Bryant Middle School


7th Grade Social Studies – Ancient World History

Mr. Piché -- Syllabus

Class Rule: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe

Grading Scale:

100-99 =A+87-83 =B72-70 =C-59-0 =E

98-93 =A82-80 =B-69-68 =D+

92-90 =A-79-78 =C+67-63 =D

89-88 =B+77-73 =C62-60 =D-

Grade Calculation:

Summative grades such as chapter assessments, unit tests, and projects will be calculated as 80% of the grade. Formative grades such as homework, short quizzes, participation, bellwork, and misc. class work will be 20% of the grade.


Above is the link to my iBlog website. I will frequently update it by discussing what we did in class, what and when assignments will be due, and what will come up in the near future.

Recommended Materials:

Textbook (History Alive!: The Ancient World), School planner, 1-subject spiral notebook, a 3 ring binder with pockets inside (1”), binder dividers, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, colored pencils.


Homework is due at the beginning of class of due date, unless discussed otherwise by the teacher. Any homework assignment not turned in on time will be reduced by 1/3rd of the grade the first day late, 2/ 3rd reduction after second day, and given a 0 after the third day.

Student Absence:

All assignments will be posted on my blog, I will be available before and after school, and the student can also ask a classmate/friend about what they missed.If you are absent, it is THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to get the missed assignments.

Tardy to Class:

Students must be IN THEIR SEAT AND WORKING when the bell rings or they are tardy

Per marking period:

3 tardies – detention and phone call home

6 tardies –sent to office and will discuss tardy issue with Mr. Dear

6+ tardies –parent meeting

Re-Take Policy:

I will be working with your child to develop study skills necessary for success. They will learn how to prepare for a test.I do not give re-takes.

Discipline Plan:

If a student misbehaves by not following the classroom or school rules, they will receive ‘penalties’ by signing their focus card in planner

1st penalty – written on focus card in planner (warning)

2nd – phone call home and focus card signed

3rd – detention, phone call, and focus card signed

4th – sent to office

Course Overview:

  • Unit 1 --Introduction to World History
  • Unit 2 – Beginnings of Human Societies
  • Unit 3 – Early Civilizations & the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples: 4000-1000 B.C.E. (Era 2)
  • Unit 4 – The Rise of Classical Empires & the Emergence of World Religions: 1000 B.C.E. – 300 C.E. (Era 3)
  • Unit 5 – Interactions, the Fall of Empires and other Stories: 1000 B.C.E. – 500 C.E. (Era 3)
  • Unit 6 – Patterns of Adaptation: Reorganizing and Restoring Order After the Fall of Empires

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

  1. Students will not talk while the teacher or other students are talking, unless told otherwise by the teacher.
  2. Students must be IN THEIR SEATS AND WORKING when the bell rings or they will be tardy. (See above for tardy consequences)
  3. Bell work will begin when the students enter the classroom. If the teacher must explain the bellwork, students are expected to be quiet, seated, and have their journals out and ready to begin.
  4. No cell phones, backpacks, jackets, coats, food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Water with cap, or water bottle, is acceptable.
  5. Students WILL respect the teacher and other classmates while they are talking. Constant interruption of a student or teacher will result in penalties (see above)
  6. Students WILL raise their hand and be acknowledged before speaking.
  7. Students must respect one another. No fighting! Any fighting that occurs will result in immediate removal from class and sent to the main office
  8. Students are expected to be courteous. This means no shouting or screaming during class time.
  9. All students are responsible for their own assignments if they have been absent from class. Assignments will be available on the iBlog.
  10. Teacher will give plenty of preparation time for students before a major exam.
  11. Students are expected to bring the recommended materials to class every day.
  12. Students must participate every day during class discussions. Better participation results in a better grade.
  13. Any homework assignment not turned in on time will be reduced by 1/3rd of the grade the first day late, 2/ 3rd reduction after second day, and given a 0 after the third day. (Basic homework will be on the √+, √, √- system)
  14. Students must get permission to use the hallway. Planner must be signed by teacher. No planner, no hallway pass

All students must follow all the behavioral rules set forth in the Bryant School Student Code of Conduct, failure to do so will result in the consequences set forth in the handbook.

Student Name Student Signature

Parent Signature


Teacher Signature Principal Signature

Dearborn Public Schools accept a parent’s assertion that he or she needs language assistance without requiring additional corroboration. For free help with understanding the content of this document, please call the Student Services office 827-3005 for translation/interpretation assistance.

Arabicتؤكد مدارس ديربورن على توفير خدمات الترجمة بدون أي شرط.للحصول على هذه الخدمة المجانيّة ولفهم هذه الإستمارة يرجى الإتصال بمكتب خدمات الطلاب على الرقم 3005-827.

