NHMFramework Unit Planning Year 3 Spring Term
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section1
3 days / Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Reading numbers from scales / Know what each digit represents and partition three-digit numbers into a multiple of 100, a multiple of ten and ones (HTU).
Order whole numbers to at least 1000, and position them on a number line. / Numbers to 1000 /
- Place value, comparing and ordering
PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets7-9, 58-64
PVG, Shortcuts 1-3
Unit 2:
Numbers to 1000, then 10 000 / 14-17 / 3 / 3 / 8-13, 29-38
Day 1
/ Day 2 / Day 3 /Day 4
/Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 58More and less
Revising addition and subtraction of 100/10/1 /
Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000
TF 7-9
/Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000
TF 7-9
Main Teaching / 1 Hundreds, tens, units TF 59Introducing place value for 3-digit numbers /
2 Comparing TF 60-61
Comparing 3-digit numbers / 3 Ordering TF 62-63Ordering up to six 3-digit numbers
Core Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 60
2 Making and reading 3-digit numbers with place value cardsActivity Book pages 14-15 TF 63
/Pupil Activities TF 62
1 Using HTU notation boards2 Using HTU notation boards
Encourage pupils to explain their strategies for making the smallest/largest number.
Activity Book page 16 TF 64 /
Pupil Activity TF 63
1 Making 3-digit numbers from given digitsAllow the pupils to use notation boards to help them find all the numbers that can be made.
Activity Book page 17 TF 64
Support /
Pupil Activities TF 60
1 Making and reading 3-digit numbers with place value cardsWork with the pupils as one group, laying out the cards and asking pupils to say the numbers. /
Pupil Activities TF 62
1 Using HTU notation boards2 Using HTU notation boards
/Pupil Activity TF 63
1 Making 3-digit numbers from given digitsInitially ask the pupils to find only the largest and smallest numbers that can be made with their cards.
Extension /
Pupil Activities TF 60
2 Making and reading 3-digit numbers with place value cards
Ask pupils to write each number in words as well as saying it aloud. /Pupil Activities TF 62
1 Using HTU notation boards2 Using HTU notation boards
Use two sets of 0 – 9 number cardsEncourage pupils to explain their strategies for making the smallest/largest number. /
Pupil Activity TF 63
1 Making 3-digit numbers from given digitsAsk pupils to explain their strategies for finding all the numbers that can be made. Include 0 in the sets of cards.
/Follow-up for Activity Book
pages 14-15 TF 64
/Follow-up for Activity Book
page 16 TF 64
/Follow-up for Activity Book
page 17 TF 64
Home Activity 3
Check-up 3Additional notes
Extra Resources
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section2
5 days / Understanding + and –
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -)
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking results / Use knowledge that addition can be done in any order to do mental calculations more efficiently. For example: put the larger number first and count on; partition into tens and units, then recombine (e.g. 34 + 53 = 30 + 50 + 4 + 3).
Add mentally a 'near multiple of 10' to or from a two-digit number by adding 10, 20, 30 and adjusting.
Use known number facts and place value to add mentally.
Bridge through a multiple of 10, then adjust. / Addition to 100 /
- Addition of two-digit numbers
- Addition of two-digit numbers and single-digit/teens numbers, with bridging
TOOLBOXPUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
9-13, 96-107
NF, Shortcuts 2-3
NG, Shortcuts 1-2
Unit 5:
Addition to 100 / 7-9 / 7-12 / 6 / 5 / 16-17, 29-35, 39-40, 49
Day 1
/ Day 2 / Day 3 /Day 4
/Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 96Mental addition of 9 and 11 /
Specific Starter for Addition to 100
TF 9-13
/Specific Starter for Addition to 100
TF 9-13
/Tune-in TF 103
In the bagAdding a two-digit number and a single digit /
Specific Starter for Addition to 100
TF 9-13
Main Teaching / 1 100 square TF 97-98Mental addition of 21, 31, 41 … and 19, 29, 39 … /
2 Mental calculations TF 98-99
Addition of a two-digit number and a teens number3 Number line TF 99
Mental addition of two-digit numbers
Pupil Sheet 7
Adding two-digit numbers / 4 Tens and units TF 100
Mental addition of two-digit numbers
Pupil Sheet 8
Adding two-digit numbers / 1 Mental calculations TF 103-104
Adding a two-digit number and a single digit, with bridging / 2 Mental calculation TF 105
Adding a two-digit number and a teens number, with bridging
Core Activities /
Textbook page 7 TF 101
/Textbook page 8 TF 101
/Pupil Activity TF 101
1 Adding multiples of 5 to make 100Textbook pages 9-10 TF 102
/Pupil Activity TF 105
1 Pupil Sheet 9Adding a two-digit number and a single-digit/teens number, with bridging
Textbook page 11 TF 106 /
Pupil Activities TF 106
1 Addition game on a 100-square2 Pupil Sheet 9
Adding a two-digit number and a single-digit/teens number, with bridging
Textbook page 12 TF 106
Support /Textbook page 7 TF 101
Allow pupils to use a 100 square to find the answers. /Textbook page 8 TF 101
Allow pupils to use a blank number line to find their answers. /Pupil Activity TF 101
1 Adding multiples of 5 to make 100Give pupils cards less than 50 and ask them to say the number which must be added to theirs to make 50. /
Pupil Activity TF 105
1 Pupil Sheet 9Put numbers onto Pupil Sheet 9 that initially do not involve bridging then allow pupils to draw blank number lines for support.
