Support Systems.” Working With Seniors: Health, Financial and Social Issues. (Textbook for Society of Certified Senior Advisors™.) Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (2010). Aging in Community: A Compendium of Best Practices. Aging in Community Network: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (2009). Silverprint Colorado: Changing the Picture of Aging in Colorado. Aging in Community Network: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (2008). Denver Aging Steering Committee: Final Report and Recommendations for Action. Denver Office on Aging, Agency for Human Rights & Community Relations; Denver, CO.
State of Colorado (contributing author). (2008). The Colorado Employers’ Toolkit: EngAging the New Workforce. State of Colorado: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (2007). Denver Summit on Aging Report. City and County of Denver, Agency for Human Rights & Community Relations: Denver, CO
Blanchard, J.M. and Schwarz, J. (2006). Home For Life. Grantmakers in Aging: Dayton, OH.
Blanchard, J.M. (2004). Communication and Behavioral Strategies for Dealing with Dementia. Family Caregiver Alliance: San Francisco, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (1996). OWNing Wellness: Report of the Older Women’s Wellness Center. Older Women’s Network: Sydney, AU.
Blanchard, J.M. (2013). “Aging in Community: Communitarian Alternative to Aging in Place, Alone.” In Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, Winter 2013.
Thomas, W.H. and Blanchard, J.M. (2009). “Moving Beyond Place: Aging in Community.” In Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, Summer 2009.
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2006). “Dancing Into the Sunset.” CSA Journal: Vol. 33: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (June, 2006). “Silver Collar Workers.” CSA Journal: Vol. 31: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2005). “The Older American’s Act: A Hard Act to Follow.” CSA Journal: Vol. 29: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (September, 2005). “Pain: A Crisis in North America.” CSA Journal: Vol. 28: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (March, 2005). “Living and Creating Fine Art.” CSA Journal: Vol. 26: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2004). “Achoooo…Is it a Cold or the Flu?”CSA Journal: Vol. 25: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (September, 2004). “To Bed, Perchance to Sleep.” CSA Journal: Vol. 24: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO
Blanchard, J.M. (June, 2004). “More Than Words: Communicating with a Cognitively-Impaired Person.” CSA Journal: Vol. 23: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2003). “Elder Surveillance: Can Grandma Be Independent If Everyone Is Watching?” CSA Journal: Vol. 21: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2003). “Ethical Considerations of Home Monitoring Technology.”Position Paper: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (September, 2003). “Medicare Reform: A Prescription for Change.” CSA Journal: Vol. 20: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (March, 2003). “Aging Today: A Profile of Older Americans.” CSA Journal: Vol. 18: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO
Blanchard, J.M. (September, 2002). “Practice Makes Perfect: CSA Practice Management Strategies.” CSA Journal: Vol. 16: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO
Blanchard, J.M. and Biddle, D. (June, 2002). “Practice Makes Perfect: CSA Practice Management Strategies.” CSA Journal: Vol. 15: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO
Blanchard, J.M. (December, 2001). “An Artist’s Road to Success.” CSA Journal: Vol. 13: Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
RECENT PRESENTATIONS (partial listing)
Blanchard, J.M. (November 6, 2014). “Shifting the Paradigm from Aging in Place to Community.” A World Café Presentation on Aging in Community. Co-presenters: Amy St. Peter and Jolene Fassbinder. Philanthropy Southwest 2014 Annual Conference (November 5-8), Chandler, AZ.
Blanchard, J. M. (October 23, 2014). Keynote: “Aging in Community: A Collaborative Approach to Aging Better.” State Society on Aging of New York: New York, NY.
