Year 1 Amazing Africa

*African Sunset silhouette art
- know primary and secondary colours,
- describe and give opinions on what I see,
- create moods
- use pencils to create different lines of thickness. / Key Questions:
*Where is Africa?
* What is the weather like in Africa?
*Can we name human and physical features of Africa?
*Can we compare similarities and differences between Stafford and Kenya
*Can we talk about an African animal in detail? / English
Reading a variety of African stories: Handa’s Surprise, Handa’s Hen, Bringing The Rain to Kapiti , Mama Panya's Pancakes as well as African folk tales.
Talk about these stories, sequence and retell and make predictions about characters.
Use information texts to retrieve information about Africa and African animals.
Write instructions to make pancakes. / History Targets:
I can use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago.
I can recognise that some objects belonged to the past.
I can explain how I have changed since I was born.
I can explain how some people have helped us to have better lives.
I can ask and answer questions about old and new objects.
I can spot old and new things in a picture.
I can explain what an object from the past might have been used for.
Design Technology:
*African Masks –
- use my own ideas
- explain how I want to make my mask
plan my mask
-choose and use appropriate resources and tools. / Geography:
Finding out about Africa –
- explain about hot and cold places -what you would wear,
-explain what the weather is like
- use maps to locate Africa
-Compare Tanzania and Stafford
Additional Links:
* Unicef Martin Luther King Day Article 1,2,42 (15th Jan)
* Safer Internet Day (5th Feb)
* Chinese New Year (12th Feb)
* Jigsaw – Dreams and Goals
Create a series of instructions
Use technology safely
Home Learning
English-African holiday writing
Maths – capacity – rain survey
Science-Animal fact file
Geography-African country fact file and map
Music- African music
Art/DT-draw/paint African animal
Project-make a habitat for chosen African animal / Science:
Humans and Animals
-name a variety of animals and sort them into categories fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals,
- sort animals by what they eat
- name the parts of the body
- link body parts to each sense / Maths
Time – flight times
Weight – measuring ingredients
½ and ¼ turns – directions
More than/less than
Multiplication and division / Geography Targets:
*I can keep a weather chart and answer questions about the weather.
I can explain where I live and tell someone my address.
I can explain some of the main things that are in hot and cold places.
I can explain the clothes that I would wear in hot and cold places.
I can explain how the weather changes throughout the year and name the seasons.
I can name the four countries in the United Kingdom and locate them on a map.
I can name some of the main towns and cities in the United Kingdom.
Explain about hot and cold places - what you would wear and what the weather is like
Use maps to locate places in the UK and Africa
Listen to, explore and make African music
-use my voice and instruments to perform
- make rhythmic patterns and a sequence of sounds. / Special Events/Visits:
Supermarket visit
African Day