Tuesday 9 December 2014
Who was here:
Florence Garland / Bernard PearceyMarcia Lawman / Paul Melin
Marita Amoros / Mo Rowe
Kevin Millard / Ann Barker
Ian Purves / Simon Rickard
Dave Purves / Simon Cartland
Grant Stillwell / Linzi Holt
Cathy Kane / Cath McLeod
Apologies: Ian Penfold, Stuart Vail, Linda Burgess, Stuart Outterside, Amanda Kent, George Hooper, Cathy Marshall
Notes of the last meeting and
Matters arising
Marcia is chairing the meeting today as Ian Penfold is off sick.
Cath has changed her surname to McLeod (congratulations!).
Care Act 2014
LD framework:
Sandrine is sorting out information events’ dates for all the LIGs. A letter will be sent to parents/carers and service users who might be affected. These information days are not for providers.
Assessment: questions/queries from the LIG: Flo is chasing up the response (done x 2)
LD framework will be closely monitored. Maybe we could liaise with CQC.
LIG finances
Flo said that we have £2810 left which should last us a long time. We need to think about how we will raise the money for this LIG in the future.
Note: the money is currently used for room hire and parents/carers transport mainly. We have used some of the money in the past for Elvis Night at Aldershot day service.
Service user involvement:
The reps (with the help of advocacy) are going to work on an action plan. They have good ideas and an action plan will help.
Care providers will need to come to the LIGs and the Partnership Board. They give feedback on what they do and how they do it.
Health: Michelle Stickland has emailed Flo her action plan for health. It is on the Partnership Board website (under Partnership Board / minutes – please scroll down)
Hampshire LD Partnership Board
We talked about support.
We also talked about LIG reps and parents/carers elections. The plan is to have elections in April in the LIGs and to elect a co-chair for the Partnership board in June 2015. Amanda Kent is working on a job description for the LIG reps and a parent/carer from another LIG is working on the job description for the parent/carer role.
The carer can be a parent/carer or friend or someone very involved but cannot be a “paid carer”.
We also mentioned the joint health and social care assessment and gave some paperwork to parent/carer reps. Since then, Flo has emailed parents/carers and groups who support parents/carers so they can answer the questionnaire. If you would like to get involved, please email or .
There is a workshop on the 20th January 2015 (to include service users and parents/carers). If you would like to book a place, please email Alison Froude or Flo.
See poster/flyer.
LD grant panel
Flo said that Ian Penfold attended the panel as Chair of the Blue LIG. People who have made bids will know towards the end of January 2015 if their bid(s) have been successful or not.
The Blue LIG is split between Hampshire and Surrey (borders).
Bernard said that he went to a meeting in Yateley where they had discussions about health.
Mo said that there is a huge back log on dental services as there is no theatre at Frimley Park.
Simon said that if LIG members are concerned about health services, they should write a letter on behalf of the LIG.
Is there a disability nurse in Basingstoke? – we think he/she has not been replaced yet.
LIG members to write to Nicky Palmer ref health services in the Aldershot area (Bernard? or other?)
We would like Michelle Stickland to come and talk to us about health services and in particular annual health checks.
Transport Forum:
Mo and other members are concerned that Dial a ride will no longer operate in the evening/Sunday in the Basingstoke area from May 2016.
Mo could not go to the Basingstoke forum meeting as she was at the Partnership Board meeting in Eastleigh.
(note after meeting: Flo emailed Christine who said that they did not mention the cuts in Dial a Ride). We have heard that Basingstoke and Dean might take on Dial A Ride (???). Cath to check and feedback at next meeting.
Other things:
Joint health and social care assessment: papers now given/sent out
We need to slow the meeting down. Marita will bring a ball or something similar. If someone wants to talk, we will pass the object round.
Flo will try and remember to bring the bell too to keep everyone in order!
Launchpad in Aldershot: Dimensions will take over from 1st January 2015
Marita will bring terms of reference next time round. Role of the LIG to be discussed too (SC).
Cathy Kane sends her apologies for next month’s meeting. She will run a small workshop in February about how we want to do/monitor things in the LIG.
Dates for your diaries
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th January 2015Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm latest – please bring your sandwiches. We don’t mind!
Next meetings in 20153 February – 11.30 am to 1.30 pm
17 March 10.30 am to 12.30 noon and back to normal
2 June
14 July
15 September
20 October
1st December
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking