FINAL MINUTES: ITO Working Group meeting

1.30– 4.00pm, Tuesday 16th September, National Cycling Centre, Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ

Apologies: Colin Savage (Devon County Council), Judith Billingham (Wiltshire Council), Julie Milne (Wiltshire Council), Paul Lever (CTWM), Richard Mace (DfT), Ken Woodhouse (Pedal Ready), Jacqui Wilcox (Life Cycle UK), Eric Chasserey (Kingston Council)

Attendees: Jackie Bratley (Durham County Council), David Showell (Cycle Confident), Paul Lowe (Cycle Instructor), James Hancox (Cycle Training East), Nick Truran (East Region ITO), Vicky Spencer (British Cycling), Nick Chamberlin (British Cycling), Julie Fox (Cycle Experience), Greg Woodford (CTC), Isobel Stoddart (TABS), Liz Clarke (BikeRight!), Paul Robison (Cycle Training Alliance), David Dansky (Cycle Training UK) (Chair), Michael Frearson (Outspoken Training), Anne Grainger (Pedal Ready), Rupert Gardner (Advance Cycle Training), Steve Garidis (Cycle Training Alliance), Andrew Smalley (BikeRight!) , Fiona Quinn (Haddenham Cycle Training)

  1. Welcome, introductions & purpose of meeting
  • For now, as agreed at last meeting in April - ITO meetings, as an expert advisory group for TABS, will focus on detailed discussion on specific issues related to Instructor Training with specific outputs – agreement on industry guidance for DfT to consider.
  • Task and Finish groups also to be set up to consider issues of wider relevance to both schemes and ITOs.
  • Greg Woodford – last meeting/ replacement, but remaining on Board as elected representative. Greg’s contribution to the group was recognised and thanks given for all his input over many years. Welcome to his replacement at CTC – Dan Cook.
  • Welcome also to Nick Chamberlin, new appointment at British Cycling replacing Jenny Hotchkiss. Vicky Spencer will remain the representative on the Board and ITO group.
  • Welcome to Anne Grainger – standing in for Ken Woodhouse today

