The minutes of Lezayre Parish Commissioners meeting held on Thursday 5th January 2012, at 7.00pm, The Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre.

Members present:Mr C W Roberts (Chairman), Mrs. V A Quane (Vice Chairman), and Mr K Brew and Mr A D Radcliffe. Mrs. M Rimmer the Clerk took the minutes. No members of the publicor press attended.

Matters arising from the minutes

The members and the clerk expressed their condolences to Mrs Quane for the very sad loss of her husband. Mr Roberts spoke of Mr Finlo Quane pointing out his commitment to the Lezayre Parish Commissioners for many years. He asked for all present to stand in silence for 1 minute.

Mrs Quane enquired if the sign had been replaced on the Bayr Ny Hayrey Road. The clerk advised that as far as she was aware this was all fixed now.

The clerk was asked to arrange with the caretaker that the Parish Sign is moved to its correct place at Quarry Bends.

The clerk advised the members that the matter of the drains on the land to the rear of the Ginger Hall was in the process of being dealt with. Chris Penketh of Penketh Millar had contacted the land owner Mr Sweeney advising him of this problem. The drains belong to the Ginger Hall Hotel, and Mr Sweeney will make contact to arrange access for repairs to be carried out.

It was noted that the A3 between St Judes Road and the Claddagh Road will be closed from the 16th January 2012 for drain maintenance. The Commissioners felt that Government should talk to the landowners when they are carrying out work that may affect them. Mr Roberts proposed and Mrs Quane seconded that the Commissioners write to the Water Authority asking them for details of work that is to be carried out to the drains under this section of the road.

The clerk advised that she had spoke with Mr Cowie of the MEA with regard to the MEA pole on the lane opposite Ballacaley Road. Mr Cowie advised that the problem of visibility when exiting this lane had been looked at previously and to have the pole moved was very expensive. He was sure a mirror was in place. Mr Roberts advised that there is not a mirror in place and that the clerk should make Mr Cowie aware that there is no mirror.

The clerk advised that she had received a reply from the Department of Social Care in relation to the enquiry regarding two possible sites for sheltered housing in the SulbyVillage. Field off Kella Road. Not zoned for development. Could be changed as part of the Northern Area Plan. Land to the rear of the Community Hall. This site could be looked at by the department by way of a preliminary decision study. Mr Radcliffe declared an interest as the owner of the other site, but wished to say that it is not very often that there is a hall with land. There might be a need in the future for the community. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Teare MHK to obtain numbers of people who have an interest in sheltered housing in the village. The Commissioners agreed that the study be undertaken to see the outcome.


Isle of Man Government

Department of Infrastructure - Invitation to the opening of the Northern Civic Amenity Site 20th January 2012 at 10am. The clerk was asked to advise that 2 members would attend with a third possible.

Electoral Registration Officer – revisions to the Register of Electors East and West. Noted

Chief Secretary’s Office – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012. Has correspondence been received in relation to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacon Event.? The clerk advised that she had not received any correspondence and would advise accordingly.

Invitation to Holocaust Memorial Day Service 29th Jan 2012. No one attending

Marine Spatial Planning Project Officer – DONG Outer Solway Feasibility Study. The clerk was asked to obtain more information regarding this study.

Borough of Douglas – Appointment of Assistant Chief Officer Peter Pierce. Noted

Fields in Trust – The Queens Elizabeth II Fields Challenge. Noted

Long and Humphrey – Advise change of ownership of The Moar Glen Auldyn. The clerk was asked to obtain a map to show the area concerned.

Mr Morris – Newsletter 61 62 Noted

Any other business

SulbyPrimary School Reply letter in relation to arranging meeting between Commissioners and pupils to engage with them. Mr Roberts asked the clerk to reply giving his email address and home phone number.

Department of Infrastructure – Northern Traffic Management Liaison Group next meeting to be held 17.01.12 in RamseyTown Hall. The clerk advised that the point raised at the last meeting concerning the speed of traffic from Quarry bends had been added to the agenda.

The Commissioners agreed to meet on Saturday the 21st January 2012 at 10am to further the plans for the Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

The clerk was asked to write to the Kella Mill and Caley Stores to thank them for allowing the Christmas trees to be sited and for the use of electricity during the festive season.

The clerk was asked to write to the DOT with regard to the many bollards that have been placed on the Ballacaley Road. Who has requested them? Whose authority. Mr Roberts Proposed, Mrs Quane seconded.

The next meeting was arranged for 2nd February 2012 in the Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre at 7pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at7.35pm

Signed Chairman Date