COHBE Individual Experience Advisory Group

Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2012


3773 Cherry Creek N. Dr. Denver, CO 80209

Members in Attendance
Ashley Wheeland / x / Joel Rosenblum / x
Teresa Coons / Julia Hutchins / x
Adela Flores-Brennan / x / Karen Cody Carlson
Antoinette Taranto / Lucy Hazelet / x
Brittney Petersen / x / Lynnae Flora / x
Carol Plock / Moe Keller / x
Christy Blakely / Morgan Honea / x
Cristina Aguilar / Peg Brown (Dayle Axman attended in place) / x
Dawn Joyce / x / R.J. Ours
Deborah Sampson / x / Scott Workinger / x
Jessica Wolfe / x / Steve Bieringer / x
Vicki Tosher / Tracy Johnson / x
Valerie Brooks / x

SHOP Broker Recommendations Review

The group reviewed the consensus areas from the SHOP Advisory Group related to the role and compensation structure COHBE should pursue with brokers and agents.Overall, the group was in support of the consensus areas and made a few additions (in red).

− COHBE should partner with brokers.

− In addition to current DOI licensing, brokers should be certified to sell through the Exchange, both initially and ongoing. Careful consideration should be given to the design of the certification program so the topics and competencies covered are unique to the Exchange and not duplicative of current educational and licensing requirements already expected of brokers. Links should be provided by COHBE to the DOI website if people want to learn more about any complaints related to brokers or licensing information.

−This certification process should enable brokers to sell all plans for all carriers in the Exchange. Whether it is called out explicitly, the groups both discussed the obligation brokers have to show all plans that best meet the needs and preferences of the consumer/employer.

--The Individual Experience Advisory Group added the need for a recertification process for brokers to go through after working on the exchange for a period of time. One idea was to offer continuing education credits to brokers who complete certain courses that cover new information about exchange developments, changes in coverage options or other relevant information.

− Individuals should NOT be required to use a broker.

− Commissions should be comparable inside and outside the Exchange. There was discussion about whether or not COHBE should play an active role in monitoring the commission rates inside and outside the Exchange to make sure there was no gaming in the system. In general the brokers felt that they would police this closely by themselves because they pay close attention to commission rates and would know quickly if a carrier was differentiating rates on and off the Exchange. Other members in the group did not believe self-regulation would be adequate; some members believed there should be oversight/management by COHBE or DOI to ensure commission rates are the same and recommended insurers be required to report their commission rates.

Discussion on Customer Service Center Recommended Scope and Functionality

The group discussed the recommended scope and functionality of the COHBE customer service center outlined in a draft policy document. Some members of the group had a strong preference to have navigators co-located at the customer service center to offer in-person assistance to those that requested it. Members also discussed the importance of clear communication to the public about the roles navigators, brokers and customer service representatives play in relation to COHBE.

Overall, the group felt it was important for people calling into the customer service center to not be transferred around, talk to a real person as soon as possible and be able to locate and talk with a navigator or broker in their community if they want in-person assistance or advice about selecting a qualified health plan. There was discussion that navigators should be part of the call center so people can be assisted immediately and seamlessly, which had general support. Some members wanted the call center to also link individuals to brokers equally. The Group agreed it will also be important for customer service representatives to have access to a language line or offer that assistance to people that need it and be trained in cultural competency. When people call with broader questions that don’t relate specifically to health coverage, customer service representatives should be able to provide referral assistance to supportive services across Colorado.

Input from the advisory group will be incorporated into the customer service center policy document and presented to the Board on August 27th for a vote.

The group will have its next meeting on August 28thfrom 2:30-4:00pm in the same location. The agenda will focus on individual rights and responsibilities and quality measures to be displayed on COHBE’s website.