Blanchard, J.M. (September 16, 2014). “Finding Our Tribe: The Search for Meaning, Purpose and Social Connectedness in Later Life.” A World Café Presentation on Aging in Community. Co-presenter: Janet Stambolian. On Lok Annual Conference: Sustainable Long-Term Care: Social Prescriptions for Health & Wellbeing, (September 16): San Francisco, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (August 26, 2014). “Aging in Community: How Middle Class Americans Are Creating New Solutions to Age-Old Problems.” Webinar, American Society on Aging: San Francisco, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (August 9, 2014). “Boomers & Beyond: Housing Trends in the 21st Century.” CSA Annual Conference (August 7-9), Society of Certified Senior Advisors: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (May 16, 2014). “Intergenerational Living: Housing and Communities for All Ages.” Co-presenters: Margaret Wylde, Helen Foster, & Derenda Schubert. Housing Opportunity 2014: Healthy Housing, Healthy Places (May 14-16), Urban Land Institute: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 12, 2014). “Boomers Without Borders: The Brave New World of Outsourcing Aging.” Co-presenters Lawrence Weiss & William Benson. Aging in America Conference (March 11-15), American Society on Aging: San Diego, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 12, 2014). “Surfing the Age Wave: How Five States Are Lining Up.” Copresenters: William Benson, LaRhae Knatterud, Phillip Stafford and Monica Schaeffer. Aging in America Conference (March 11-15), American Society on Aging: San Diego, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 13, 2014). “Elder Rock’N’Rollers Reflect on Aging.” Co-presenters: Roy Earnest & Pamela Braverman-Schmidt. Aging in America Conference (March 11-15), American Society on Aging: San Diego, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 14, 2014). Keynote: “National Forum on Aging in Community.” Co-presenters: Donna Ambrogi, Candace Baldwin, William Benson, Mae Carpenter, Jorge Lambrinos, Sandy Markwood, John Rother, Andrew ScharlachJune Simmons. Aging in America Conference (March 11-15), American Society on Aging: San Diego, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (February 22, 2014).Keynote: “Boomers & Beyond: Designing for in the 21st Century.” Denver Metro City Design Competition, Human Life Project: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (May 20, 2013). “Colorado State Initiatives for Aging Boomers.” Maryland Boomer Council Initiative Meeting: Baltimore, MD.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 12, 2013). “It’s Never Too Late to Rock ‘N’Roll.” Co-presenters: Tobi Abramson, Roy Earnest & John Migliaccio.Aging in America Conference (March 12-16), American Society on Aging: Chicago, IL.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 13, 2013). “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: The Promises and Perils of Outsourcing Aging.” Co-presenters: Harry (Rick) Moody, William Benson & Lawrence Weiss. Aging in America Conference (March 12-16), American Society on Aging: Chicago, IL.
Blanchard, J.M. (June 20, 2012). “Aging in Community: It Takes a Village.” The Denver Foundation; Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (October, 2012). “Art Places: Aging and Creativity.” Co-presenters; Jennie Smith-Peers, LeadingAge Annual Conference; Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (November 11, 2011).“The Politics of Aging Boomers: Silver Tsunami or Golden Wave of Opportunity?” The Poetics of Aging Conference: San Francisco, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (May 19, 2011). “The Age Wave: Silver Tsunami or Golden Wave of Opportunity?” Age Wave Summit II, Older Dominion Partnership: Richmond, VA.
Blanchard, J.M. (November 10, 2010). “Understanding Key Issues: The Paradigm Shift in Aging Services.” The Creativity Matters: Arts and Aging Toolkit Webinar Series, National Center for Creative Aging: Washington, D.C.
Blanchard, J.M. (June 23, 2010). “Enhancing Education and Building Intergenerational Community.” National Botanical Garden Symposium, National Center for Creative Aging: Washington, D.C.
Blanchard, J.M. (June 16, 2010.) Keynote: “Boomer Housing Trends in the 21st Century.” Jefferson County Summit on Aging, Jefferson County Department of Human Services: Golden, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 25, 2010). “Generating Community: The Art of Active Aging in Community.” Co-presenter: Tim Carpenter. National Center for Creative Aging Metlife Webinar: Washington, D.C.
Blanchard, J.M. (January 21, 2010). ““Boomers & Beyond: Housing Trends in the 21st Century.” Larimer County Summit on Aging, Foundation on Aging for Larimer County: Fort Collins, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (October 30, 2009). Keynote: “Aging in Community: It Takes A Village.” Senior Agenda Coalition Annual Conference, Newport, RI.
Blanchard, J.M. (October 30, 2009). “Turning Silver into Gold: Re-Creating the Third Age.” Special Presentation to elected officials and special guests. Senior Agenda Coalition: Providence, RI.
Blanchard, J.M. (February, 2008). “Aging in Community: It Takes A Village.” Creating Aging Friendly Communities Online Conference, (February/March 2008). University of California Berkley’s Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services and Community Strengths: Berkeley, CA.
Blanchard, J.M. (December 8, 2008). “Aging in Community: It Takes A Village.” Co-presenters: Sarah McCarthy and Mike Green. Denver Eclectics: Denver, CO.
Blanchard, J.M. (September 16, 2008). Keynote: “Aging-Friendly Communities:Creating Great Places to Grow Up and to Grow Old.”Senior Agenda Coalition Annual Conference, Newport, RI.
Blanchard, J.M. (September 26, 2008). “Aging in Community: It Takes A Village.” Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community Board Retreat: Harrisonburg, VA.
Blanchard, J.M. (March 27, 2008). “As The Pendulum Swings: A Brief History Of Arts & Aging Policy.” Copresenters: Gene Cohen and Bob Blancato. Annual Aging in America Conference, American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging: Washington, D.C.
Blanchard, J.M. (May 21, 2007). “Aging in Community: Livable Communities for People of All Ages and Abilities.” Blue Moon Foundation: Charlottesville, VA.
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