Review Sheet for Test on the French Revolution, pages 164-168 & Chapter 7


- Louis XIV - Louis XVI - Marie Antoinette - Maximilien Robespierre

- Napoleon Bonaparte - Horatio Nelson - Duke of Wellington - Klemens von Metternich


- Palace of Versailles - Sun King - Old Regime - First/Second/Third Estate

- bourgeoisie - Estates General - National Assembly - Tennis Court Oath

- Great Fear - Women’s March on Versailles - Declaration of the Rights of Man & the Citizen - Constitution of 1791 - La Marsellaise - “Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity” - National Convention - Jacobins - guillotine - Reign of Terror - Napoleonic Code

- Continental System - guerilla warfare - scorched-earth policy - Battle of Waterloo

- Louisiana Territory - Congress of Vienna


Ø  compare/contrast Louis XIV & Louis XVI (& know their #s in Roman numerals!!!)

Ø  list & explain the long term causes of French Revolution

Ø  3 Estates à who made up each, % of population, view of Enlightenment, & paying of taxes?

Ø  What was the role of the common people in the events of the French Revolution? What did they do once they decided “We’re not gonna take it anymore!”

Ø  What was the FIRST DELIBERATE ACT of the French Revolution?

Ø  Why does France celebrate Bastille Day today? What date (m/d/y) does it commemorate as the SYMBOLIC start of the French Revolution?

Ø  How did seating in France’s Legislative Assembly influence modern political terms?

Ø  How did each of the following influence/affect the French monarchy: Old Regime,

National Assembly (with the Constitution of 1791), National Convention

Ø  Napoleon’s accomplishments & failures (especially what happened in Russia)

Ø  What role did the following islands play in Napoleon’s life: Corsica, Elba, St. Helena?

Ø  How was Europe different after the French Revolution?

Ø  sequence events & leaders in chronological order

Ø  dates: storming of the Bastille (m/d/y), year Napoleon invaded Russia (year), French Revolution (yrs.)

HISTORICAL IDENTIFICATION à Be able to thoroughly define/identify the following:

Who or what was it?, Where did it take place/Where was the person from?, When did the person live/When was it?, & Why is the term/person historically significant?

- Old Regime - Storming of the Bastille - Reign of Terror - Congress of Vienna

Who Done It? Name the person who… (names may be used more than once)

1.  most powerful monarch in French (& European) history

2.  hated for the line “Let them eat cake.” (probably never said it)

3.  defeated Napoleon at Waterloo

4.  defeated Napoleon in two naval battles

5.  Emperor – but never king - of France

6.  responsible for the Reign of Terror ‘til he lost his own head

7.  last king to have absolute power in France

8.  created HUGE French empire in Europe & a law code;

should never had invaded Russia

9.  the Sun King who built the Palace of Versailles

10. Austrian Foreign Minister who redrew the map of Europe at the Congress of Vienna

Sequence (first to last/oldest to most recent) the following events or leaders

(you don’t need to have dates memorized for this)

11. Tennis Court Oath / Reign of Terror / France became constitutional monarchy

12. storming of the Bastille / Battle of Waterloo / Old Regime

13. Louis XVI / Maximilien Robespierre / Louis XIV / Napoleon

What are the following terms & how are they connected to one another?

14. Corsica / Elba / St. Helena

15. Estates General / Third Estate / National Assembly / Tennis Court Oath

16. National Convention / Robespierre / Reign of Terror

17. Napoleon / Waterloo / Congress of Vienna

18. National Assembly / Declaration of the Rights of Man / “Liberty, Equality, &


19. Louis XIV / Palace of Versailles / Old Regime

20. Storming of the Bastille / Great Fear / women march on Versailles

Compare/Contrast Louis XIV & XVI