Contrary to what many believe, Canada’s history does not end at the end of World War Two. The Canada of 1945 is very different from the Canada at the turn of the century. In the next 6 decades Canada will change dramatically as it grows as a nation both domestically and abroad while simultaneously diversifying through immigration and new social, political and economic policies.

Decade / Distinctive Themes (these MUST be addressed in the presentation)
1950s / PM Louis St. Laurent (1948-1957), PM John Diefenbaker (1957-1963), Canada's Role in Suez Crisis, Avro Arrow, Baby Boom, Canada's Role in Korean War,
1960s / PM Diefenbaker (1957-1963), PM Pearson (1963-1968), Canada's Role in Cuban Missile Crisis, Canadian Flag Debate, Health Care, Quiet Revolution
1970s / PM Trudeau (1968-1979), October Crisis, National Energy Program, Summit Series, Immigration Act 1976, Charter of French Language, Crisis in Iran, GreenPeace
1980s / PM Trudeau (1980-1984), PM Mulroney (1984-1993), 1980 Referendum, Canadian Constitution Act & Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Meech Lake Accord
1990s / PM Mulroney (1984-1993), PM Chretien (1993-2000), 1995 Referendum, Oka Crisis, Charlottetown Accord, Canadian Peacekeeping
2000s / PM Martin (2003-2006), PM Harper (2006-present), Canada's Role in War in Afghanistan, Great Recession, Vancouver 2010, Blackberry

TASK 1: PRESENTATION(each presentation will be 15-20 min in length max.)
The goal for your presentation is to pick a centralized 'theme / thesis' to showcase why your decade was the MOST important in Canadian post war history (or why it 'ROCKED'!!!).
Important Questions to Consider When Planning the Presentation:
· How did your decade transform Canadian history?
· How has your decade contributed to change that can still be felt amongst citizens today in Canada and on a global scale?
· Keep in mind to consider all aspects of post war life: politics, economy, social, world events, influential people, culture, inventions, military etc.

TASK 2: Fashion and Music Component
Dress in fashion styles that emerged during your decade. Select a 'commentator' for your decade to highlight the various trends in fashion during your decade.
Select ONE song from your decade to 'present' AND teach the class the dance moves from that song or dance moves that were popular from the decade. Connect back to why your decade ROCKS in music.

Task 3: Review Component

Create necessary handouts that allow the class to review the material that they learned from the presentation.

Post-War Canada Rock your Decade Presentation Rubric

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding:
Events / Historical Content / Students have has focused on one events / issues from the appropriate decade.
Students have included minimal accurate information pertaining to the topics.
/ Students have focused on two topics from the appropriate decade.
Students have included some accurate information pertaining to the topics. / Students have focused on all / most from the appropriate decade.
Students have included accurate pertaining to the events / topics / Students have exceptionally focused on all listed topics from the appropriate decade.
Students have included extremely accurate and detailed information pertaining to the events / topics
Thinking and Inquiry:
Critical Analysis/ Relation to Canadian History / Students have little analysis in their chosen events into an theme but needs stronger and more relevant connections
/ Students have adequately analyzed their chosen events into an apparent theme that is relevant but could have more connections / Students have analyzed their chosen events into a distinctive theme that is relevant and connections most events in a clear and concise manner / Students have exceptionally analyzed their chosen events into a distinctive theme that is relevant and connections all events in a clear and concise manner with critical analysis
Visuals /Photos / Students have incorporated a few relevant and appropriate photos, images, videos, words and / or quotations into a presentation but it requires more coherence and originality.
/ Students have incorporated mostly appropriate photos, images, videos, words and / or quotations into a somewhat coherent and organized presentation
/ Students have incorporated appropriate photos, images, videos, words and / or quotations into a coherent, organized and creative presentation
/ Students have incorporated exceptional photos, images, videos, words, music and / or quotations into a very coherent, well organized and creative presentation
Oral Articulation / Student attempts to tell a story through 'snapshots' in time but should use more academic language, critical analysis, clarity and articulation / Student tells an adequate story through 'snapshots' in time and attempts to use academic language, critical analysis, clarity and clear articulation / Student tells an interesting story through 'snapshots' in time and effectively uses academic language, critical analysis, clarity and clear articulation / Student tells an exceptional story through 'snapshots' in time and effectively uses highly academic language, critical analysis, clarity and clear articulation