MVSA Review Team

Surface Transport Regulation Branch

Department of Infrastructure and Transport

GPO Box 594,

Canberra ACT 2601

To the MVSA review team

We are an organisation that has been involved in the importation and modification of motor vehicles since 1994, during this time period we have submitted to change in the system ensuring safe vehicles are used on our roads. Whether it be new or used and vehicles of various applications. We are in agreeance with what the department is trying to achieve however there are areas that do need attention.

The procedure for importing 15-30 year old vehicles needs to be revised to tighten imports of that era. If a revised/watered down RAWS type system was in place this would push vehicles through accredited workshops, thus reducing workload for the Department by way of the already automated workshop system and also making a workshop accountable for the quality of vehicles being imported and used on public roads. This provides recourse in the future should the need arise.

Trailers, in particular 5th wheeler trailers need to be more stringently regulated for the 3 tonne to 4.5 tonne range to stop non-compliant vehicle being imported and used on our roads. A form of licencing system could potentially ensure the vehicles on our roads are safe

Examples of non-compliance; Access doors on the incorrect side

Wiring not up to Australian standard

Incorrect lighting

Non-compliant couplings

Inadequate chassis design

All states of Australia need to recognise approvals granted by the Australian Government. It appears that even though vehicles are approved by the Australian government all states do not recognise it. There is too many variations in laws from state to state with respect to imported and /or modified vehicles. Example if a vehicle is imported converted and compliance to be driven on Australian public roads, including an Australian government compliance place, why is this not recognised in South Australia when there is no problem in Victoria. South Australia Transport require an independent registered engineer to verify the vehicle complies with the relevant Australian Design Rules and is converted in accordance with VSB 4. No other state requires this for registration.

Kind Regards,

Terry Watson

Production and Compliance Manager

American Vehicle Sales // Adivision ofAutogroup International Pty. Ltd

4 Mosrael Place, Rowville VIC Australia 3178

Phone: [+613] 9765 1300 | Direct: [+613] 9765 1304 | Fax: [+613] 9765 1399

OverseasVehicle Sales /Adivision ofAutogroup International Pty. Ltd

308 Awissavella - Colombo Road, Kaduwela , Sri Lanka

Phone: [+94] 11 488 6644 | Fax: [+94] 11 254 8000

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