Governor’s Advisory Council on the Blind

Minutes September 7, 2007

Belmont Hall

Smyrna, DE

Members Present: Margaret McBride, Audrey Markel, Deborah Yancey, Lloyd Schmitz, David Whitt,

Absent: Douglas Salter, Jack Turner

Also Present: Cynthia Lovell, DVI Director

Kathie Oberholtzer, Secretary

Jack Holloway, Community Outreach Coordinator

Welcome / Mrs. McBride welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Roll Call / Roll Call took place. / Mr. Turner and Mr. Salter were absent from the meeting. Mrs. Yancey would be arriving late.
Minutes of the previous meeting / Mrs. McBride asked if anyone had corrections/additions to the May minutes. / Mr. Schmitz motioned that the minutes be accepted as written. Mrs. Markel seconded. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report / Mrs. Lovell read the Director’s Report.
Mr. Schmitz asked why the Insurance Commissioner toured DIB. / RESPONSE: Matt Denn scheduled and attended a tour of the DIB facility on June 21st and learned about the availability of promotional products.
Mr. Schmitz asked Mrs. Lovell if she was successful in amending Title 16 §9603 of the Delaware Code. / RESPONSE: Senate Bill 76 was signed by the Governor allowing the State Use Commission to establish a quorum using teleconferencing.
Mrs. McBride asked why Sussex County has a larger wait list than Kent and New Castle County. / RESPONSE: Sussex is geographically large and DVI has fewer staff in Sussex County than New Castle. Staff continues to work on the wait lists in all three counties.
Mr. Schmitz asked if the ILAC committee had comments on the contract development and restructuring. / RESPONSE: Yes
Old Business / 1. Public Service Announcements / DVI continues to work on PSA’s. Mrs. Lovell briefly touched on several other outreach methods which are noted in the Director’s Report.
2. Chris Barrish Investigation / Delaware Online article was distributed. No questions were asked.
New Business / 1. Waivers / Mrs. Lovell reported an increase in state agency interest in as well as waiver requests for DIB promotional products. Mrs. Lovell is working on a formal process with the manager of DIB. Once the procedure is approved by the State Use Law Commission it will be posted on DVI’s website.
2. Budget / DVI is in the beginning stages of preparing its budget request for State Fiscal Year 2009. The agency’s initial focus is on infrastructure needs such as supports for technology, consumer services, reducing dependency on federal funding and cosmetic enhancements for our facilities.
Mr. Schmitz asked if there would be position upgrades within DVI. / Recently an Admin Specialist position was reclassified to Employment Specialist.
Outreach/Communications Coordinator / Mr. Jack Holloway, DVI’s Communications Coordinator presented to council a tentative calendar of events for the Centennial Celebration and a draft Centennial Plan. / Mr. Holloway asked council to review the handouts and identify role/roles which council can participate and be part of the success of this momentous event. Discussion took place and it was agreed that each member will e-mail Mrs. Lovell with a courtesy copy to Mr. Holloway of their ideas and availability.
Mr. Schmitz asked if there was a proposed budget for the centennial celebration. / RESPONSE: There is no appropriated budget for the centennial celebration. Part of the planning process includes developing a budget for various activities and options for funding same.
Mr. Schmitz asked if DVI has the right to solicit donations. / RESPONSE: The Deputy Attorney General is looking at the limitations for fund raising. Mrs. Lovell will share the final word once she hears from the DAG.
A suggestion was made to have the Lions Club perform eye screenings throughout the state.
Another suggestion was to hire a professional fund raiser.
Mr. Schmitz made s suggestion to contact Dr. Marra of the National Federation for the Blind as a guest speaker. Other speakers include Roy Gizzard and Ollie Cantos.
Mr. Schmitz asked if DVI accepts eye reports from each and every Ophthalmologist. / RESPONSE: DVI currently contracts with three Low Vision Specialists.
Mrs. Markel made the motion that the meeting come to an end. Mr. Schmitz seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
Next Meeting / October 5, 2007
Milford State Service Center
The Walnut Street Building
18 N. Walnut Street
Milford, DE 19963
Kathie Oberholtzer