/Pupil Activities TF 106
1 Addition game on a 100-squareBegin by giving the pupils a set of
1 – 9 cards and then move onto the teens cards
2 Pupil Sheet 9Extension /
Textbook page 7 TF 101
Ask pupils to time themselves to see how quickly they can complete the page. /Textbook page 8 TF 101
Give the pupils the total of all the answers on the page. Ask them to find the total of their answers and compare it to yours to find out if they have made any mistakes.
/Pupil Activity TF 101
1 Adding multiples of 5 to make 100Give pupils cards with ‘near’ multiples of 5, e.g. 36, 79, etc.
/Pupil Activity TF 105
1 Pupil Sheet 9Ask pupils to make their own set of questions and swap with a friend to answer.
/Pupil Activities TF 106
1 Addition game on a 100-squareUse number cards from 12 to 50. Ask pupils to explain the strategies they used for adding the numbers greater than 19.
Plenary /Follow-up for Textbook page 7
TF 102
/Discuss children’s work.
/Follow-up for Textbook pages 9-10
TF 102
Home Activity 6
Check-up 5 /Discuss children’s work.
/Follow-up for Textbook page 12
TF 107
Additional notesExtra Resources
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section3
5 days / Understanding + and –
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -)
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking results / Find a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number (e.g. 102 - 97).
Use known number facts and place value to subtract mentally.
Bridge through a multiple of 10, then adjust. / Subtraction to 100 /
- Subtracting a two-digit number
- Subtracting a single digit, bridging multiples of 10
PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets13-16, 133-143
Unit 7:
Subtraction to 100 / 17 / 24-28 / 9-10 / 9 / 14-15, 29-35, 39-40, 49
Day 1
/ Day 2 / Day 3 /Day 4
/Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 133-134Revising subtraction of a single digit or a ten from a two-digit number /
Specific Starter for Subtraction to 100
TF 13-16
/Tune-in TF 139
Round about 20Mental subtraction from 20-29 /
Specific Starter for Subtraction to 100
TF 13-16
/Specific Starter Linking addition and subtraction
TF 16
Main Teaching / 1 Subtracting a teens number from a two-digit numberTF 134 –135
Consolidation /
2 Subtracting a two-digit number from a two-digit number
TF 135-137
/ 1 Number lines TF 139-140Consolidating mental subtraction of single-digit numbers, bridging 20 / 2 More number lines TF 141-142
Mental subtraction of single-digit numbers, bridging multiples of 10 / Revise the different strategies the children have learnt for addition and subtraction in units 2 and 3.
Core Activities /
Textbook page 24 TF 138
/Pupil Activities TF 137
1 Pupil Sheet 17Two-digit number from a two-digit number
Textbook pages 25-26 TF 138 /
Textbook page 27 TF 142
/Pupil Activity TF 142
1 Subtracting single digits gameTextbook page 28
/Give each pair of children a set of
0 -100 cards and a set of 11 – 19 cards. Ask them to select a card from each pile and make an + and – calculation for their partner to answer.
