Title / CPD Portfolios
Author / Barry Wildsmith / Approved By / Barry Wildsmith
Date Issued / 07/09/2015 / Review Date / 01/09/2018
Validation / Sign off in Log
Circulation / ☒ First Responder
☒ Ambulance Care Assistant
☒ Emergency Care Assistant
☒ Ambulance Technician / ☒ Nurse
☒ Paramedic
☒ Emergency Care / Nurse Practitioner
☒ Doctor
This document explains what your CPD portfolio contains and how to use it to keep track of your learning and development.
It is essential that we have a method to track and demonstrate the competencies of those who work on our behalf.
CORE Skill 1:Basic Skills & Induction
When you join EMC you will complete a series of induction sessions as part of a crew or on a one to one basis. During these sessions you will complete forms R8 A,B & C covering the essentials of your role, health and safety and EMC facilities.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 1:Basic Skills Level 3 is:
Completion of R8 A B C
Completion of Vehicle Familiarisation
CORE Skill 2:Infection Prevention & Control (IPC)
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of Infection Risk and how to prevent and control risk of infection to yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to IPC are:
- Vehicles, premises and equipment must be kept clean and cleaning must be done in line with current legislation and guidance and should be visibly clean and free from odours that are offensive or unpleasant.
EMC as a provider should…
- Use appropriate cleaning methods and agents,
- Operate a cleaning schedule appropriate to the care and treatment being delivered from the premises or by the equipment
- Monitor the level of cleanliness
- Take action without delay when any shortfalls are identified.
- Make sure that staff with responsibility for cleaning have appropriate training.
- Domestic, clinical and hazardous waste and materials must be managed in line with current legislation and guidance.
- Must comply with guidance from the Department of Health about the prevention and control of infections: Health and Social Care Act 2008: The Code of Practice for health and adult social care on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance.
The Clinical and Operational Support Teams are committed to assisting you in your development so that you can excel in all aspects of your role at EMC. If our teams can be of any help or if you have ideas as to how we might improve our training and support for you in your role please don’t hesitate to contact the operations contact centre who will point you in the right direction 01235 430 466.
I am not a full time member of Crew at EMC but run training and issue Clinical Guidance on a regular basis. If I can ever be of assistance please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 2: IPC Level 3 is:
EMC IPC Online Learning
One Audited Standard Clean Per 6 months
Attend Handwashing Workshop
Sign off of Ambulance Clean COG and Witnessed CPD Statement
CORE Skill 3:Health & Safety
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of Health & Safety and how to prevent accident or injury to yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to Health & Safety are:
- Risk assessments relating to the health, safety and welfare of people using services must be completed and reviewed regularly by people with the qualifications, skills, competence and experience to do so. Risk assessments should include plans for managing risks.
- EMC as a provider should use risk assessments about the health, safety and welfare of people using their service to make required adjustments. These adjustments may be to premises, equipment, staff training, processes, and practices and can affect any aspect of care and treatment.
- Relevant health and safety concerns should be included in people's care and treatment plans/pathways. This includes allergies, contraindications and other limitations relating to the person's needs and abilities.
- EMC as a provider must comply with relevant Patient Safety Alerts, recalls and rapid response reports issued from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and through the Central Alerting System (CAS).
- Incidents that affect the health, safety and welfare of people using services must be reported internally and to relevant external authorities/bodies.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 3: Health and Safety Level 3 is
EDUCARE Risk Assessment
EDUCARE Health and Safety
EDUCARE Personal Safety
Attend Course IND:MH1 (Manual Handing)
Sign of H&S Cog
Sign of MHRA and MH Cogs
CHEMEX online COSHH Chemical Safety
Fire Awareness Training
CPD statements on Manual Handling,
Complete a written Risk Assessment
Evidence must be updated at least every 3 months to demonstrate that you are consciously utilising these skills.
CORE Skill 4:Safeguarding
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of safeguarding and how to recognise and report safeguarding concerns in relation to yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to safeguarding are:
- EMC as a provider must make sure that they have, and implement, robust procedures and processes that make sure that people are protected. Safeguarding must have the right level of scrutiny and oversight, with overall responsibility held at board level or equivalent.
- Staff must be aware of their individual responsibilities to prevent, identify and report abuse when providing care and treatment. This includes referral to other providers.
- Staff must understand their roles and associated responsibilities in relation to any of the provider's policies, procedures or guidance to prevent abuse.
- Information about current procedures and guidance about raising concerns about abuse should be accessible to people who use the service, advocates, those lawfully acting on their behalf, those close to them and staff.
- As a provider EMCuses incidents and complaints to identify potential abuse and takes preventative actions, including escalation, where appropriate.
- EMC works in partnership with other relevant bodies to contribute to individual risk assessments, developing plans for safeguarding children and safeguarding adults at risk, and when implementing these plans. This includes regularly reviewing outcomes for people using the service.
- EMC as a provider and you as staff must understand and work within the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 whenever we work with people who may lack the mental capacity to make some decisions.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 4: Safeguarding Level 3 is
EDUCARE Safeguarding Adults
EDUCARE Safeguarding Children
Attend Course IND:SG1 (Safeguarding)
Sign off Safeguarding Cogs
Evidence must be updated at least every 3 months to demonstrate that you are consciously utilising these skills and remaining alert to safeguarding issues.
CORE Skill 5:Equality & Diversity
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of equality and diversity and how to promote equal and diverse practise for yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to equality and diversity are:
- Staff must understand their individual responsibilities in preventing discrimination in relation to the protected characteristics set out in section 4 of the Equality Act 2010. These are: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation.
