Torquay Girls’ Grammar School
Our aims at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School are threefold;
- Girls leave having made, at least, the expected academic progress.
- Girls develop into rounded, balanced individuals.
- Girls make a positive contribution to the community.
We encourage all applicants to come to our Open Days in June and September or arrange to participate in one of our regular tours. Details can be found on our website.
For entry intoYear 7 in September 2019
Torquay Girls’ Grammar School is a selective girl’s school with Academy status and is therefore responsible for managing its own admissions. This is done in co-operation with the Local Authority to ensure that as many parents as possible obtain a place for their daughter at the school of their choice. Admission is based on academic ability and this is determined through 2 tests. The Planned Admission Number (PAN) for Year 7 in September 2019 is 150 girls and is determined by a number of considerations including the physical space available for teaching.
Candidates will be female.
Candidates will be girls in Year 6 at the time of taking the test:
(Applicants for joining Year 7 in September 2019will be born between 1stSeptember 2007 and 31st August 2008)
Candidates qualify to take the tests by virtue of her chronological age not the year of their school placement.
The admissions tests take place at Torquay Girls’ Grammar school on:
Saturday 15thSeptember 2018
Applicants must complete the Test Registration Form issued by the School and return by midday on Friday 7thSeptember 2018. The Form can be accessed from the school website or by contacting the school. It enables us to inform you of all the test arrangements.
There will be two CEM tests.
The test setup is as follows:
Saturday 15th September 2018Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring (CEM) Test 1 / Approximately 50 minutes
Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring (CEM) Test 2 / Approximately 50 minutes
The CEM tests will assess verbal ability (comprehension, vocabulary and verbal reasoning), numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. There will be two papers, each with approximately 45-50 minutes of timed test questions. There is a mix of content within each paper.
CEM do not produce commercially available practice material for the tests but parents can download a copy of the familiarisation booklet from the school website. This does give a feel for the appearance of the tests and the range of disciplines tested and answer formats used. The two CEM test scores will be combined.
Children who are unable to take the tests on either of these dates, due to illness or other significant acceptable reason, will be offered the opportunity to take the tests at the catch-up date. However, this must be discussed with the school at the earliest opportunity. Late tests beyond this time will only be permitted where parents demonstrate, with evidence, a genuine case.
If the parent chooses to name the schoolon the Common Application Form (CAF) for a child who has not taken the selective test, there will be no score to rank and therefore a place will not be offered. The child will be deemed not to have met the entry criteria.
Students will be ranked according to their total CEM score. The top 150 students on the final ranked list, who want a place at the school, will be offered a place providing they have achieved the eligible scoredetermined by the admissions panel.
So that you can have a good idea whether an application for a place in a grammar school may be successful, children are able to sit the selection test before the closing date for applications. This is called Testing before Preference. It means you will be provided with a guidance letter about the suitability of an application to the selective schools in Torbay before the deadline for submission of the Common Application Form on Wednesday 31st October 2018.
At this stage of the process this will not be an offer of a place at a selective school, it will simply give an indication of whether an application is likely to be successful.
The Guidance letters will be issued on Wednesday 17thOctober2018and parents must then apply for a school place using a Common Application Form from the Local Authority in which they live (deadline Wednesday 31stOctober 2018). They can make up to three ranked preferences.
At the conclusion of the allocation process the Local Authority will be sent a ranked list of the children. Parents of successful candidates will be informed in the first instance by the Local Authority on National Allocation day (1stMarch2019) and then by letter from the school. The scores of the successful candidates will not be revealed.
Parents have the right to appeal against this decision to an Independent Panel, whose decision is binding on the parents and the school.
Application should be made to the Democratic Services Department of Torbay Local Authority. The School can assist with contact information.
Tuesday 26thJune 2018Thursday6th September 2018 / Open Day and Evening at the School.
Open Evening at the School.
Friday7thSeptember 2018 / Deadline for receipt of the Test Registration Form by the School.
Saturday 15thSeptember 2018 / CEM tests 1 & 2.
Monday 24th September2018 / Test arranged for children unable to take the examinations on the 15th.
Wednesday17th October 2018 / Guidance letters sent to parents.(1st class post)
Tuesday 31st October 2018 / Deadline for receipt of the Common Application Form (CAF) by the LA.
December 2018 / Admissions Panel meets to determine the rank order of candidates.
Friday 1stMarch 2019 / Local Authority advises parents of results.
National Allocation Day
April 2019 / Deadline for parents to submit an Appeal Request to Torbay LA Democratic Services.
Summer Term 2019 / Independent Appeals Panel meets to discuss Parental Appeals.
You can make a request for admission after the normal round of admissions – after 31 August 2019. All In-Year admissions to the School will be made in line with Torbay’s In-Year Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. All girls seeking admission after the beginning of Year 7 must provide evidence of their academic ability. This will normally be by sitting entrance tests, except where evidence of a girl’s ability from another selective school is accepted. In Year testing takes place termly when required.
1.For Year 7 from ‘National Allocation Day’ to the end of the Autumn term of that year
After places have been allocated the 11+ results will form the waiting list until end of the Autumn term of the admission year. If places become available during this time the next girl on the list will be contacted and offered a place.
After this time girls who have satisfied the following criteria can apply for any places that become available.
2.Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9):
- Made demonstrable progress in National Curriculum subjects since leaving primary school in line with that achieved by girls already in the relevant year group at TGGS. This will assessed through selection tests in English, Maths and Cognitive Ability Testing.
The highest scoring student(s) who passes this exam suite will be offered a place.
3.Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11):
- Made demonstrable progress in National Curriculum subjects at Key Stage 4 in line with that achieved by girls already in the relevant year group at TGGS. This will assessed through selection tests in English, Maths and Cognitive Ability Testing.
The highest scoring student(s) who passes this exam suite will be offered a place.
Special arrangements for the tests will only be based on support a girl regularly receives in school. For example large-print test papers for visually impaired pupils, the use of magnifying aids, coloured filters, templates or the provision of a scribe to record the child’s answers. Special arrangement requests, including additional time to a maximum of 25%, will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. Special arrangements must not provide an unfair advantage over others. Requests for special arrangements should be made at the same time as a registration form is submitted and should be accompanied by a current Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Educational Needs) or Primary School SEND Support information. Each case will be considered on its own merit. A girl’s current school may be consulted. Eligible girls with a statement of Special Educational Need, where Torquay Girls’ Grammar School is named on the statement, have an entitlement to attend.
This should be in writing and sent to the Governors’ Admission Panel outlining the reasons for the request and have the backing of the applicants’ Primary School. Each request will be considered on its own merits.
For ties in both 150th place in Year 7 and in the late admissions tests the order of priority will be:
- A child in care or an adopted child.
- Children Eligible for the Pupil Premium at the time of the test.
- Children of staff working at the school at the time of the test (subject to meeting the criteria in the Admissions Code).
- A girl with a sister at the school.
- By direct line distance from home to the school at the time of application.
This policy details the admission arrangements for our school and should be read in conjunction with the Secondary and In-Year Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes and other agreed policies of Torbay Council, the Local Authority (LA). All policies and procedures seek to comply with the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2014, the School Admissions Appeals Code 2012 and other relevant legislation.