Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society

Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda/Minutes

March, 2007


8787 East Scottsdale, AZ 86253

Time: 5:30 – 6:15 Board meeting – members are welcome

Membership Business Meeting and dinner 6:15p – 7:30pm

Program will begin Immediately Following


Ex officio:
Chris Ehlenbeck RN, MSN, OCN Mayo / Nominating Committee
Dolores Rivera, RN
President: 2007:
Denice Gibson, RN, MSN, AOCNS BGSMC / Programs Committee
Monica Ortega-Watters, RN BDMC
President Elect 2008:
Patrice Welsh-Benjamin SHC / AzNa Liaison:
Kristen Derryberry
Treasurer: 2007
Jane O’Donnell, RN EXCUSED / Membership:
Brenda Keith, RN, MSN, AOCN Genentech
Treasurer Elect 2008
Avida Amado, RN / Webmaster:
Karen Barden, RN, OCN
Barbara Harvey, RN, OCN VA / Historian:
Director at Large:
Linda Alsvig

Board Meeting Agenda

  1. Approval of the meeting minutes from March 8, 2007
  2. Committee Reports
  3. Treasurer (Jane O’Donnell)
  4. Account was changed over. Fees waived by the bank on savings account. There is a total of $11,938.93 combined in the checking and savings accounts.
  5. Membership (Brenda Keith) Renewal letters will go out in April to those who need to renew this year.
  6. Programs (Monica Ortega-Watters)Absent. It was announced that the March 22 program flyer had just been sent out.
  7. Director at Large (Linda Alsvig) Absent. Denice forwarded a contact from the Leukemia Lymphoma society
  8. Old Business
  9. Fundraising
  10. T-shirts
  11. Discuss design Denice will bring samples next month from a catalog.
  12. Clinical Questions –
  13. Define the process
  14. 3 X 5 Cards Idea is to have members write questions on cards and talk about 1 or 2 at the next month’s meeting. They will also be put on the PONS website. Kristen Derryberry will bring the cards in April
  15. Who will do April’s MeetingDenice will do April’s meeting
  16. Mentor Weekend at ONS – Patrice unable to attend – should we send someone else?

General Session Agenda

  1. Introduction Who you are?, Who are you affiliated with? What brought you to PONS?
  2. Board
  3. Membership
  4. 2007 Goals
  5. Announcements
  6. ONS in 32nd Annual Congress ---- April 24-27, 2007 • Las Vegas, NV The ONS chapter in Las Vegas will be stuffing bags as a giveaway. They only have 50 members and will need help to stuff bags. Information will be posted on the PONS website as to whom to contact if any one of our members can help out that Chapter. It is expected that there will be 10,000 nurses attending this year’s Congress.
  7. Handouts available
  8. Money out ---- Money In
  9. Reminded members that there is an increase in PONS dues to $30.00 a year or $55.00 every two years.
  10. Fundraising – ideas One idea suggested was to have a drug company donate an oncology nursing textbook as a raffle prize.
  11. Get involved
  12. Recruiting for 2007 – Would you like to be a historian?
  13. Recruiting for 2008 – Would you like to get involved?
  14. President –elect
  15. Treasurer – elect
  16. Secretary
  17. ? Hisorian
  18. Plans for 2007
  19. May – Oncology Nurse Appreciation month
  20. May 10th Barbara Harvey – Oncology Nursing in China
  21. PONS is planning this meeting – CEU’s and an educational grant to support the dinner
  22. Would we like to do anything special that night to celebrate ourselves for the awesome job we do?
  23. September 13th – suggestions for a topic and a member to present
  24. Who would like to work on the committed for CEU’s and educational grant

VII. The Leukemia/Lymphoma Society is asking for our help at their annual “Light the Night” event to be held this Fall.