School Year September 2013 – July 2014
School:BrookeSchool / Date:02/04/13 / Visit Length: 3 ½ hours / Present:DHTx2/SIP
Main focus:
Teaching & Learning
Leadership and management / Focus of next visit:
8th July 2014 am
Focus to be confirmed by headteacher.
Notes on main focus and matters arising:
The Autumn Term SIP visit did not result in a formal report due to some changes to the scope of the visit and the school’s successful Ofsted inspection in October 2013. Senior leaders reported on an apparent increase in the early diagnosis of ASD within Rugby. This and the funding changes for children who are 2 years old are likely to lead to potential pressure on places at the school for very young children. Brooke school has been identified by NASEN to attend a meeting with ministers in Westminster and senior leaders look forward to discussing a range of issues and solutions with them. Congratulations to the Brooke school community for this opportunity. Due to an anticipated operation in hospital the headteacher was not in school at the time of the visit.
Achievement and Progress Update
The Ofsted report confirms the school’s judgement that achievement is good because the majority of pupils make at least good progress. The ofsted report highlighted the need for further challenge for the more-able in some lessons and the school leadership team has already taken firm and decisive action to address this issue.
The Quality of Teaching
The school currently judges teaching to be good. The senior leadership are applying the learning from the recent INSET they received about judging lessons and the quality of teaching to excellent effect and can be sure that their judgements are accurate. The school uses a tri-angulation system incorporating information from a range of sources to support their judgements. The school also uses an external consultant to support them in ensuring that there is external validation of their judgements. This is excellent practice.
There is consistent monitoring of lessons to ensure that the teaching of reading remains in line with policy and that the use of appropriate resources to support those who need them is consistent. All lesson observations result in feedback that supports staff to continue to improve. Staff are encouraged to undertake continued professional development opportunities and the leadership of teaching and learning is secure. Pupil progress meetings are used to raise any issues and to encourage teachers to consider the use of additional strategies.
The proportion of good and outstanding teaching is rising and the comprehensive cycle of lesson observations remains in place. Governors are kept well-informed and records of meetings clearly illustrate that the school leadership is appropriately questioned by the governors.
The school is adopting an appraisal policy following substantial discussion with staff. Lead by the Head the staff team have worked together to produce a document that is clear about what characteristics might be typical for a teacher at the various stages of their career. This document was discussed and some amendments will be recommended to the headteacher. This document can be used to support the appraisal process and further supports both the development of teaching and ensures a consistency of approach.
All teachers, in preparation for their appraisal meetings, have used the Teachers’ Standards document to self-review their performance and prepare for their formal meetings with members of the Senior Leadership Team.
Agreed Actions: / Who: / When:
- Confirm date for summer term visit
- Confirm focus for next meeting
School Improvement Partner Report
Autumn 2013/Spring 2014
ACHIEVEMENT & PROGRESS / The school’s judgement is that achievement across the school is good / Confirmed by Ofsted (October 2013)
(Attainment, Progress, Pupil groups & the
closing of any performance gaps, Key skills)
QUALITY OF TEACHING / The school’s judgement is that teaching is good / The SIP judges that teaching is good and improving. Ofsted confirmed it to be good in October 2013.
(Pace of progress, Expectations, Subject knowledge, Additional
Support, Reading, Marking, Assessment)
BEHAVIOUR & SAFETY / The school judges this to be at least good with elements of outstanding practice (March 2013). / Confirmed by Ofsted (October 2013)
(Management of behaviour, Attitudes to learning, Safety
Freedom from bullying, Attendance)
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT / The school judges this to require improvement whilst highlighting areas of both good and outstanding practice (March 2013). / Confirmed by Ofsted (October 2013)
(L&M across the school, Leading/Managing the improvement of
T&L, Safeguarding, Self-evaluation & school improvement,
Governance, Curriculum, Engaging with parents/carers)
(The quality of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social & cultural development) / The school judges this to be an area of strength. / This will be formally evaluated on a future visit.
OVERALLEFFECTIVENESS / The school judges this to require improvement (March 2013). / Confirmed by Ofsted (October 2013)
This likely to be a focus within the 2014 Summer Term visit.
School Comments