- EMC as a provider should have systems for dealing with allegations and acts of discrimination regardless of who raises the concern or who the allegation is against. This includes policies and procedures that describe the required actions and the timescales in which to take action.
- EMC as a provider must support people who use services when they make allegations of discrimination or actually experience discrimination. They must not unlawfully victimise people who use services for making a complaint about discrimination.
- When allegations of discrimination are substantiated, providers must take corrective action and make changes to prevent it happening again. This may involve seeking specialist advice or support.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 5: Equality and Diversity Level 3 is
EDUCARE Equality and Diversity
CORE Skill 6:Respect & Involve
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of how to respect and involve your patients, colleagues and other personnel is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to respecting and involving service users are:
- When people receive care and treatment, all staff must treat them with dignity and respect at all times. This includes staff treating them in a caring and compassionate way.
- All communication with people using services must be respectful. This includes using or facilitating the most suitable means of communication and respecting a person's right to engage or not to engage in communication.
- Staff must respect people's personal preferences, lifestyle and care choices.
- When providing intimate or personal care, provider must make every reasonable effort to make sure that they respect people's preferences about who delivers their care and treatment, such as requesting staff of a specified gender.
- People using the service should be addressed in the way they prefer.
- People using the service must not be neglected or left in undignified situations such as those described below:
- not providing help and aids so that people can be supported to attend to their continence needs, andmaking sure people are not:
- Left in soiled sheets for long periods
- Left on the toilet for long periods and without the means to call for help
- Left naked or partially or inappropriately covered
- Made to carry out demeaning tasks or social activities
- Ridiculed in any way by staff.
CORE Skill 7:Team Work
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of how important it is to ensure we work in a team while providing a service to our patients and other service users is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
Although our regulatory body, The Care Quality Commission does not have specific regulations in relation to team working, EMC Medical Services sees team working as a crucial part of everything we do.
Working in a team includes good communication with colleagues, managers, patients and also our customers. By working within a team we are able to provide the patient with the best care possible; something we strive to do.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 7: Team Work Level 3 is
CORE Skill 8:Wellbeing
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of wellbeing and how to promote wellbeing for yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to respecting and involving service users are:
- EMC as a provider regularly review the fitness of employees.
- EMC as a provider follows robust systems to respond to concerns about a person's fitness after they are appointed to a role. This applies whether the concerns are raised by the provider or others.
- EMC as a provider responds without delay to concerns about a person's fitness or ability to carry out their duties. This includes responding immediately if there is an imminent risk to people working in and using the service.
- The response taken to concerns about a person's fitness should be fair to the person and follow correct procedures.
- Where a person's fitness to carry out their role is being investigated, appropriate interim measures must be taken to minimise any risk to people using the service.
- Providers must inform others as appropriate about concerns or findings relating to a person's fitness and must support any related enquiries and investigations that others have carried out. They may inform bodies such as professional regulators, police, and safeguarding authorities about concerns.
- Staff should inform the operations support team should they feel they are not fit for role
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 8: Wellbeing and Positivity Level 3 is
EDUCARE Mental Capacity
CPD Statement: Excellence and Positivity
CORE Skill 9:Confidentiality
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of confidentiality and how to promote best practice in relation to confidentiality for yourself, your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to confidentiality are:
- Systems and processes must support the confidentiality of people using the service and not contravene the Data Protection Act 1998.
- EMC as a provider must observe data protection legislation about the retention of confidential personal information.
- Subject to statutory consent and applicable confidentiality requirements, providers must share relevant information, such as information about incidents or risks, with other relevant individuals or bodies. These bodies include safeguarding boards, coroners, and regulators. Where they identify that improvements are needed these must be made without delay.
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 9: Confidentiality Level 3 is
EDUCARE Data Protection in Mental Health
CPD Statement: Patient Privacy
CORE Skill 10:Medical
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of your scope of practice in relation to medical aid for your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
The Care Quality Commission is our regulatory body and their standards can be found in the EMC Guide to CQC. The core requirements of these regulations in relation to maintaining qualifications and training are:
- Where a qualification is required for a role, either by law or by a provider, providers should have the means to enable them to check that employees hold the appropriate qualification(s)
- EMC as a provider may consider that a person can be engaged in a role based on their qualifications, skills and experience with the expectation that they will become competent within a specified timeframe once in the role. This means that they may work for the provider and undergo training at the same time in order to become competent.
- EMC as a provider deploys sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff to make sure that they can meet people's care and treatment needs
- Staff where appropriate are encouraged and supported obtain further qualifications appropriate to the work they perform
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 10: Medical Skills Level 3 is
Emergency First Aid with AED and 02
Sign Off of DNACP COGS
Sign Off of Administering O2 COGS
CORE Skill 11:Driving
Ensuring you have a firm understanding of your requirements as a driver for your patients and others is essential to providing a safe and professional service.
Although our regulatory body, The Care Quality Commission does not have specific regulations in relation to driving, EMC Medical Services sees driving as a crucial part of everything we do.
- Drivers should drive in line with the EMC Medical Services Driving Standards Policy
- Drives should drive within the law and rules set down in the high way code at all times
- Drivers should undergo regular assessment
- Advanced drivers should keep records of advance driving skills
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 11: Driving Level 3 is
Successful completion of Diagnostic Drive Assessment
CORE Skill 12:Commitment to CPD
Ensuring your keep your skills current is essential, in this section you will record the COGS Memos and briefings you read. This section will also contain evidence of living the EMC Excellence Values and any wider learning you undertake which you can demonstrate makes you better
Your core mandatory training for CORE CREWS Skill 12: Commitment to CPD Level 3 is
Maintain up to date and current records of reading COGS & MEMOs