Version 1.0 (rel 10/27/2010)
Instructor Quick Start Guide
Getting Started:
- Registration:
- All new instructors must register for access to the CTC EdCenter Web Application.
- Registration URL:
- Initial Instructor Configuration
- Managing your profile:
- Once you have registered for access to the CTC EdCenter, browse to the main access page for your CTC:
- Enter your created login & password and proceed to the main page
- Click on “Edit Profile” on the left column
- This section of the site will allow you to manage the following:
Your Name, Address, City, State & Zip Code
Your Email Address, Phone Number & Password
Your Instructor Refund Policy (see online registration below)
Your API settings (see online registration below)
View your assigned Training Sites
Edit & Maintain your Instructor and Professional Qualifications
- Registering A Course
- Click Instructor Area
- If you have not created a Training Location:
- Click ‘Register New Location’
Fill-in all pink fields and click submit
- This only needs to be done once per Location
- Click ‘Register New Course’
- Fill-in all pink fields at a minimum
- Your assistant instructors can be added later
- Online Registration:
- If you wish to offer the ability for students to enroll in your course through the web, click ‘Online Registration’
- Enter the cost for your course
Students will have the ability to notify you of their payment during the online registration process. If you wish to accept credit card payments during the student registration process, you will need to sign up for a Authorize.Net merchant account. Contact our support department –
for assistance with this process
- Click ‘Submit’ to complete the course registration process
(CTC EdCenter Instructor Quick Start Guide – Cont)
- Viewing/Managing/Enrolling your courses
- Click ‘List/Edit Your Courses’ from the ‘Instructor Area’ menu
- This page will list all the details/status’ of your registered courses
- The course number is used for the Online Registration of students
If you did not opt for ‘Online Registration’ you can edit your course (right side of page) and update the checkbox at the bottom of the page.
Students will register through the CTC EdCenter using the course number. Be sure to put the web address for the CTC EdCenter and the course number on any marketing material or flyers you distribute.
- Registration URL:
The ‘Refund Policy’ that you edit under ‘Edit Profile’ is shown during the Online Registration Process.
- On the right column you can Enroll Students in your selected course.
NOTE: All pink fields are required on the page. You can also track the students cost for the course, payment method and pre-payment status. The CTC does not access this information. The cost/payment information is listed on the Instructors version of the roster, not the final roster submitted to the CTC.
- Managing you Roster
- Click ‘Edit/View Roster’ in the right column of the course
Scores can be updated through the ‘Edit/View Roster’ page
- Enter scores as a number – 80, 85, etc…
- Enter scores as Pass / Fail – P or F
If students are on the roster as an error, they can be removed from the roster using the ‘Remove’ button
If students do not attend the training they are registered for, they can be marked as Not Attending using the ‘D.N.A.’ button
If there are no students enrolled in the course, the course can be removed from the system by clicking the button labeled ‘Remove Course’
Once scores are updated, and the roster is complete, click the button labeled ‘Course Complete – Send to CTC’. This will send the roster to the CTC for processing. You will be unable to edit the roster from this point.
- NOTE: This course will change to the color ‘BLUE’ on the ‘List/Edit Your Courses’ page to show that the course is being processed. Once the roster has been processed by your CTC and the certificates/cards/etc have been processed, this course will then change to ‘GREEN’ and you will be notified via email that the course processing is complete.
- The course will turn ‘PINK’ if the start and end dates of the course has passed. When the course is ‘PINK’ students are no longer allowed to be enrolled into the course.
- The course will become ‘YELLOW’ when the course start date has passed but the end date has not passed yet. All features for managing the course are still available while the course is ‘YELLOW’