Support /Textbook page 24 TF 138
Allow pupils to use a number line to help them find and record the answers. /Pupil Activities TF 137
2 Find the difference cardsUsing yellow cards between 40 and 60, work with the pupils and ask them to give their answers orally and explain how they found them.
/Textbook page 27TF 142
Allow pupils to use a number line to help them find and record the answers. /Pupil Activity TF 142
1 Subtracting single digits game
Give pupils twenty cards below 50 to work with. /Give each pair of children a set of
0 – 9 cards. Ask them to shuffle them and place them upside down. They take it in turns to select three cards and make one addition and one subtraction, e.g. 3, 4 and 9 could give 34 – 9 and 43 + 9. Their partner must find the answers.
Extension /Textbook page 24 TF 138
Ask pupils to time themselves to see how quickly they can complete the page. /Pupil Activities TF 137
2 Find the difference cards
/Textbook page 27TF 142
Give pupils the total of all the answers on the page. Ask them to find the total of their answers and compare it to yours to find out if they have made any mistakes. /Pupil Activity TF 142
1 Subtracting single digits game
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and time themselves to see how quickly they can answer the 20 questions. Repeat and see if they can improve their time. /As above, but give the pupils two sets of 0 – 9 cards and ask them to select four cards, e.g. 5, 4, 3 and 5 could give 55 – 43 and 45 + 35
Can they find all the possible + and – questions that can be made?Plenary /
Follow-up for Textbook page 24
TF 138
/Follow-up for Textbook pages
25-26 TF 138
Home Activity 9
Check-up 9
/Follow-up for Textbook page 27
TF 142
/Follow-up for Textbook page 28
TF 143
Home Activity 10 /Invite children to show some of the calculations they made and the strategies they used for solving them.
Additional notesExtra Resources
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section4
4 days / Shape and space
Reasoning about shapes
/ Read and begin to write the vocabulary related to position, direction and movement: for example, describe and find the position of a square on a grid of squares with the rows and columns labelled.Recognize and use the four compass directions N, S, E, W.
Make and describe right-angled turns including turns between the four compass points. / 2D Shape /
- Position, movement and angle
PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets2-5, 389-396
Unit 20:
Shape / 49-51 / 38-40 / 109-110 / 27-28
Day 1
/ Day 2 / Day 3 /Day 4
/Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 389-390Follow me
Revising clockwise/anti-clockwise movements /
Generic Starter TF 2-5
/Generic Starter TF 2-5
/Generic Starter TF 2-5
Main Teaching / 1 Find it TF 390-391Introducing grid references /
2 Right angles TF 391-393
/ 3 Where am I? TF 393-394Introducing the 4-point compass / 4 Follow my leader TF 394-395
Following/drawing pathways
Core Activities /
Pupil Activities TF 391
2 Pupil Sheet 49Grid references (four in a row game)
Activity Book page 38 TF 396
Textbook page 109 TF 396 /
Pupil Activity TF 393
1 Pupil Sheet 50AnglesActivity Book page 39 TF 396 /
Pupil Activities TF 394
1 Using a programmable toy2 Compass directions
Textbook page 110 TF 396
/Pupil Activity TF 395
1 Pupil Sheet 51Position and movement
Activity Book page 40 TF 396
Support /Pupil Activities TF 391
1 Pupil Sheet 49Grid references (first to five game)
/Pupil Activity TF 393
1 Pupil Sheet 50Angles
Allow children to use a right angle tester to help them label the angles.
/Pupil Activities TF 394
2 Compass directions /Pupil Activity TF 395
1 Pupil Sheet 51Position and movement
Draw simple paths for the children in the second section and ask them for the directions.
Extension /Pupil Activities TF 391
2 Pupil Sheet 49Grid references (four in a row game)
Ask the pupils to explain the strategies they used to try and win.
/Pupil Activity TF 393
1 Pupil Sheet 50Angles
Ask pupils to make their own angles pictures and swap with a friend to label them.
/Pupil Activities TF 394
1 Using a programmable toyAsk the children to link more than one turn together.
/Pupil Activity TF 395
1 Pupil Sheet 51Position and movement
Ask pupils to make their own maps on squared paper and draw on paths. Swap with a friend and write the directions for each path.
Plenary /Follow-up for Activity Book page 38 and Textbook page 109 TF 396
/Discuss children’s work.
