- ALL allegations should be reported immediately.
- To the head teacher or
- To the chair of governors if about a head teacher.
- If the head teacher is absent then the referral should be made to the Chair of Governors.( Mr Tim Barrell).
- The allegation will also be referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer for Child Protection ( Mr John Mitson, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys.)LADO
- The LADO should be informed of all allegations that come to a school’s attention.
- All allegations should come to the attention of the Head teacher – case manager.
- The Head teacher should inform the Chair of Governors of all allegations.
- Where the case manager will want to inform the police immediately, this should be discussed with the LADO first.
- Parents of the child involved should be told of the allegation as soon as possible.However where a strategy meeting is required the HT should consult the agencies and agree what information should be disclosed to parents.
- Parents should be aware of the prohibition on reporting or publishing allegations about teachers.
- The case manager should inform the accused person about the allegation as soon as possible after consulting the LADO. The case manager should provide them with as much information as possible except when a strategy discussion is needed.
- If there is cause to suspect a child is at risk of significant harm and/or a criminal offence has been committed against a child a strategy discussion should be convened.
- While statutory authorities are considering the allegations the Gov body should only ensure the membership of the staff disciplinary and dismissal committees.
- Once the statutory authorities have completed the consideration of the allegation the matter is referred back to the GB to complete the staff disciplinary process.
- Governing Bodies are responsible for the conduct and discipline of school staff. This does not include voluntary staff and supply staff.
- The GB will need to appoint an independent investigator to investigate allegations that a teacher at a school has abused a pupil registered at the same school.
- A GB can choose who to appoint.
- The case manager should appoint a named representative to keep the person who is the subject of the allegation informed of the progress of the case and consider what other support is appropriate for the individual.
- It is extremely important that when an allegation is made the school makes every effort to maintain confidentiality.
- Unless an allegation has been deemed malicious, it is important that a clear and comprehensive summary of the allegation, details of how the allegation was followed up
and resolved and a note of any action taken and decisions reached is kept on the confidential personnel file of the accused and a copy provided to the person.
- Allegations must be investigated as a priority. 80%of cases should be resolved within one month, 90% within three months and all within 12 months.