Changing Campus Culture Climate Survey Tip Sheet

Ways to Promote the Changing Campus Culture Climate Survey:

1)  Find out where students gather and spend leisure time together most often. This could be the student union building, food court/cafeterias, library, local bookstore, or local restaurants, etc. Put up posters or display flyers at these locations.

2)  Determine what most students like to do outside of the classroom. This could be attending sporting events, shopping at local stores, going to concerts, or volunteering for local organizations. See if these locations would be willing to make announcements or share information about the survey.

3)  Make a list of the most popular on campus events or activities and market at those events. This could include homecoming, new student welcome day, sports events, etc.

4)  Use social media and online outlets to promote the survey. This could include the school Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts as well as the school newspaper or email alerts to students.

5)  Partner with students majoring in art or graphic design and have a cool image created to promote the survey in an eye-catching way.

6)  Make sure your school logo is on all marketing materials to show the schools support for the survey.

7)  Talk to Deans, Provosts, and Department Chairs to encourage them to market the Campus Climate Survey to their staff and to demonstrate that they support the survey & will use the results to improve campus culture.---Have the President, Deans, Department Chairs & Mascots take pics of themselves taking the Campus Climate Survey & include a cool quote & how important it is to do!

8)  Talk with student leaders and ask them to be ambassadors to their friends in promoting the Campus Climate Survey—have them take pics of themselves completing the survey and snap them to their friends.

Methods for Promoting to Students:

·  Emails

·  Social media: Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, Periscope, etc.

·  Student & faculty newsletters and email blasts

·  Flyers, posters, table tents, and bulletin boards around campus

·  Campus marquis and electronic billboards that promote the Campus Climate Survey

·  Marketing at local restaurants and bars who support the survey

·  Resident hall marketing

·  Word of mouth through clubs and organizations

·  Reminder cards passed out on campus

·  Posting the survey on the college website

·  Announcements during faculty & staff meetings

·  Announcements in classrooms by faculty, teaching assistants, graduate assistants