1. Q: What is the Open Door Policy?
A: policy giving equal trading rights to all foreign nations in China
Hint: trading rights
Hint: China
2. Q: What is imperialism?
A: stronger nations extending their economic, political & military control over weaker territories
Hint: extending power
Hint: helped make the US a super power
3.Q: Who is the US Navy Admiral who urged government to build up American naval power
A: Alfred Thayer Mahan
Hint: believed US needed to construct a canal through Central America
Hint: First Name starts with an “A” and last name sounds like “Mayhem”
4. Q: Who was leader of Hawaiian provisional government and governor of Hawaii from 1900 to 1903?
A: Sanford B. Dole
Hint: Last name is the brand of most pineapples
5. Q: This short cut was built after Spanish-American War connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
A: Panama Canal
Hint: It is a canal
6. Q: What Amendment gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs at anytime
A: Platt Amendment
Hint: first word sounds like “flat”
7.Q: Which three countries made up the Triple Entente?
A: Great Britain, France, Russia
Hint: One of them is Russia
8.Q: Which countries were the Allies?
A: Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States
Hint: It’s the same countries as the Triple Entente with United States added
Hint: Russia is one of them
9. Q: Which countries were parts of the Triple Alliance?
A: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Hint: Italy was one of them
Hint: One country has a hyphenated name
10. Q: Which countries were parts of the Central Powers?
A: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
Hint: Same countries as the Triple Alliance, but with the Ottoman Empire as well
Hint: One of the countries is Bulgaria
11.Q: What is the type of warfare in which soldiers dig ditches in the ground and are separated by barbed wire?
A: Trench Warfare
Hint: We did a reenactment in class of this warfare
Hint: Many soldiers got trench foot
12.Q: Who was the Leader of the American Expeditionary Force and also led the expedition to find Pancho Villa?
A: General John Pershing
Hint: First name is John
13.Q: Who were the American troops sent to Europe under General Pershing that suffered many casualties while helping the Allies defeat the German Army in France?
A: American Expeditionary Force
Hint: 3 word answer
Hint: first word is American
14.Q: What is Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace towards the end of WWI?
A. Fourteen Points
Hint: Second word in answer is “points”
Hint: The first 5 ideas were to prevent another war
15.Q: Which battle was in 1918 and was one of the greatest American battles as well as the final battle of the American Expeditionary Force?
A: Battle of Argonne Forest
Hint: the soldiers created a hole in German defenses
Hint: Forest
16.Q: What is the Selective Service Act?
A: The draft act
Hint: Men sign register for this at age 18
17.Q: Was is the peace keeping organization after WWI created by Woodrow Wilson as a forum for nations to discuss and settle grievances with the hopes of preventing future wars?
A: League of Nations
Hint: 3 words, last word “nations”
18.Q: What is the Zimmerman Telegram?
A: German telegram proposing a military alliance with Mexico
Hint: Message from Germany
Hint: Prospects of a military alliance
19.Q: What are U-Boats?
A: German Submarines
Hint: Military underwater vehicles
20.Q: What year did America enter WWI?
A: 1917
Hint: Before 1920
Hint: You can watch rated-r movies at this age
21.Q: What is the “roaring twenties”?
A: A new decade of prosperity
Hint: flappers, prohibition, speak easies
22.Q: What was the purpose of the 18th Amendment?
A: Ban the sale and manufacture of alcohol
Hint: Beverage only those over the age of 21 can consume legally
Hint: caused criminal activity
23.Q: What was the new production technique that greatly improved manufacturing efficiency?
A: Assembly Line
Hint: Henry Ford Model T
Hint: Mass production
24.Q: What is the scientific idea that the human race could be made better through breeding?
A: Eugenics
Hint: Starts with an “E” and is similar to the name, “Eugene”
25.Q: Secretary Albert Fall’s secretly leased oil-rich public land to private companies in return for money and land which caused the American people to distrust elected officials… what is this scandal called?
A: Teapot Dome Scandal
Hint: “I’m a little teapot”
26:Q: What is the large scale movement of African Americans to the North for better jobs?
A: Great Migration
Hint: another word for fantastic
Hint: when people move for push/pull factors
27.Q: What was President Warren Harding’s campaign slogan?
A: “Return to Normalcy”
Hint: Slogan was to warrant the desire for people to return to a normal life after war
28.Q: Who made the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?
A: Charles Lindbergh
Hint: Flew from New York City to Paris
29.Q: The American fear of Communists, anarchists, and immigrants is called…?
A: Red Scare
Hint: first word is “red”
30.Q: African-American artistic creativity that produced great works of literature and art… what is this “movement” called?
A: Harlem Renaissance
Hint: Two-word answer
Hint: Named after a community in New York City
31. Q: Who was best known poet of the Harlem Renaissance who wrote about the difficult lives of the working class African Americans?
A: Langston Hughes
Hint: First name starts with an “L”
32.Q: Who was a political activist; started the Back to Africa Movement; urged African Americans to rely upon themselves?
A: Marcus Garvey
Hint: Last name begins with a “G”