Icklesham Parish Council
Putting Governance in your hands
Rye Harbour Flagpole Working Group
24th March 2017 at 7pm
Rye Harbour Village Hall
Present: / Cllr. Mrs J Stanford (Chair) / Cllr. S Tollett (Minutes)J Brown(Left meeting at 7.45pm) / Ms T Cutting
Mrs L Stevens / ATollett(Arrived at 7.20pm)
R Tollett
- Welcome: The meeting was opened by Cllr Mrs J Stanford at 7.18pm.
- Apologies for Absence: Received from R Roberts.
- Consider and approve Working Group minutes (03/10/2016): All present agreed that the minutes were a true account of the meeting.
- Co-option of Roy Roberts to the working group: Proposed: R Tollett seconded by MsTCutting. All present were in favour.
- Draft Terms of Reference for Flagpole Committee: Draft terms of reference agreed subject to the following amendments:
Add: Roy Roberts – Rye Harbour resident at1. Constitution (a) Co-opted Members
Add: The committee will convene at least two (2) meetings per council year at 2. Governance (c).
Draft Flagpole Committee Memorandum of Understanding: Draft MoU agreed subject to the following amendments:
Delete: (See Standing Order: #) at 2.1.3 Commitments
Amend: Any reference to Allotment should read Rye Harbour Flagpole
Amend: Ammendments should read Amendments at 4. Ammendments.
Recommendation: Draft Flagpole Committee ToR’s be considered and approved by Full Council. - Draft Action Plan: It was agreed that the following actions need to be actioned to enable an action plan to be progressed.
- Create a map of the area
- Decide how the area is going to be zoned
Area within flagpole stays to be shingle
Three (3) picnic benches to be sited at back near to the bund/bank
Information board / sign
Notice board
Litter bin with aperture flaps
Brick BBQ station
It was noted that an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) will need to be carried out in relation to the actions needed to progress this project. As per the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 and Equality Act 2010 Public sector equality duty.
- Fundraising Ideas:
- Flying messages for birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions for a minimum £10 donation. This donation will include a notice being posted in the notice board with the message in plain text. A photo of the message will be posted on social media.
- Dressing the flagpole for village events (It was agreed that the RNLI Station Open Day, Village Fete and Village Celebrations would be free).
- Setup a flagpole friends group.
- Hold a Fete or Village Picnic around the flagpole
- Investigate other revenue streams (Community funding from external organisations and businesses)
- Allocation of Tasks:
- RT / ST:Map area
- JSInformation board / sign design(s) and cost
- JS/RT/TCHistory of flagpole (information and old photos needed)
- STNotice board design and cost
- ST/LSPicnic benches – design and cost
- RTWeed killing – liaise with Dr Barry Yates (SWT)
- STLitter Bin with aperture flaps – design and cost
- RTBrick BBQ station – design and cost
- ATPlastic path / driveway grid – design and cost
- RTChase up halliard installation of flagpole
- STDraft terms and conditions for messages
- STCosts to be added to draft budget (as and when known)
- AOB: None
- Date of Next Meeting: Friday, 28 February April 2017 at 7.15pm at Rye Harbour Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm
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