Traffic Calming Petition
(Sample Petition Letter)
Homeower’s Association President
Delray Beach, FL zip code
Dear City Manager:
Explain why you would like to be considered for traffic calming in the body of this letter. Please remember to include a check for $100.00 payable to City of Delray Beach.
Homeower’s Association President
Traffic Calming Petition
(Sample Petition)
Neighborhood or Subdivision Name:
Streets to be considered for Traffic Calming:
Street Name
From (Street Name):
To (Street Name):
Note: If more than one street is to be considered, please copy above three lines and list each street name and “from” what location “to” what location of that street should be considered.
Property Owner Name (typed or printed) Address
Property Owner Signature
Property Owner Name (typed or printed) Address
Property Owner Signature
Note: Copy above as many times as needed to obtain the required signatures.