Parents and Friends Committee
“Providing a Positive and Friendly Community Beyond the Classroom”
Immanuel Lutheran School Senior Unit
Thursday 17th March 2016 at 7.00pm
Attendance: Helen, Katie, Amanda, Darryl, Rick, Simon, Kim and Alicia
Apologies: Anthony Fisk, Clarissa, Alison and Sam
Minutes of previous meeting: Approved
Business arising from previous meeting:
1) Family Night wrap up
The committee spent a total of $1200 for the night and we raised $600 in profit which leaves a balance of $2600.
We received all good feedback from parents and guests and the night appeared to run seamlessly.
2) Activities for Term 1
a) Wine and Cheese night
The decision has been made to go with one winery as opposed to several wineries.
Liquor licence still has to be organised
Darryl will go to Campbells for glasses, we will probably need 200
Suggestion was put forward to personalise the glasses then sell on the night
Decision was to think about that for cabaret night instead
Thirsty Werk has been chosen for entertainment
7.30pm start til about 10.30pm, no children, $5 cover charge, RSVP Monday of week payment on night or prepay tickets.
Barossa Valley Cheese Co. will do the cheese at wholesale price
Selection will be Barossa Brie, Adelaide Blue and the Mount Jagged cheese
Will cost $23 - $26 a kilo, will need approx. 3kg per 100 people
Suggestion put forward to hire table cloths, Simon to organise
Will need to approach foodland or someone for crackers
Suggestion put forward to put up fairy lights and lanterns around to set mood
6.00pm to set up, info to be put in newsletter and flyers to go out
b) Sports Day (1st April 16)
Subway lunch, Darryl to see about options for future subway orders
3) Events Calendar
Darryl to look at options for designing an events calendar
4) Activities going forward 2016
Term 2
a) Disco
This will be held on the 27th May
Organisation is going well, a sub-committee (carers group) will see to the finer details
Katie volunteered to do the door again
Simon to liaise between the 2 groups
b) Quiz Night
To be discussed next meeting
c) Cabaret Night
This will be held on the 25th June
There are thoughts that we might turn it into more of a music and arts festival
Will discuss next meeting
d) Recycle Day
To be held in same week as cabaret night on the Friday/ Saturday
Term 3
e) Movie Night
To be held on the 26th August
f) School Photos
Have to clarify date 4th November ??
g) School Concert
To be held on 1st September
Pupil free day on the 2nd September
Term 4
h) Quiz Night
To be moved from term 2 to term 4
i) Recycle Day
To be held after concert night
Treasurer’s report:
$600 was raised at Family Night
Current Balance is $2600
See report
Correspondence in:
Letter from Shoot SA has been read and we have decided to decline
Letter from parent saying that they can’t commit to meeting but can help out
Correspondence out:
Any other business:
Subway to organise a package for the future, prices to come
Going to change to weekly orders
Suggestion to have Stephanie Alexander session after worship on 20th May
Suggestion put forward that we buy a big ticket item for the kitchen program and present this item at the cooking session.
Next meeting:
12th May at 7pm
Meeting closed at 8.20pm