Post title: / Research Fellow in quantitative methods/GIS
Academic Unit/Service: / Geography and Environment
Faculty: / Social Human and Mathematical Sciences
Career Pathway: / Education, Research and Enterprise (ERE) / Level: / 4
*ERE category: / Research pathway
Posts responsible to: / Dr Darja Reuschke
Posts responsible for: / None
Post base: / Office-based (see job hazard analysis)
Job purpose
To work as a researcher on the ERC funded WORKANDHOME project and to explore the geography of home-based work and enterprise. The role will entail assisting and then leading aspects of field data collection and social media data analysis required to explore the location and time-space geography of home-based workers and enterprises. To undertake data preparation, archiving, documenting and interpreting the resulting datasets. To analyse the collated primary dataset and the retrieved social media data and link other data sources to these datasets. A key focus for the role will be to write results up for publication, and to present findings at conferences.
Key accountabilities/primary responsibilities / % Time /
1. / Field data collection including assisting in developing field instruments (web-based diary and GPS tracking tools) and data storage / 10 %
2. / Creating a corpus of geo-located social media data of home-based workers and enterprises using the Twitter application programming interface (API) and potentially other social media networks based on semantic analysis / 30 %
3. / Linking data to the created primary dataset and the social media corpus / 10 %
4. / Analysing the created datasets using GIS and multivariate modelling / 20 %
5. / Report writing: assistance with the preparation of final reports, with an emphasis on the dissemination of results via journal publications and conferences. / 20 %
6. / Assisting in the organisation of dissemination events / 5%
7. / Liaising with project partners and other researchers in the field to progress research activity and to provide regular updates. / 5 %
Internal and external relationships /
With project collaborator at St Andrews: modelling and analysis, general liaison and collaboration, including exchanges of datasets
Collaboration with WORKANDHOME researchers based in Southampton: modelling and analysis with PhD in relation to own primary dataset, general liaison and collaboration with qualitative researcher
Special Requirements /
To attend national and international conferences for the purpose of disseminating research results.
Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessedQualifications, knowledge and experience / Degree in Human Geography or a cognate social science
PhD or equivalent qualifications and experience in Human Geography or cognate discipline (economics, sociology, etc.)
Detailed knowledge of quantitative social science methods, and particularly GIS and programming
Experience in use of spatial data in GIS systems, and data processing for spatial analysis
Experience in the application of models
Ability to write code to assist in data analysis/developing field instruments using a suitable language (e.g. C++, Matlab, R, Python, etc) / Knowledge of time-space literature
Experience in semantic analysis with social media data
Experience in retrieving geo-located data from social media networks, e.g. Twitter API
Experience in using UK Population Census data
Knowledge of the geography of the UK / CV/interview
Planning and organising / Able to plan and work on their own / CV/Interview
Problem solving and initiative / Good problem solving skills and must be able to take the initiative when required / CV/Interview
Management and teamwork / Must be able to work as part of a team and interact with other teams and communicate with colleagues. It is essential that the post holder has experience of managing/working with complex, large geographical datasets / CV/Interview
Communicating and influencing / Communicate new and complex information effectively, both verbally and in writing, engaging the interest and enthusiasm of the target audience
Able to present research results at group meetings and conferences
Able to write up research results for publication in leading peer-viewed journals
Work proactively with colleagues in other work areas/institutions, contributing specialist knowledge to achieve outcomes / CV/Interview
Other skills and behaviours / Positive attitude to colleagues / CV/Interview
Special requirements / To attend national and international conferences for the purpose of disseminating research results. / CV/Interview
Is this an office-based post?
☒ Yes / If this post is an office-based job with routine office hazards (eg: use of VDU), no further information needs to be supplied. Do not complete the section below.☐ No / If this post is not office-based or has some hazards other than routine office (eg: more than use of VDU) please complete the analysis below.
Hiring managers are asked to complete this section as accurately as possible to ensure the safety of the post-holder.
## - HR will send a full PEHQ to all applicants for this position. Please note, if full health clearance is required for a role, this will apply to all individuals, including existing members of staff.
ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURES / Occasionally(<30% of time) / Frequently
(30-60% of time) / Constantly
(> 60% of time)
Outside work
Extremes of temperature (eg: fridge/ furnace)
## Potential for exposure to body fluids
## Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa)
## Exposure to hazardous substances (eg: solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify below:
Frequent hand washing
Ionising radiation
## Food handling
## Driving university vehicles(eg: car/van/LGV/PCV)
## Use of latex gloves (prohibited unless specific clinical necessity)
## Vibrating tools (eg: strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers)
Load manual handling
Repetitive crouching/kneeling/stooping
Repetitive pulling/pushing
Repetitive lifting
Standing for prolonged periods
Repetitive climbing (ie: steps, stools, ladders, stairs)
Fine motor grips (eg: pipetting)
Gross motor grips
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height
Face to face contact with public
Lone working
## Shift work/night work/on call duties
Template Job Description - ERE Level 4 – Research Pathway – Research Fellow2