  1. Minutes of last meeting
Getting final, consistent version of ITO POST COURSE ASSESSMENT FORM. Currently waiting for Bikeability Support Team comments. The final version will be uploaded onto the DfT Bikeability website for download and use.
David D reported that he was meeting Steve Garidis in September to disuss NSIT qualification within wider qualification framework, and will report back to next meeting. Liz Clarke asked to attend too. / IS to follow up with Bikeability Support Team for their comments on form, and circulate proposed final version to ITOs for approval.
David / Liz to report back to next ITO meeting
  1. Task and Finish Groups
David D updated the group on the Board’s decision in the morning that the initial work programme should look at 2 topics with clear outcomes and that a final paper should be circulated in advance of the next Board meeting in December. The final outcomes of the Groups would be presented to the DfT as industry guidance. The Task and Finish Groups, where relevant to a wider audience ie. all schemes would be offered to members to sit on. The topics would be:
  1. Instructors Professional Development, including a specific module re. driver training, as requested by TfL (co-ordinated by David Dansky)
  1. Procurement Guidance (David Shannon to lead, in partnership with Colin Savage (tbc))
Jackie Bratley, Dan Cook, David Shannon, Julie Fox (one of her instructors), Phillippa Robb and Liz Clarke all expressed an interest in being on the Task & Finish Group for Instructors Professional Development. / David D. To select members for Task Group from ITO offers and set up meeting in London
David Shannon to liaise with Isobel re. inviting members to sit on group / set up first meeting
  1. DBS compliance
Vicky Spencer presented a paper for discussion, and various feedback was obtained. Agreed that, once ITO Group happy with final version it should be shared with TABS members for any additional content before being sent to DfT (cc Bikeability Support Team) as industry guidance
Andrew S refered to guidance sent to schools by Dept of Education. / Vicky to revise paper and re-circulate to ITO Group for final comments. IS to then share with TABS members for their views.
AS to circulate guidance, via Isobel to ITO Group
  1. 80/20 rule
Andrew Smalley presented a paper for discussion about the issues related to the 80:20 rule and various feedback was obtained.
A short paper will be produced providing guidance on the issue of passive and active learning processes in advance of the next meeting in December, for review by the ITO Group and final sign-off in December.
Agreed that, once ITO Group happy with final version it should sent to DfT (cc Bikeability Support Team) as industry guidance to be shared with schemes and EA assessors, and for adoption by the National Standards. / All to provide any further feedback to Andrew
AS to circulate guidance, via Isobel to ITO Group once produced.
  1. QA of QA
Steve Garidis invited ITO feedback on a series of questions.
It was requested that all ITO’s feedback to Steve on the list of questions provided, along with any supporting data by 26th September. / ALL – provide written feedback to Steve Garidis:
  1. Bikeability Support Team issues
TOPIC 1 - The Bikeability Support Team has asked for feedback on the Delivering Inclusive Cycle Training Training Guidance – click here to download it.
Q. Is it likely to be helpful to schemes and are there any improvements that would make it more useful?
TOPIC 2 – The conclusion of a discussion about the proposal from the Bikeability Support Team on Limits for PCA was as follows:
  1. Need to define ‘inactive’ clearly.
  2. 6 months should be the outward recommendation, but it is at the discretion of ITOs to make it up to a year, if there has been contact/dialogue with instructor.
  3. After 1 year there is a definite cut-off, and the instructor should be required to undertake at least a 3 hour CPD refresher course, if been inactive ie no delivery.
  4. The Bikeability Support team need to enforce/notify ITOs and check their activity.
  5. 2 hours is too short for a refresher course and it should be an outcome based course delivered to peer groups rather than 1:1.
  6. If a Scheme has a robust internal QA process, is it acceptable for them to induct an instructor through their own system?
/ ALL ITOs to feed comments back to by: Friday 3rd October, if possible
IS to put in Sept newsletter to get direct feedback from schemes too.
IS to feedback to Bikeability Support Team.
  1. How to observe and assess National Standard Instructors
This item was postponed to the December meeting due to time constraints. / IS to add to December agenda
  1. TABS update
Due to overrun of meeting, agreed that IS would provide a written update in the minutes as follows:
TABS website – there is now a section on the website that lists training courses –
All grant recipients, in their funding letter from DfT are encouraged now to join TABS. IS will be following up, and writing to all commissioning organisations about their procurement process and asking for information on whether TABS member.
TABS Bikeability Survey 2013/14 and 2014/15 – update
Last month TABS wrote out to all the local authorities involved with both in-house delivery and commissioning of Bikeability, inviting them to provide details of schools in their area, plus a headed letter from the council addressed to schools encouraging them to take part in the Bikeability School Survey 2015. TABS also engaged Transport for London and Cycling Scotland to promote the survey to local authorities and schools in the capital and north of the border
TABS had a really encouraging response. By September, Michael Frearson had received expressions of interest from 40 local authorities (both members and non-members of TABS). A late surge of enquiries from London has resulted in a relaxation of the survey timescales to ensure schools have enough time to register for by 27 September and carry out the survey in October 2014. The survey will be repeated in June 2015 in order to collect longitudinal data.
Michael is preparing the 2014 Bikeability School Travel Survey report, supported by the University of Plymouth. Based on data supplied by 1345 pupils in 23 schools in March 2014, the report is due for release at the end of September.
TABS summer campaign – next steps:
There is a key Parliamentary debate on 16th October. TABS should encourage all schemes to contact their local MP’s and invite them to raise the importance of Bikeability at this debate.
TABS to contact all MP’s that responded / were contacted about TABS summer campaign, thank them, provide more background and invite to raise Bikeability at debate.
The opportunity to provide TABS members with ideas for engagement with their local MP was recognised. IS will produce some guidance notes.
Bikeability Support Team / DfT meetings: IS will be suggesting that the DfT should also attend future Bikeability Support Team meetings, and that these meetings should be structured around work outputs.
It was agreed that TABS should ask for clarification from DfT about the status of what was the Cycle Training Standards Board (CTSB) – where it sits, if it still has a position? Whether it needs to reconvene? What is TABS role on it?
DfT funding proposal – TABS met with Richard Mace in early September to brief him on TABS activities and discuss potential funding (either as a grant or via the Bikeability Support Team contract) for extra training / guidance / services for all Bikeability schemes, including TABS members, over and above what TABS can currently provide from existing budget. A proposal is currently being finalised. / ITOs to send IS details of any CPD courses they would like to publicise – on website, in newsletter, on Forum
IS to action
  1. Agenda items for next meeting
Agreed that the agenda needed to be limited to 2 or 3 key topics of specific relevance to ITOs including:
  • Reporting back from Task and Finish groups
  • Observing National Standards Instructors
  • Update on DBS Guidance
  • Update on 80/20 rule Guidance

  1. AOB / DONM
David D reminded the ITO Group that they would also be receiving notes from the Board meeting.
Liz requested that the Bikeability Support Team were made aware of the mention in roundabout on Level 2 certificate. It should say either optional or mini-roundabout. SG confirmed post meeting that this referred to the OLD certificates and the new ones do have the word optional in brackets after word roundabout.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 11th December 1.30 - 4pm, CTUK offices, The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215, Building J, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG (020 7231 6005) (Lunch from 1pm) / IS to circulate to Group
IS to provide feedback to Bikeability Support Team

The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)