AGENDAcontinuedMay 15, 2009




Aregular meeting of the Board of Directors of Grossmont Healthcare District will be held Friday, May 15, 2009, at 7:30 a.m., at the GrossmontHealthcareDistrictConferenceCenter, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA

AGENDAMay 15, 2009

A.Call to Order

B.Pledge of Allegiance

C.Approval of Agenda

D.Public Comment:

Opportunity for citizens to speak on items of interest within subject matter jurisdiction of the District. For the record, please state your name. “Request to Speak” cards should be filled out in advance and presented to the Board President or the recording secretary. The Board has a policy limiting any speaker to no more than five minutes.

E.Consent Action Items:

Consent Action Items are normally acted upon by a single vote encompassing all items within this section. Since the public may directly address the Board before action on any item, a member of the public may, upon request, speak to the item(s) before the vote is taken.

  1. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 17, 2009
  2. Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 4, 2009

F.Reports/Discussion/Possible Action Items:

1)SharpGrossmontHospital Report—Beth Morgante

2)Community Grants & Sponsorships Committee—Director McElravy

a)Consideration of a Grants Policy for Fiscal Year 2009-10

b)Consideration of Grant Requests:

i.Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District The Sequoia C512 Echo (Request: $49,651; Committee Recommendation: $49,651)

ii.Grossmont Union High School District GUHSD Health Career Pathways Initiative FY 2009-10 (Request: $168,000; Committee Recommendation: $168,000 – May require 4/5 vote per new Grants Policy)

iii.Grossmont Hospital Foundation Sterile Processing Department Instrument Washers (Request: $463,000; Committee Recommendation: $463,000)

iv.Grossmont Hospital Foundation Grant Request for FY 2009-10 (Request: $950,000; Committee Recommendation: $950,000)

c)Consideration of Sponsorship Requests:

i.Burn Institute “36th Annual Spirit of Courage Awards Banquet”, Thursday, May 21, 2009 (Request: $2,500; Committee Recommendation: $2,500)

3)G. O. Bond Committee—Director Emerson/CEO Jantz (Verbal Report)

a)Project Updates

4)Finance/Audit Committee—Director Emerson (Verbal Report)

5)Investment Committee—Director Stieringer

a)Acceptance of Investment Report for Quarter Ending March 31, 2009

b)Consideration of Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2009-10

6)Policies & Procedures Committee—Director Long

7)Public Relations Report of Monthly Activities—Rick Griffin

a)Viewing of New District Informational Video—Louie Stevens

8)Board Member Comments/Reports

  • Association of California Healthcare Districts “Legislative Days” – April 20-21, 2009
  • San DiegoEastCounty Chamber of Commerce “First Friday Breakfast” – May 1, 2009
  • Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District “New Chancellor Reception” – May 5, 2009
  • Grossmont Healthcare District “Healthcare Heroes Awards Luncheon” – May 6, 2009


Health care in today’s EastCounty has been shaped, built, and nurtured by the inspiration, sacrifice, and hard work of the men and women who have made EastCounty a healthier and better place to live and work. Today we remember the contributions of:

Susan Hathaway / Olwyn Shields
Dr. William Paul Skivolocki / Willard Fellows
Dr. John E. Shick

H.Informational Items:

1.Committee Assignments

2.Grants and Sponsorships History/FY 2008-09 Variance Report

3.Unpaid Grants and Charitable Events as ofApril 30, 2009

4.Approved Grants and Charitable Events as ofApril 30, 2009

5.Grants and Charitable Events Payments as ofApril 30, 2009

I.Future Events

This section contains a list of upcoming events and includes individual event information.

J.Closed Session

1.Conference with Legal Counsel Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (b)(1) Regarding Potential Litigation (One Case)

K.Report After Closed Session

L.Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting(s):

  • Monday, June 1, 2009, 7:30 a.m., GrossmontHealthcareDistrictConferenceCenter, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa
  • Friday, June 19, 2009, 7:30 a.m., GrossmontHealthcareDistrictConferenceCenter, 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa
