Faculty Excellence Award Nomination Form 2006

(Nomination Deadline Thursday, June 8, 2006, 5:00 p.m.)

The Tacoma Community College Foundation is granting up to two $1,000 Faculty Excellence awards for tenured full-time faculty, and one $500 award for a part-time facultymember to recognize outstanding contributions to teaching and learning. The awards will be presented at TCC’s commencement on June15, 2006. There are no restrictions on the use of the money.

Nominations may be made by faculty, staff, administrators, students or members of the community. Selection of faculty will depend on clear evidence of outstanding contributions and/or achievements. Nominators are asked to:

1. Complete the nomination form on this sheet.

2. Describe in narrative form what specific contributions the nominee has made in any or all of the categories for which he/she is being nominated.

3. Return completed nomination form and TYPED narrative to the TCC Foundation Office, Building6, Room 102, no later than 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June8, 2006.


Nominations must reflect outstanding contributions in any or all of the following categories. Please be as specific as possible.

  • Outstanding Contribution to His/Her Profession


Presents at professional conference(s)

Leads workshops

Serves as a consultant

Serves on boards or committees

Elected to office of educational organization or committee

  • Outstanding Contribution to Classroom Teaching

Uses innovative methods, techniques

Develops particularly relevant or appropriate course materials and/or content

Motivates students to meet high standards

  • Outstanding Contribution to Student Success

Is committed to students beyond the formal classroom environment

Motivates students to succeed

Cultivates students’ self-esteem

Recognizes students’ individual learning styles

  • Outstanding Contribution to the College and its Mission

Promotes the college’s image

Makes significant contributions to committees or special projects

Serves as student club advisor

Assists in coordinating and promoting student-related activities

  • Outstanding Contribution to the Community

Serves on community or state organizations or boards

Organizes meetings, forums, lectures and other activities of public benefit

Volunteers time and expertise.


(Please attach this form to your completed typewritten narrative.)

Nominee______Part time______Full-time______

Nominee’s Department______Phone______


Nominator’s Address______Phone______

Return completed nomination to TCC Foundation Office, Building 6, Room 102, no later than 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June8, 2006. Final selection of winners will be made by a committee comprised of TCC Foundation Board members, Mel Zanjani, CFRE, VP for Institutional Advancement/ Foundation Executive Director, and Alan Waugh, TCC Professional Development Coordinator

Copies of nominations will be distributed to all nominees after the June 15 commencement.

Tacoma Community College Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(C)3 corporation that accepts and administers philanthropic support for the College.

H:\Awards\Faculty Excellence\FacultyExcellenceAwardNominationForm 05-06.doc

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