AP US History Name______Period______


34 / Study Guide / Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War
Terms and Names: Define each term with complete sentences, using your own words
A.  Tripartite Pact
B.  Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937
C.  General Francisco Franco
D.  Munich Pact / ”Appeasement”
E.  Hitler-Stalin Pact / F.  Neutrality Act of 1939 / “cash-and-carry”
G.  Winston Churchill
H.  Havana Conference of 1940
I.  America First Committee
J.  Atlantic Conference

Short Answer: Carefully answer each question in paragraph form or bullet points with detail, using information from the text. It is best if you can put it in your own words.

1.  Describe how the collapse of the London Economic Conference contributed to the future international crises of the 1930’s.

2.  What motivated President Roosevelt to give diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union?

3.  How did FDR’s “Good Neighbor Policy” reflect what was going on internationally in the early 1930’s? How did it mark a departure from earlier American Policies?

4.  List the totalitarian leaders of the 1930’s. Why was Adolf Hitler was seen as the most dangerous?

5.  Describe how Germany and Japan dealt with the peace organizations and treaties of the post World War I period.

6.  Describe the failures of the League of Nations to stop fascist aggression.

7.  How did Gerald Nye and other Senators view America’s involvement in World War I?

8.  Describe the impact of the early Neutrality Acts (1935-1937).

9.  What were ramifications of America’s refusal to aid the Loyalist government in the Spanish Civil War?

10.  Describe FDR’s “Quarantine Speech”, and public reaction to it.

11.  How did overseas demand for war goods impact America’s economy toward the end of the 1930’s?

12.  Describe Hitler’s advance through Europe following the fall of Poland in late 1939 and early 1940.

13.  How did FDR and many Americans react to the fall of France in June 1940?

14.  Discuss the impact of the Battle of Britain on American foreign policy. What steps were taken to aide Britain?

15.  Describe the issues in the election of 1940, and account for FDR’s victory in that election.

16.  Discuss the praise and criticism, and impact of the Lend-Lease Bill, and explain the term “arsenal of democracy.”

17.  Explain the importance of the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union in 1941.

18.  List the points included in the Atlantic Charter, and describe the different reactions to it.

19.  Describe the German attacks on American shipping in 1941, and explain the impact of those attacks on American public opinion.

20.  Connect Japan’s need for oil with the attack on Pearl Harbor. How did isolationists react to the attack?

21.  List the reasons (p.820) why the United States went to war in 1941. (Hint: It wasn’t just because of Pearl Harbor!)