TO NIPPON MEKTRON, LTD. Date (mm/dd/yy) :

Non-Use Guaranty (Ver.4)

□New purchasing □ Mass production (□ Process change □ No process change)

Company name :

Responsible person :

  1. Specific banned substances

Vendors need to fill out “Vendor’s product code number”, “Mektec group code number (except for new procurement materials)”, “Target analysis

substance”, “Analysis finished data” in table 1 below.

Table 1.

Vendor’s code number<Notes 1> / Mektec group codenumber / Target analysissubstance<Notes 2> / Analysis finished date(mm/dd/yy)

Notes 1 : The period of validity is one year after issued date for “Non-Use Warranty” and one year after analysis finished date for “Analysis Report”.

Notes 2 : RoHS2 regulated 10 substances, halogen(Chlorine, Bromine) that we request analysis for vendors if necessary, etc.

  1. Target regulated substances

(1)Vendorsneed to submit use/no-use information of target regulated substances for parts and materials that vendor supply directlyor third party toMektec group.

(2)Target regulated substances are ones described in “Target regulated substance list” and described in“Attachment 1”(EU REACH SVHC ; URL :


(3)Vendorsneed to fill out revised date of “Target Regulated SubstancesList” in column below.

Published date(mm/dd/yy) of “Target Regulated Substance List”

(4)Vendors can report by this warranty only in case of same result of use/no-use information for plural items.

(5) Vendors need to mark ”レ”in either “Use of target regulated substances” or “No-use of target regulated substances”.

□ Use of target regulated substances →Vendors need to fill out the table 2 below.

Table 2.

code number / Mektec group
code number / Component name
<Notes 3> / No / Target regulated substance
name / Content rate(ppm)
<Notes 4> / Purpose of contain/
Substitute plan

Notes 3 : Homogeneous substance that is component of product and is not decomposed physically and chemically.

Notes 4 : Calculation method is (contain weight of target regulated substance) × 1000000 ÷ (contain weight of component)

□ No-use of target regulated substances →Vendorsdon’t need to fill out the table 2above.

3.Halogen regulated substances, antimony and its compounds, red phosphorus

(1) Vendors need to mark ”レ”in either “Compliance with halogen regulated substances”or “No-compliance with halogen regulated substances”.

□ Compliance with halogen regulated substances→Vendors need to fill out the table3 below.

Table 3

Vendor’s code number / Mektec group code number / Component
name / Threshold of Chlorine(Cl) <900(ppm) / Threshold of Bromine(Br) <900(ppm) / Threshold of (Chlorine+Bromine) <1500(ppm)
no-contain / Unintentional
no-contain / Content rate
(ppm) / Purpose of
contain / Intentional
no-contain / Unintentional
no-contain / Content rate
(ppm) / Purpose of
contain / Intentional
no-contain / Unintentional
no-contain / Content rate
(ppm) / Purpose of

Remarks : If content rate of regulated halogen(Chlorine, Bromine) is more than half of threshold and less than threshold regardless of intentional or

unintentional contain, vendors need to attach the warranty that content rate of halogen is less than threshold in every shipping product

to this warranty.

□ No-compliance with halogen regulated substances→Vendorsdon’t need to fill out the table3above.

(2) Vendors need to mark ”レ”in either “Compliance with antimony and its compound ” or “No-compliance with antimony and its compound”.

□ Compliance with antimony and its compound→Vendors need to fill out the table4 below.

Table 4

Vendor’s code number / Mektec group code number / Component name / Threshold of Antimony only (Sb) <700(ppm)
Intentional contain / Unintentional contain / Content rate (ppm) / Purpose of contain

Remarks : If content rate of antimony and its compound is more than half of threshold and less than threshold regardless of intentional or

unintentional contain, vendors need to attach the warranty that content rate of antimony and its compound is less than threshold in

every shipping product to this warranty.

□ No-compliance with antimony and its compound→Vendorsdon’t need to fill out the table4above.

(3)Vendors need to mark ”レ”in either “No use of red phosphorus” or “Use of red phosphorus”.

□ No use of red phosphorus

□ Use of red phosphorus

Handling of personal information
Vendor’s personal information is used only for the purpose of NIPPON MEKTRON’s check of contents related to green procurement survey.Mektec groupcompanies and theiroutsourcing companies use it only for the purpose above,if necessary.