French Les écoles de Dearborn vous offrent le service de traduction sans aucune condition. Si vous souhaitez avoir le service gratuit pour comprendre le contenu de ce document, prière d'appeler le bureau de Services aux Etudiants 827-3005.

SpanishLas escuelas de Dearborn aceptan la afirmación de un padre que él o ella necesita ayuda con el idioma sin necesidad de corroboración adicional. Para obtener ayuda gratuita con la comprensión del contenido de este documento, por favor llame a la oficina de Servicios de los Estudiantes 827-3005 para recibir asistencia de traducción / interpretación.

ItalianScuole Dearborn accettare l'affermazione di un genitore che lui o lei ha bisogno di assistenza lingua senza bisogno di ulteriori conferme. Per aiuto con la comprensione del contenuto di questo documento, si prega di chiamare l'ufficio Student Services 827-3005 per la traduzione / interpretazione di assistenza.

AlbanianShkolla DEARBORN pranojnë pohimin e të prindërve që ai ose ajo ka nevojë për ndihmë të gjuhës pa kërkuar vërtetim shtesë. Për ndihmë lirë me kuptuar përmbajtjen e këtij dokumenti, ju lutemi telefononi zyrën e shërbimeve për studentë 827-3005 për përkthim / interpretim ndihmë.

RomanianScolile orasului Dearborn accepta orice declaratie parinteasca care atesta nevoia copilul de assistenta cu limba engleza fara nici o dovada suplimentara. Daca aveti nevoie sa intelegeti acest document da-ti telefon la oficiul serviciilor scolare la numarul 827-3005 pentru a primi asistenta cu translatia sau interpretarea lui.

Urduڈیئر بورن اسکولوں میں والدین کا دعوی ہے کہ وہ یا وہ اضافی تعاون کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے بغیر زبان امداد کی ضرورت ہے کو قبول کرتے ہیں.اس دستاویز کے مواد کو سمجھنے کے ساتھ مفت میں مدد کے لئے، براہ مہربانی مدد ترجمہ / تشریح کے لئے طالب علم کی خدمات کے دفتر کو کال کریں 3005-827.

Dearborn Public Schools accept a parent’s assertion that he or she needs language assistance without requiring additional corroboration. For free help with understanding the content of this document, please call the Student Services office 827-3005 for translation/interpretation assistance.

September 9th, 2015

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

My name is Ryan Piché and I will be your child’s teacher for 7th grade World History during this school year. I am writing to inform you of my personal background, my goal as an educator, what your child will be learning in my classroom, and invite you to subscribe to my iBlog website. My blog will notify you about upcoming exams, certain homework assignments, and what the students have done in class.

I am a Dearborn native where I attended Dearborn Public Schools from K-12. I am a graduate from Central Michigan University where I received two Bachelor’s degrees in Education and Social Sciences. After I graduated from college I left the United States and traveled to China, where I taught English/ESL for 4 ½ years. I have taught a large range of students’ age and socio-economic backgrounds. I have experience in both city and rural areas, and age groups from as young as 6 years old, and as old as the University level. During my time in China I have learned a great deal of their culture and history, including the Chinese Mandarin language and traditional Shaolin kung fu. Besides China, my traveling experience has also led me to Europe and other countries in Asia. As an 8th year teacher (3rd year at Bryant Middle School), I plan to share my knowledge and experiences from around the world with your child and hope to inspire the students to dream big and appreciate our amazing world.

It is of my utmost importance that your child will be learning in a comfortable setting that is safe and secure. Your child will be engaged in critical thinking assignments and will have to think “outside the box” to ensure correct assessment on the subject. During my time here at Bryant Middle School I will do everything in my power to make sure that your child will succeed.

Please, feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern. You may e-mail me at anytime of the day or you may also call me through the middle school and I will do what I can to help you.

My e-mail address:

I also ask that all of you please subscribe to my blog. I will update the blog every day with information about what we did in class, what homework assignments are assigned and when they are due, upcoming exams and projects, and what your child will be doing in my classroom. Once you subscribe, every time I make a new post, it will go directly to your e-mail address, so you can stay informed about your child’s education.

How to subscribe:

1.) Go to this website:

2.) Click on “Class info” in the upper right hand corner

3.) Under ‘class info’ you will see “eNewsletter Signup.” Write in your e-mail address, then hit “Create Subscription” and then you’re done!!

Any questions please contact me

I am looking forward to an excellent year of learning for both the students and myself. Thank you in advance for your interest and involvement in your child’s education.


Ryan Piché