Exemplar Questions for a Parent Survey

  1. Which class is your child currently in?


  1. Do you and your child have access to a computer at home?

Parent: Yes/No

Child: Yes/No

  1. Do you have internet access at home?


  1. If your child uses a computer, where is the computer located?

A public area of the home/ The child’s bedroom/ A less supervised area of the home

  1. How often does your child use the computer?


  1. How does your child use ICT at home?(Please select all that apply)
    video games/web browsing/blogging/research/homework/social networking/instant chat/music/shopping/other
  1. What devices does your child use to surf the internet?

Computer/laptop/tablet/mobile phone/iPod/games console/other

  1. Are you involved when your child is accessing the internet?


  1. Do you discuss how to stay safe online with your child?

Frequently/Sometimes/Rarely/Never/Don’t feel confident to discuss

  1. If your child needed help with their ICT homework, would you feel confident helping them?


  1. Who do you think knows more about technology, yourself or your child?

Myself/My child/Mixture of both

  1. How often does your child log in to our school Learning Platform?

I don’t know what that is/My child logs in regularly and contributes/My child logs in once or twice a week/My child rarely logs in/ It doesn’t work on our home computer

  1. Would you like more information on the Learning Platform and how this is used in and out of school?


  1. How important do you think ICT (Information Communication Technology) is to your child/children's learning?

Very important/Important/Some importance/No importance

  1. Do you think (insert school name) provides enough ICT opportunities for your child?

Yes, definitely/ Yes, but I would like to see even more/No/ I do not feel that this is important

  1. Which ICT skills do you feel are the most important for children to learn?

Word processing/programming/presentations/control using ICT/creative ICT like videos and photography/ website design

  1. Have you visited the school website, (insert school website address)?


  1. What specific things do you look at on the school website?
  1. What specific things would you like to see on the school website in the future?
  1. How would you prefer the school newsletter to be sent?

Paper copy given to my child/ Sent by email to my inbox/Put on school website

  1. How would you prefer school trip letters to be sent?

Paper copy given to my child/ Sent by email to my inbox/Put on school website

  1. Would you give your email address to the school for information to be sent by email?

Yes, my email address is:

No thank you

  1. Would you attend a parent information meeting about e-safety at school?

Yes, definitely/Yes, depending on timing/No, don’t feel it is necessary/No, I find out information about e-safety from other sources

  1. Do you have any special skill related to ICT that you would be interested in sharing with the children and staff?
  1. Thank you for participating in this survey. Please add any other comments you have about ICT at our school.

Brett Laniosh – Catshill Learning Partnerships -