/Follow-up for Textbook page 110 TF 396
/Follow-up for Activity Book
page 40 TF 396
Additional notesExtra Resources
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section5
5 days / Measure, and time, including problems / Read and begin to write the vocabulary related to time.
Use units of time and know the relationships between them (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year). Suggest suitable units to estimate or measure time.
Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40. / Measure /
- Time: o’clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to
- Time: minutes past/to the hour
TOOLBOX / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets31-33, 347-362
Clock, Shortcuts 1-4 / 43-44 / 34-35 / 98-102 / 26 / 25-26 / 23, 50-52
Day 1
/ Day 2 / Day 3 /Day 4
/Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 347-348Revising ‘o’clock’, ‘quarter past’, ‘half past’ and ‘quarter to’ /
Specific Starter for Time TF 31-33
/Tune-in TF 354-355
Linking ‘quarter past’, ‘half past’ and ‘quarter to’ with minutes past/to /Specific Starter for Time TF 31-33
/Specific Starter for TimeTF 31-33
Main Teaching / 1 Writing times TF 349Writing, for example, ‘quarter past 2’
2 Writing times in a new way
TF 349-350Writing, for example, 2.15 /
3 Ordering times TF 350-351
4 Introducing am and pm
TF 351-352 / 1 Times past the hour in 5 minute intervals TF 356-357Using analogue displays2 Times to the hour in 5 minute intervals TF 357
Using analogue displays /
3 Times to and past the hour
TF 358-359
Using digital displays / 4 Writing times TF 360-361Using notation such as 9.05 for times in 5 minute intervals
Core Activities /
Pupil Activity TF 351
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Textbook page 98
/ Textbook page 99 TF 353Textbook page 100 TF 353 /Pupil Activity TF 358
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times templateActivity Book page 34 TF 362 /
Pupil Activity TF 360
1 Pupil Sheet 44Minutes past and to (digital)
Activity Book page 35 TF 362 /
Pupil Activity TF 361
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Textbook pages 101-102 TF 362Support /
Pupil Activity TF 351
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Ask the pupils to answer the questions orally first then record their answers in written notation.
/ Textbook page 99 TF 353Textbook page 100 TF 353Give pupils a clock face to help them answer the questions. /
Pupil Activity TF 358
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Write all the times on pieces of card. Ask the pupils to match the times to the clocks. /Pupil Activity TF 360
1 Pupil Sheet 44Minutes past and to (digital)
Give the pupils a clock face. Ask them to show each time on the face first and then record their answers.
/Pupil Activity TF 361
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Write all the times down the side of the sheet. Ask the pupils to match the times to the clocks.
Extension /Pupil Activity TF 351
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Once the sheet is completed, ask the pupils to order the times starting with the earliest.
/ Textbook page 99 TF 353Textbook page 100 TF 353Ask the pupils to make a plan of a typical school day with pictures and times like q1. /
Pupil Activity TF 358
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
Give pupils blank sheets. Ask them to draw on the hands and swap with a partner to label. /Pupil Activity TF 360
1 Pupil Sheet 44Minutes past and to (digital)
Once the sheet is completed, ask the pupils to order the times starting with the earliest.
/Pupil Activity TF 361
1 Pupil Sheet 43Writing times template
For each time ask pupils to write down one thing they might be doing at that time if it were a typical day.
Plenary /Show flashcards of times written in the two different ways. Invite children to write on the board the other way for each card.
/Follow-up for Textbook pages
99-100 TF 353
Check-up 25
/Revise times in 5 minute intervals past and to the hour.
/Revise digital times in 5 minute intervals past and to the hour.
/Follow-up for Textbook pages
101-102 TF 362
Home Activity 26
Check-up 26Additional notes
Extra Resources
Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section6
4 days /
Measure, including problems
/ Read and begin to write the vocabulary related to mass.Measure and compare using standard units (kg, g).
Know the relationships between kilograms and grams.
Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length, mass or capacity.
Read scales to the nearest division (labelled or unlabelled). Record estimates and measurements to the nearest whole or half unit (e.g. 'about 3.5kg'), or in mixed units (e.g. '3kg and 500g'). / Measure /
- Weight
PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets2-5, 316-321
Unit 18:
Measure / 86-88
Day 1